Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:In terms of that "claim", here is the PM Jennifer sent me...please cancelSent at: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:23 pm From: Anonymous To: Bob Hello Bob,If you are an administrator and able to do so, please cancel my name from the forum membership. I would not want anyone posting here under my name/password, as it was assigned. I will appreciate your doing that asap, and thankyou for it.JenniferSo...Jennifer was NOT banned. She requested that her name be taken out of the forum membership. I complied. Just like I would if anyone else asked the same thing.What's that crap about "anyone posting under my name/password?"It doesn't surprise me anyway. When I got mad at her on the phone about her calling my friends here disinformation people, I lectured her about her not knowing what she's talking about. I'm pretty paranoid myself being a private investigator and all, but that's a little over the top. Anyway, she hung up on me because I was being "abusive" (which is just a vague way of saying that I had raised my voice) and then, according to a reliable source, started implying that I'M disinfo too and somehow I had her "flagged."Actually, what she also told that "source" was that I threatened to "investigate" her. The "source" told me this. It was a lie. What I actually said was something along the lines of me telling her that she was wrong about my friends here being disinformation people and that SHE was one using the fake name, etc., and that maybe someone should investigate HER for being a possible disinformation person. Of course, as expected, it looks like she spun the story to that person, rewrote history, to sound better. Then again, go figure, didn't she also say or imply that she was ousted from this forum? I sent an e-mail to that same person, the "source" showing an e-mail that SHE sent me after our argument where she basically told me that she thought of me as a friend whether I liked it or not. So, I'm thought of as friend and yet I'm "abusive," threatening, and had her "flagged?" That kind of sounds contradictory. It sounds to me like she likes to MANIPULATE people around her. This forum is read by lots of people who aren't official members. If her blog was hacked, how does she jump to the conclusion that someone HERE did it? Why blame me or us? Jennifer Lake is also not her real name. She told me so, and it was verified by someone else too. If I was such a friend, why didn't she ever tell me what her real name is? LOL Why have I not gotten my copy of Ed Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, back from her? I lent her a disc (a Judyth Baker interview), a VHS tape (JFK; The Jim Garrison Tapes), the book Dr. Mary's Monkey, and the book On The Trail Of The Assassins so she could do her research. I got back everything from her except Dr. Mary's Monkey. Thanks to Ed Haslam, I'm getting another copy from him. How cool is that of Ed Haslam to do that for me? As I see it, one of her problems is her desire to remain anonymous or hidden and yet take "shots" at people from behind a tree or rock. The problem with that is that you expose yourself to enemy fire everytime you pop your head out from behind that tree or rock. So, I introduce her article or whatever here at this forum, took a lot of heat, she runs away, and then all of a sudden I'm a spook too?Maybe SHE'S the spook. You know the old saying...he who smelt it, dealt it, right? So, here I am on this forum with my picture and first and last name. I'm totally exposed, and I'm the spook? She's the one using a false name or fake name, and I'm the spook?I'm getting sick of the nonsense. Then, on top of that, according to the same source, she gave a sort-of ultimatum to that same source (who is one of the organizers of a 9/11 discussion group that I was with) that either I not participate anymore and she stays, or that I stay and she goes. I bowed out of it as I was told by that same person, the "source," that lots of people in the group really like her. I was also advised by that person to write an e-mail to the group explaining that I would be bowing out because I literally told Jennifer Lake to f**k off when I argued with her and that telling her off and using the f-word was a bad thing to do. I told that person that if I was going to write the group and e-mail , I was going to tell the WHOLE story and not just that Pasquale was a bad boy and used the f-word. I was then told by that same person that if I DID write an e-mail to the discussion group telling the WHOLE story that I would not be invited to participate anymore in the future. Now, does THAT sound like a rigged game to you? I thought about it, for about a second, and in typical Pasquale fashion, I sent the e-mail telling the WHOLE story anyway. Woops! My bad. I guess that was my way of using the f-word without actually using the f-word, eh? So, she drives a wedge here, drives a wedge between me and the group I was with, calls me and some of you guys here spooks, and sees spooks in her soup! LOLI think she's singing in the rain.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Maybe we should put a message on her "blog" that she's full of crap. I wonder if she's related to Sara Carter? Ken,Maybe her name is really Jenny FAKE.
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:kenmurray wrote:Maybe we should put a message on her "blog" that she's full of crap. I wonder if she's related to Sara Carter? Ken,Maybe her name is really Jenny FAKE. Good one Pasquale. That was so good of Ed sending u another copy of his book.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Dealey Joe »

I will share with you guys what my Dad told me when he was givingme a sex education talk.He said, Son as long as there are females around, you will do stupid thingsdon't worry about it, it is normal.Not a lot of advice but it sure has been true for me...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:kenmurray wrote:Maybe we should put a message on her "blog" that she's full of crap. I wonder if she's related to Sara Carter? Ken,Maybe her name is really Jenny FAKE. Good one Pasquale. That was so good of Ed sending u another copy of his book. Maybe she'll actually get a job, maybe as a gardener, and we can then maybe call her Jenny RAKE. Maybe she's smokes dope, and her name could be Jenny BAKE! ;pI still love Jenny FAKE the best. After all, isn't she the one who implied or whatever that she was "ousted" from here? Did I get that right? Regarding Ed Haslam, that was VERY generous of Ed to send me another copy. I told him what she did (or didn't do, actually), which was NOT returning my copy of his book to me, and Ed offered to send me another. Now I guess she can keep my copy that I lent to her where the sun don't shine, but my guess is that she probably could keep a library in there. You know, the library of darkness and disinformation. LMAO
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Where you been? I'm right here, Joe. I've just been working alot, that's all.
Posts: 829
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale, Jennifer could be related to Sara Carter. Therefore, she could be also known as Jennifer Flake.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale, Jennifer could be related to Sara Carter. Therefore, she could be also known as Jennifer Flake. See what inserting just one letter in a FAKE name can do? LOL Good one.