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Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:28 am
by Bob
Typical lawyer response. How about some FACTS?

Just One

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:34 am
by Dan
Since you have great difficulty with facts - I will give just one fact and an opinion. Note Bob, that an opinion is not fact!

Fact: your leftisist hate America sites are not providing facts - just opinions and outright lies.

Opinion: you want so much to believe that all of your social and economic problems are to be blamed on someone else - that you hate America because you can't earn more than $75k.

Just an opinion!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:17 pm
by Bob
I didn't think you would provide a REAL answer. You are ALL about insults. I will not waste ANY more time with you again.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:22 pm
by Dan
R Croxford wrote:That was a fun tour.Fly your ass down here I will meet you with a fkin smile on. ... See after I beat the sht out of Dan, I will offer him medical attention and see if he is interested in peace. lolDan, FloridaCome on down fkr!P E A C E !

I believe this a threat and is actionable! While I wrote that the two Tweedles were the type of personality in need of a physical pounding - I never wrote I would harm them.

Now look at what tweedledumb wrote- he will personally beat the shit out of me until I need medical attention! Typical liberal response? Those liberals, always living in a fantasy world...


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:37 am
by R Croxford
actionable! lmafawrotfflmao
Works both ways tweedle = Dan.
PLeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee! DAN?
DAN WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IF I mean IF you come down here and ever get in my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will kick the shit out of you legally as hell!!
See Florida law is quite specific. If I even think you are a threat,....I can kick your ass. Look that up lawyer, rock star, WTF ever you are.
LMAO hahahahahahahaha
What a tool!
I guess since your idol Bush is at war with a word, you think a threat against a quite common and yet boring name is liable? LMAO.
War against terror.
War against Dan.
Beware all dans of the world. You are truly a TOOL.

Florida Law

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:40 am
by Dan
First you write "come to florida and look me up" but then you get scared and write "IF you come down here and ever get in my face" - then you misstate Florida law.

You are worse than Bob, the greatest disinformation master of all time - you twist and turn and read laws incorrectly (if you even read the law). Keep up the good work you may unseat Bob on the disinformation throne!

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:19 am
by tom jeffers
dan wrote "I stand by my previous post - Bob spreads disinformation here about the USA and expects people to believe in the James Files story. I too found Geraghty to be repulsive as well as several others here. Tweedledee (Newton) and Tweedledumb (Croxsferd or John Doe) and Bob, and Pennyworth and Jeffers (at times) are anti-american propagandists - all patting each other on the back and attacking anyone who stands up for the USA."

I just checked in and see that I was labeled as "anti-america propagandist"

first let me say that if you go back and research my posts you will see that i have had some of the same concerns in the past about members steering off the main subject of this websight. I understand that there are some really whacko things brought up that I think have nothing to do with the purpose of this website. I was also chastised by some fellow members and I learned one thing. This website is owned by Wim and it is his to do with as he pleases and if he allows these posts then who am I to question them? If you don't like them then stop visiting the site.

second. during my life, i have voted as a demoncrat and a republican and I did vote for georgie in 2000. since i vote, i have a right to question. i am neither a conservative nor a liberal and i truly believe it doesn't matter anymore when it comes down to it. it is either money, or no money and money wins always.

third. i believe in the constitution which is the foundation of our country and support all those who are elected that support it's principles. when those that are elected (oe steal an election) choose to circumvent the constitution for their own agendas, it is my duty as a citizen of this nation to try in my own small way to bring those injustices to light. I am not anti-american by exposing those elected officials, it is they that are anti-american for disobeying their oath to protect the constitution.

you may think of me as a low income, socially unacceptable, reclusive conspiracy theorist but you don't know anything about me. I am a successful professional with my own business and own my home free and clear all while being paralyzed in 3 limbs for the last 18 years. I raised 2 sons, coached little league and basketball, and paid my child support all while I was disabled. I'm as american as you can get.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:18 pm
by Bob
Tom, you are the epitome of what this forum is about. Or what it SHOULD be about. I don't believe that ANYONE will have the same political views in this forum. Some will have a slant left, some are more slanted in the middle and some are more slanted to the right. What ever one's ideology, it makes no difference to me, as long as we can express in an opinion. AS LONG as it doesn't start becoming an insult fest to other forum members. These type of actions try and invoke the same type of behavior with other forum members. In other words, a TROLL in Internet terms. And that's what is happening to the forum. ONE PERSON more than ANYONE, has that modus operandi. It's one thing to have an opinion about JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, Richard Nixon, Poppy Bush or George W. Bush. They are political figures that have changed history. This is a political forum about the JFK assassination, but those names and others are part of the equation. Bottom line Tom, I know we sometimes don't have the same point of view politically, I value you as one of the best opinions on this forum. What you have done with your life after your injuries, is testament to that. Name calling and labeling people who are part of this forum shows me that a person has NO argument or ZERO credibilty. Thankfully Tom, most here are like yourself.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:45 am
by Dan
Tom - you are an amazing human being! I have a moderate limitation of one arm (Navy injury) - I can't imagine disability in three limbs.

If you read my post - I never said you were low income or not educated - I specifically included an "at times" modifier with your name. Those "at times" are some of the WTC stuff when you tagged along with the kook crowd - or the Gulf of Tonkin post where you used the name "idiots".

Jammin' Post Jeffers....

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:48 pm
by Pennyworth
A great and inspiring testimony to the will and triumph of the human spirit...

I can't even type with two hands... can you give me any advice????