Bill Brown

JFK Assassination
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Bob »

Chris...I think John Snow's take on posting on the other forum is very sound. I just don't have the time to expound my views over there, plus I think it would be a wasted effort anyway. Yes, I have glanced at the forum a few times, and I have come away with a couple of thoughts. You and John Snow are very consistent with your views, both here and over there. Pasquale and Ken are viewed as real enemies by John Beckham and Bill Brown (too much truth). There are a LOT of well thought out posts there that come from people that have a real interest into what really happened on 11/22/1963. Even those posts are attacked by the likes of Bill Brown, because they doubt the lone nut club's view on things. I hope that some of the folks that are being shouted down over there...come here instead. Again, it isn't paramount that one has to believe the Files theory to be a member of this forum. In fact, there are several members that don't. That can be debated in a civil way. But Wim has put together a great library of information about the assassination, even putting the Files story aside. I'll say it again...this forum has never been a strong as it is right now in terms of members who are excellent and persistent researchers, plus are people that aren't closed minded about things like the lone nut club is for instance. Bottom line, between my writing, my research and this forum, that is all I care to commit myself to, besides the everyday struggles we all have in life. Finally, all is good between you and know that...and I know that. What Beckham says is irrelevant and untrue...just like the cause that he and Bill Brown have aligned themselves to.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:Chris...I don't think anyone here needs to prove anything to people on other sites...not me,you,Bob,Wim...anyone...your not going to change their minds the same way they arent going to change yours...John wanted to come here and have a fight...he wanted to continue what he does with the rest of the crew who are LN's at the other forum...there are some good people there the same as here...I laid off on posting there because A)your not changing anyones opinion B)I'd rather not get called a bozo and things like that for what I believe...a few guys there made it hostile...also Chris look at the BIG picture...if there is a conspiracy,the truth will never come out...if there wasn't,good for the LN's they won...big deal. I'll split hairs with you here, but in a good way. I believe that secrets cannot be kept forever. It's our duty to get the truth out there and let honest people decide for themselves. My sole reason for posting over at that other site was for the many, many people who DO read that don't post replies and such. Those guys over there might be stubborn (suspiciously so, I might add) about defending the Warren Commission, but there are many, many people who read the debate and read what we write here or there. It's for THEM that I've gone over there from time to time. People need to know the facts. On that note, that Dave Perry article (where he claims that the Remington Fireball was never chambered in .222) is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. The Remington XP100 having been chambered in .222 is a FACT. The not-so-well-read person might just TRUST what Dave Perry said about it.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote: ...Pasquale and Ken are viewed as real enemies by John Beckham and Bill Brown (too much truth). I'll wear that title proudly, Bob. LOL
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: ... but it takes an HONEST debate or rapport. ... I posted the information here too in another topic. Then what does Beckham do? He posts the Dave Perry nonsense again. WTF? ... It's disinformation and propaganda, and they know it. Pasquale, as much as I understand and refeel how true disinfo is doing to true info, as much it remains a big and an open question to me, whether in public political discussion it should be open for everybody without precondition or not. If you'd rather say, those who post disinfo with malice should be banned anyway, then it still remains the question: was it really disinfo? was it really with malice? and when you still agree with banning while there is no abolute proof whether it was with malice, then is is very plausible, though, but it also shows, that real freedom of expression does not exist, it is just a theoretical ideal, in praxis of life you don't have real freedom of expression, it's necessary to draw lines and to show limits, you don't have full democracy, you always have certain circles of insiders and outsiders, of laymen and experts, of leaders and followers, of inclusive and exclusive ... . And you have walls between acres, nations and minds. Right? Chris Bob, I confess it's really very plausible what you say and you know how harsh I opposed to the opinions of Bill Brown, David von Pein and John B. Beckham on jfkassassinationforum mostly. You are really a very open-minded person, who first listens to everybody and stops dialogue only if there is real violation of basic debating rules. Maybe I am too generous at times and too blind for malices. Nevertheless banning is a very strict punishment and I hope it does not fall back on this forum. Chris
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Pennyworth »

dankbaar wrote:Chris , if it is your choice to prolong the arguments with John Beckham, Paul May or Bill Brown, then feel free at that other forum. When you feel they had anything meaningful to add, warn me, okay? WimI agree with Wim. BB(Bill Brown), Beckman,and the big ape are just part of the Dan clan to divert attention to this thread in order to avert attention from the more important info posted.
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Jsnow915 »

Chris...your a good guy with an open mind...your very generous with letting those guys shit on personally,I won't take it from anyone...and I'm not implying your a push over just have a longer line of patients...when I asked them why would you care to waste your time pushing the LN theory and move on...why research the JFK assassination,I never got a reasonable answer and thats when the shit started...when I brought up reasonable things from eyewitnesses,like Curry saying the shot could have possibly come from the front...they all jumped on the band wagon by saying Curry stated that there was no proof of it...but there was a plausable reason to look into it...but officially it wasn't it does count...I'd rather hang out here with like-minded people who believe something other than what I was told by the Government...there is no debate there...its just name calling and wheres your evidence...and thats the problem...the truth is hidden...but they don't see it that way...and for them being allowed here...I don't care as long as they arent rude to anyone who doesn't think the way they do...but John already laid the ground work for his forcing of his opinion...and I'd rather not hear it.
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by ChristophMessner »

Jsnow915 wrote:Chris...your a good guy with an open mind...your very generous with letting those guys shit on personally,I won't take it from anyone...and I'm not implying your a push over just have a longer line of patients...when I asked them why would you care to waste your time pushing the LN theory and move on...why research the JFK assassination,I never got a reasonable answer and thats when the shit started...when I brought up reasonable things from eyewitnesses,like Curry saying the shot could have possibly come from the front...they all jumped on the band wagon by saying Curry stated that there was no proof of it...but there was a plausable reason to look into it...but officially it wasn't it does count...I'd rather hang out here with like-minded people who believe something other than what I was told by the Government...there is no debate there...its just name calling and wheres your evidence...and thats the problem...the truth is hidden...but they don't see it that way...and for them being allowed here...I don't care as long as they arent rude to anyone who doesn't think the way they do...but John already laid the ground work for his forcing of his opinion...and I'd rather not hear it.Yeah, it seems there are 2 categories of humans, the either want to search for something which is not there yet, which is hidden, which has to be dug out, the other possess the truth, their God is everything and obvious, nothing has to be dug out, what they think "is true, cause it's self-evident". Or you also could say, the first category is more the artist type, the second category is more the banker type. Ok, this generalization is too simple, but it's self-evident, that only I am always true and therefore of the better category, cause I am artist enough to rather hang out here, too, with you not believing anything authorities or bankers or LNs are telling, haha!
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="ChristophMessner"]Paul, I don't quite get what you say. You think Wim should file a suit against those 3 people to force them to speak out? Yep, Demand for the production of records or information...Nobody can be forced, but I am putting my 2 cents worth of opinion in... Let them take the 5th a thousand times.
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="ChristophMessner"]Paul, I don't quite get what you say. You think Wim should file a suit against those 3 people to force them to speak out? Yep, Demand for the production of records or information...Nobody can be forced, but I am putting my 2 cents worth of opinion in... Let them take the 5th a thousand times. BesidesJames Files, I am speaking of 2 evil crooks who are on the definite downslide, monetarily, socially, and otherwise.
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Re: Bill Brown

Post by Jsnow915 »

Chris...who knows...maybe I'm wrong...I'm ok with that...been wrong many times...but I follow a gut feeling...I don't agree with everything thats written here...but I won't berate you for your beliefs