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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:10 pm
by Barney
Members; we still cannot trust our government and BP to tell us the real hard truth about the Gulf Horizon oil spill in theGulf of Mexico. Oceanic researchers from the Gulf Coast universities have discovered recently that the dispersants usedby BP dissolved the crude oil into microscopic particles suspended in the gulf waters, which slowly and gradually sank to thebottom in huge amounts and has killed all marine life there. There is insufficient light, oxygen, and marine plankton for anymarine life to exist in these areas. The area designated so far, as a DeadZone, is roughly 40 miles long by about 3-5 miles inwidth. These marine scientists have spent months aboard research vessels taking seabed samples and have unequivocalmarine evidence of these dead zones, which also accompany those along the shore lines where crude has killed all larvae,eggs, live animals and birds, and vegetation it came into contact with.This is all the more reason deepwell exploraton should be banned until as a Nation we can guarantee the safety of thesewells offshore. Our Nation, like most of the rest of the world is hooked on cheap readily available crude oil. Instead, weshould be thinking longterm, spending our research dollars not on going to the Moon or Mercury, but biofuels, solar, andwind panels, hydroelectric and wave action technologies which would make us energy independent forever.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:48 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:25 am
by Bob
Please see this... ... re14485The horrid situation tells the world how big oil is interconnected to the U.S. government. So do the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran is next. Who knows when the next tragedy will happen now that Obama has allowed the moratorium for offshore drilling to end. What is the common denominator in these examples? The CIA. Ask Poppy Bu$h.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:29 am
by Barney
The local newsrag today noted a couple of things on the Gulf Deepwater Horizon disaster. Ken Feinberg states he has already authorizeda little over 1.3 billion in claim payments on behalf of the BP Trust Fund, and would have authorized even more if the persons makingclaims would provide better or any documentation of their alleged losses. The Feinberg law firm is being paid $800,000 per month tomanage and handle the damage claims arising from the Deepwater Horizon explosion. Not a bad days work eh.The other issue was the fact that BP and its drilling partner, Halliburton, Dick Cheney's old stompin grounds, failed to use certified concreteto plug the well but decided to re-invent the wheel, and use some of nitrogen injected concrete slurry into the wellhead in hopes that it would harden and solidify faster and harder. Didnt happen, pressures continued to rise to the point many men wished to abandon thewell but had no opportunity to do so before the drill rig exploded burned down and collapsed into the Gulf of Mexico.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:33 am
by bob franklin
Read this interesting little story. pay close attention to the departed. Also, guess which two states are mentioned? Yep, interesting...

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:06 pm
by Barney
Friends; the entire Gulf Coast from the western shores of Alabama, to the eastern shores of Texas, have beendevastated by the BP Gulf Horizon fire and oilrig explosion and massive crude oil leak. The fishing industry as awhole may take a decade or more to recover, and may never fully recover from the crude dumped into the offshore and onshore waters and estuaries which are the breeding and growing grounds for our shellfish, varietiesof seafood products, and the people who depend upon this marine resource are at this disasters mercy. PJ'sOyster Co. is down to two full-time employees, the two brothers who inherited this 156 year old oyster businessin greater New Orleans. they are buying and reselling out of state product, to keep their family business viable. So buy local, when and where-ever you can, to help these local folks out.

Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:02 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:A cash settlement was announced this week in the bp oil tsunami in the gulf.Given that the Exxon Valdez spill has never been cleaned up in Alaska, and that was buried,I can only assume that we will never get the real truth about remaining damage here.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.