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Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:14 pm
by dankbaar
Chris, Maybe the truth can stand any kind of criticism, scepticism or even disinfo. I am not sure. Maybe that's just a naive fable. Especially if you look at this case. You could also say that crime pays. Another fable? Anyway, the core of the matter here, is that I am getting tired and fed up with adressing the lies of these crooks over and over again. All their "concerns" have been answered numerous times. On this forum, on the website, in the book. They may keep repeating them elsewhere. Just not here. This is my house. I welcome all guests. Those who insult the host and/or other guests, break the house down, or have other problems to adapt to the house rules, will be shown the door. Just like with any pub. There are many other pubs where they will be tolerated, even welcomed. Heck, there are even places for neo- nazi's. Wim

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:40 pm
by Pennyworth
The questions and answers can be resolved if the case is re-opened and tried .pardon my ignorance, but can a private investigator plus a group of 'we the people' concerned citizens with documents and witnesses included, petition the courts in Dallas or Vegas to press charges against the aforementioned suspects? See my threads on Harrelson, November 22, R.D Matthews.... some of the perpetuators of the crimes are alive and well. Here's some names of the JFK conspirators killers:Jack Binion; Dallas, Vegas Joliet Ill.R.D. Matthews ; Dallas ,VegasJames Files: Dallas, Joliet, Ill

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:45 pm
by Bob
Just a side note Chris. Wim knows my full identity, as do a few others in the forum. I have stated my reasons a few times before on the forum, but I'll state it again. I work for a Fortune 500 company that would not appreciate my opinions, based on their corporate behavior and their political alliances. Secondly, I am also a writer, and most of my writing has to do with sports, and I don't want to influence my sports reading audience based on my political ideology. One day that might change, but that is why I go by only Bob currently.

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:19 pm
by Pennyworth
Pennyworth wrote:The questions and answers can be resolved if the case is re-opened and tried .pardon my ignorance, but can a private investigator plus a group of 'we the people' concerned citizens with documents and witnesses included, petition the courts in Dallas or Vegas to press charges against the aforementioned suspects? See my threads on Harrelson, November 22, R.D Matthews.... some of the perpetuators of the crimes are alive and well. Here's some names of the JFK conspirators killers:Jack Binion; Dallas, Vegas Joliet Ill.R.D. Matthews ; Dallas ,VegasJames Files: Dallas, Joliet, IllIN THE MATTER OF THE JFK MURDER: A second thought, The DA 's office would not have to be contacted in order for Wim to file a court case against the aforementioned perpetuators that are alive and can be questioned, with a claim being a vested intellectual property interest in the case and it outcome.Information could be obtained from a taking of depositions .

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:29 am
by ChristophMessner
Paul, I don't quite get what you say. You think Wim should file a suit against those 3 people to force them to speak out? Wim, I don't know for sure, whether the truth can stand any kind of attack either, it rather seems that small plants of the truth first have to be in a protection zone until they have grown strength. So inasfar I appreciate that you are protecting a good small plant. But it's also a little difficult, when you say: "It's my house!", cause you seeked publicity with your website including the forum, and many other forum members are useful to you, you need them, you need to "go into public" and that is a political and not only a private place. Of course you can define your rules in your house, but in public there are general rules. I believe in a public political forum there is the general rule, that everybody may speak on podium, if he/she has to say something which is of public matter. Of course life teaches, that on difficult matters it's most of the time the best thing to let only those speak, who have shown, that they can deal with those difiiculties quite well, who have the competence, the knowledge, the experience. But in a democracy the non-experts or even the crooks have a say, too. If you believe in freedom rights for everybody, then you let them speak, you don't ban, cause you trust in the truth so much, that real crooks and non-experts will display their crookedness and laymanship anyway and it's debunking afterwards will be visible. So nothing to fear. Bob, maybe you should post that on jfkassassinationforum, too, to end the bad rumor gossip, that Wim would measure people with different scales only.Christoph

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:39 am
by dankbaar
Chris , if it is your choice to prolong the arguments with John Beckham, Paul May or Bill Brown, then feel free at that other forum. When you feel they had anything meaningful to add, warn me, okay? Wim

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:12 pm
by Jsnow915
Chris...I don't think anyone here needs to prove anything to people on other sites...not me,you,Bob,Wim...anyone...your not going to change their minds the same way they arent going to change yours...John wanted to come here and have a fight...he wanted to continue what he does with the rest of the crew who are LN's at the other forum...there are some good people there the same as here...I laid off on posting there because A)your not changing anyones opinion B)I'd rather not get called a bozo and things like that for what I believe...a few guys there made it hostile...also Chris look at the BIG picture...if there is a conspiracy,the truth will never come out...if there wasn't,good for the LN's they won...big deal.

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:35 pm
by ChristophMessner
dankbaar wrote:Chris , if it is your choice to prolong the arguments with John Beckham, Paul May or Bill Brown, then feel free at that other forum. When you feel they had anything meaningful to add, warn me, okay? WimOkay. It's not possible to "prolong" anything with those three here anyway anymore, isn't it. And "meaningful" is defined by the location where you post, that's obvious, isn't it either. Jsnow915 wrote:Chris...I don't think anyone here needs to prove anything to people on other sites...not me,you,Bob,Wim...anyone...your not going to change their minds the same way they arent going to change yours...John wanted to come here and have a fight...he wanted to continue what he does with the rest of the crew who are LN's at the other forum...there are some good people there the same as here...I laid off on posting there because A)your not changing anyones opinion B)I'd rather not get called a bozo and things like that for what I believe...a few guys there made it hostile...also Chris look at the BIG picture...if there is a conspiracy,the truth will never come out...if there wasn't,good for the LN's they won...big deal. Hi John, sounds pretty desillusioned, but I can confirm, that it is almost impossible to change somebody's opinion. And I would say, that if there is a conspiracy, it is possible at least, that the majority will know it was a conspiracy and who most probably conspired. Of course, rumors about something you did not participate in will never stop. And the whole internet is a big conspiracy, isn't it either, cause it makes us communicate fervently without seeing into each other's eyes ... Chris

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:35 pm
by Jsnow915
I agree Chris...I've seen arguments because of something someone read..and it was never intended to be nasty...but when it's read it came across as something completely different..the eyes are the windows to the

Re: Bill Brown

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:38 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ChristophMessner wrote:Wim, I can understand, that your disinclination towards those who in your eyes do not discuss for the sake of finding out the truth, but for the sake of denouncing their opinion-opponents or just of the lust to destroy and distort, turns so big, that you want to ban them. At least you created this forum and you have the right to ban whoever you want. But in my opinion the many truths you speak out in your website are so strong, that they can take and shall take any kind of criticism, scepticism or even disinfo. True info can stand any disinfo, cause it easily can show inasfar the disinfo is contradictional, false, lying, ... it would only win from allowing anybody to post no matter what inside the frame of decency. Banning anybody only raises unnecessary questions, whether the jfkmurdersolvedforum wouldn't be able to take oppositional posters, especially when you demand identity while one of the main posters, "Bob", does not show full identity either. In principal the forum itself must show, inasfar a "disinfo" is really disinfo, and not only a judgement based on the administrator' pre-estimation, if this forum wants to call itself a truth-serving forum. ChrisChristoph,I understand what you say about having a truth-serving forum, but it takes an HONEST debate or rapport. Take, for example, John Beckham posting that bulls**t Dave Perry and the caliber of the Remington XP100. It took me all of about 5 minutes to find two other sites or sources that are UNRELATED to JFK issues, to show that the Remington XP100 WAS chambered in .222 as well. I posted the information here too in another topic. Then what does Beckham do? He posts the Dave Perry nonsense again. WTF? It's not like I just posted a link from this website about the weapon. I went online and showed two different sources, and he still posts the Dave Perry garbage. That is NOT honest debate and that is not behaving like a truth seeker. It's disinformation and propaganda, and they know it. You should know because they do it a LOT at that other forum.