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Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:52 pm
by Dealey Joe
Bob Fox is a phenomena, one of the worlds most dedicated sports writer, Always speaks the truth as he sees it.Has a large following with his sports writings because of his tremendous knowledge of football and the world around it.Possibly knows more about the Bush clan as anyone, knows how to seek out the important facts about times and events. I think those like Len Osanic ect. just don't understand how to get the real story from Bob, Seems like they are more interested in their own agenda's but that may not be fully true.I wish Bob could find the time to make a DVD of his knowledge especially about the Bush Dynasty bringing it up to JFK and to the current. There are also other members of our forum who are stars in the field of JFK research.A meeting of all these people would put the Lancer and COPA groups to shame.Just dreaming I guess?


Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:19 pm
by Bob
Dealey Joe wrote:Bob Fox is a phenomena, one of the worlds most dedicated sports writer, Always speaks the truth as he sees it.Has a large following with his sports writings because of his tremendous knowledge of football and the world around it.Possibly knows more about the Bush clan as anyone, knows how to seek out the important facts about times and events. I think those like Len Osanic ect. just don't understand how to get the real story from Bob, Seems like they are more interested in their own agenda's but that may not be fully true.I wish Bob could find the time to make a DVD of his knowledge especially about the Bush Dynasty bringing it up to JFK and to the current. There are also other members of our forum who are stars in the field of JFK research.A meeting of all these people would put the Lancer and COPA groups to shame.Just dreaming I guess?Thanks for the very kind words, Joe. I'm just a member of a great team in this forum. You are one of the stars that you mention above. Nobody...I mean nobody...knows Oak Cliff like you do. That area is a KEY piece of the JFK assassination puzzle.I'm a bit preoccupied, as the Wisconsin Badgers play for the NCAA national basketball title versus the Duke Blue Devils tonight. In your home state of Indiana by the way. The best basketball state in the country. The last time the Badgers won a NCAA hoops title was on March 29, 1941. My dad's 15th birthday. He'll be watching the game with me tonight, that you can be sure.