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Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:42 pm
by Jsnow915
like I said Bob...I think thats the only thing Posner got right.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:44 pm
by andries
Pennyworth wrote:Pennyworth wrote:Was there an overhead bridge that the limo was driving toward in the scenerio?Primary Sources: The Assassination of President KennedyI noticed a police officer but also noticed a few persons on the bridge and .... Now, what happened there was that the Kennedy motorcade coming down there, ... the Triple Underpass, ahead of the motorcade, or from any other location. ... ... nation.htm - Cached - Similar,After reading that last article about hofman, witsch i allready regret, it seems pretty fair to me to assume that the writer of that articel is also capible off making it verry clear that lee bowers on 22-11-1963 had a few day,s off and went to the everglades with his family.because no one seen lee bowers during the assasination.A fantastic story to discredit ed hofman based on PERHAPS ONE OR TWO POLICEMAN ?? because they didn,t see ed

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:13 pm
by dankbaar
Bob wrote:Bottom line, I am onboard with Wim about the first shot being in the back, as opposed to being in the throat for various reasons. I also believe that the shrapnel from the mercury round flying about the head area of JFK caused the throat wound for JFK, although I would love David Lifton's interpretation on this. I am also not in doubt of two simultaneous shots being fired in the fatal wounds that were caused, one behind from Nicoletti (Dal Tex) and one from the right front from Files (grassy knoll). My take is that JFK was hit 3 times (apart from the misses and the hits (at least 2) on Connally): 1) in the back (firs shot)2) In the head from behind (by Nicoletti or a shooter in the TSBD)3) In the head, a fraction later from the right front (James Files)David Lifton? As long as he is discrediting Judyth's story, I don't buy anything he says. Same dor Debra Conway. Wim

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:57 pm
by ThomZajac
Okay, I think we have all stated our positions clearly.You're all out of your freakin' minds.(Kidding). Good discussion.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:14 pm
by ThomZajac
Wim wrote-"David Lifton? As long as he is discrediting Judyth's story, I don't buy anything he says."This puzzles me. Can't reasonable and honest men disagree on certain points without having EVERYTHING they say dismissed? Lifton made a tremendous contribution to the case by establishing beyond any reasonable doubt that JFK's body did not arrive at Bethesda in the same condition it had left Parkland- perhaps the biggest early breakthrough in the case.Surely you don't dismiss that.By the way, in case you were wondering, David Lifton and I don't agree on everything. In fact. we are 180 degree opposites on the subject of 9/11. Thom(ps. I short while back I asked Lifton what he thought of Judyth's story as I truly did not know. He sent be back an email and I will ask him if it's okay to post it here, if that's alright with you).

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:53 pm
by Bob
The reason I love this forum is that all can speak their minds. Does it get passionate once in awhile? Even from Wim or myself? Or from other folks? HELL yes. Some of us really hold tight to our views here, based on what we believe is the truth, but I agree with Thom that we all can have a discussion on things, even if we don't agree on everything or every subject related to the JFK assassination or topics like 9/11. Wim and I don't agree about David Atlee Phillips being at LHO's midnight press conference. We also don't agree on Bill Greer's guilt regarding his driving on 11/22/1963 in Dealey Plaza. But I do agree with about 95% of the stuff on this site, and I think it has a vast amount of great information. I will be anxious to see Lifton's response. I also agree that he has put out some vital and crucial information regarding what actually happened to JFK's body after the assassination. And I agree with most of David's assertions. Thom, if you get a chance, also ask David about John Liggett, and whether or not he thinks he was the one who changed JFK's appearance after the assassination between Dallas and Bethesda.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:16 pm
by Pennyworth
I meant you can't read very well, based on this: IMO gary Marlow is a fictiious name /alias pseudonymHas anyone actually seen the alleged letters from Files to Marlow and Marlow's rejection for using his name ?First of all, Gary Marlow is provably not a fictitious name /alias pseudonym. He was born and he died under that name, and was known by that name all his life. If you would have followed the threads on this, you would know that. Or you haven't read very well. If you haven't read at all, remarks like this are not helpful and only confusing. Secondly , nowhere did I mention anything about letters between Files and Marlow. I am not aware of a letter exchange between them. We can try to clear up the Woody matter privately. Wim[/quote]LETS PUT A LID ON THIS FOR NOW. but -My hypothesis is that he was a man of many names.Maybe he was known as marlow in chicago.And someone else in Havana and Vegas. Someone like this had the ways and means to falsify identities birth and death adddress etc .IMO

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:17 pm
by Pennyworth
Pennyworth wrote:Pennyworth wrote:I shouldn't even be commenting here, but if you ask me to put 2 cents in, it looks like 3 seperate shots - 1- one to the side of the face2 -one to the back of the head3-one to the front throat area I wouldn't think that #1 and #3 were related shots.But I am no expert.But the experts don't know either There was also a below the neck shot. Make that #4A (the) frontal shot to the neck could have exited out the back below the shoulder.I am just guessing here.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:58 pm
by ChristophMessner
Why did Gary Marlow shoot J.D.Tippit? Why did he shoot him in the right temple after it was known that JFK was shot in the right temple? Is Tippit's skull in JFK's coffin? Any relative of Gary Marlow who would confirm anything Gary Marlow confessed to him/her?

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:08 pm
by ThomZajac
Bob wrote:The reason I love this forum is that all can speak their minds. Does it get passionate once in awhile? Even from Wim or myself? Or from other folks? HELL yes. Some of us really hold tight to our views here, based on what we believe is the truth, but I agree with Thom that we all can have a discussion on things, even if we don't agree on everything or every subject related to the JFK assassination or topics like 9/11. Wim and I don't agree about David Atlee Phillips being at LHO's midnight press conference. We also don't agree on Bill Greer's guilt regarding his driving on 11/22/1963 in Dealey Plaza. But I do agree with about 95% of the stuff on this site, and I think it has a vast amount of great information. I will be anxious to see Lifton's response. I also agree that he has put out some vital and crucial information regarding what actually happened to JFK's body after the assassination. And I agree with most of David's assertions. Thom, if you get a chance, also ask David about John Liggett, and whether or not he thinks he was the one who changed JFK's appearance after the assassination between Dallas and Bethesda.Will do.How are you feeling about the Packers?