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Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:43 pm
by Pennyworth
Jsnow915 wrote:PP///can you post that article? I am still searching and its a doozyPlease go to Key Witness: Jackie Kennedy for info on results.PP

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:19 pm
by Bob
ThomZajac wrote:Bob wrote:The reason I love this forum is that all can speak their minds. Does it get passionate once in awhile? Even from Wim or myself? Or from other folks? HELL yes. Some of us really hold tight to our views here, based on what we believe is the truth, but I agree with Thom that we all can have a discussion on things, even if we don't agree on everything or every subject related to the JFK assassination or topics like 9/11. Wim and I don't agree about David Atlee Phillips being at LHO's midnight press conference. We also don't agree on Bill Greer's guilt regarding his driving on 11/22/1963 in Dealey Plaza. But I do agree with about 95% of the stuff on this site, and I think it has a vast amount of great information. I will be anxious to see Lifton's response. I also agree that he has put out some vital and crucial information regarding what actually happened to JFK's body after the assassination. And I agree with most of David's assertions. Thom, if you get a chance, also ask David about John Liggett, and whether or not he thinks he was the one who changed JFK's appearance after the assassination between Dallas and Bethesda.Will do.How are you feeling about the Packers?Check your email my friend.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:46 am
by kenmurray
I do believe that John Liggett is a key figure in the transfer of JFK's body. I like to know Lifton's response as well.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:43 am
by Bob
In case some of you are wondering who John Liggett is, he was mentioned in TMWWK in The Smoking Guns segment... ... edyLiggett was a Dallas mortician who was considered the best in face and head reconstruction, and was utilized to alter the true appearance of JFK after the assassination in my opinion.Liggett was also in the LCAP. Other LCAP members include Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers and Barry Seal. The man who founded the LCAP was D.H. Byrd. Byrd also owned the TSBD on 11/22/1963. Byrd was very good friends with LBJ, and was also in the Dallas Petroleum Club along with David Atlee Phillips, Poppy Bu$h and George DeMohrenshildt.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:38 pm
by ThomZajac
I asked David Lifton about Liggett and he responded that he didn't feel he was well versed enough to comment.He did say, however, it was okay to post the email he sent in response to my Judyth Baker inquiry (below).I called Judyth in perfectly good faith, because my friend RobertChapman provided her telephone number, and I honestly believed she might bethe real thing--a witness who had not been heard, and who knew LHO well.Because I was prepared for this to be another Paul O'Connor experience, Ihooked up a recorder to my phone.The entire experience was surreal and it became clear to me, within about 30minutes, that I was dealing with a very neurotic, irrational, person, butsomeone who was also very clever. Very clever indeed. By about 30 minutesinto the conversation, as I recall, I realized that she had "read the books"and was injecting herself into the story.There was one question I asked which was a test question of sorts. I havenot revealed it to this day, but I asked it for a purpose--to see if sheknew of a very significant detail that she would HAVE to know, if her storywas valid, but might fumble if her knowledge came just from study, and notactual experience of the reality (as she claimed). She failed thetest--completely, and I then realized I was playing "verbal tennis" with acon artist.Many additional insights emerged after the phone call, when I reviewed thetape, multiple times, with a good friend. We both concluded she was afruitcake; but basically a con artist, who got defensive and nasty, whenchallenged; and someone who actualy sought a place "in history."Then, later that night, or the next day, Robert Chapman personally made thediscovery about the "Cancun" matter--that is, that she said she was going tomeet Lee at "a fine hotel in Cancun" (something like that) but Cancun (as aresort) did not exist at that time. (Robert knew that; I did not.)After that, I/we knew she was a fraud--but then she got involved in furtherdialogue with others, and they spent hundreds and hundreds of hours,completely wasted time, IMHO, on this lady and her many stories.I think it has now been established that my initial conclusion, based onthat conversation, was accurate. Until Paul Hoch did a Web search and cameup with the name ("pseudologia fantastica"), I did not know this wasactually a diagnosed psychological problem. But it is.Sorry, Thom, but I have no time for further discussion of this.Hopefully, you are not spending any time on Judyth. Let me assure you thatit is time poured right down the drain.Best,DSL

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:31 pm
by Pennyworth
ChristophMessner wrote:Why did Gary Marlow shoot J.D.Tippit? My guess and I am only speculating is that Tippet was headed toward arresting Oswald.Some theorists have actually said that Tippet was in on the conspiracy though .

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:04 am
by ThomZajac
I've never been able to get a good handle on the Tippet murder.It does seem that Tippit began the day knowing that something big was up, and the story goes that he had a poignant goodbye with his son.What precisely happened to his body after he was shot is not easy to determine.That he resembled JFK adds another level of intrigue. I do think it is pretty clear, however, that Oswald did not shoot him.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:45 pm
by Bob
This comes from a guy who should know what happened with Tippit, as he is the best friend of Jimmy Files, who was provably close to Marlow...Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies:by Bruce Patrick Brychek on Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:39 pm Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar , and Fellow JFK Forum Members, FOR THE RECORD: Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit's shooter has recently died. Tippit was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald as was/is claimed by the U.S. Government, the U.S. News Media, and last but not least, The Warren Commission Report. The shooter was in route to meet, and kill Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas Theatre where Oswald had been directed to go by his CIA handler, David Atlee Phillips, who was also James E. Sutton's CIA handler. David Atlee Phillips, Sam Giancana, and Charles Nicoletti all probably had some knowledge, which can not be quantified at this point in time. At his request, prior to his death, to protect his wife, and family, he has requested that his name never be released. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:52 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ThomZajac wrote:By the way, in case you were wondering, David Lifton and I don't agree on everything. In fact. we are 180 degree opposites on the subject of 9/11. Thom,What IS Lifton's take on 9/11? If you don't want to post your answer publicly, can you private-message me with it? I'm dying to know.

Re: Gary Marlow

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:13 pm
by kenmurray
Harvey, Lee, and Tippit: