Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

JFK Assassination
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Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by ChristophMessner »

Look to Zapruder frame 335-337: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/ga ... 3_6.jpgSee how the whole skull part from right ear to right temple flapped out and the whole bunch of hair on that is hanging now in front of JFK's face, right to Jackie's left arm from Zapruder's perspective! This could only have done an exiting bullet force from behind. Was the time span, that skull part flapped out, long enough, to let Files' incoming special mercury loaded round, which came some tenth of a second later from the right front, only meet soft brain anymore at first and going through the brain like butter and explode only at the inner occipital rear head bone?In the disucssion of the x-rays, one can clearly reckognize, how the mercury and bullet fragments scattered in the brain all over and how the guys forged the big rear head wound by painting it white, while they forgot to overpaint the fragments in black. http://assassinationresearch.com/v2n2/pittsburgh.pdf
John Beckham
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by John Beckham »

i started from this backwards...Lee shoots and you take it from there. the logical shots are from behind. the Textile Bldg is important, as is the TSBD. south and north knolls are last resort? i think the "magic bullet" shot that makes Kennedy grab himself and Connally flinch, is the same bullet, or a synchronized shooting. a shot from behind, the third, blew the brains out of Jack.
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by ChristophMessner »

John Beckham wrote:Lee shoots.... We all know it wasn't Lee ... John Beckham wrote: the logical shots are from behind. and the shot from right front is logical, too. John Beckham wrote:i think the "magic bullet" shot that makes Kennedy grab himself and Connally flinch, is the same bullet, or a synchronized shooting. a shot from behind, the third, blew the brains out of Jack. That's a real courageous theory! I rather don't believe in magic, because bullets don't add fragments by themselves. Also Conally's push forward comes a little after the fatal headhosts. A mere headshot bullet from behind could not have had the impulse to throw JFK's head so rapidly backward after it was thrown forward first for a short while. That was a huge impulse from the front. Could have come from an impact on the inside rear part of the head ...
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by saracarter766 »

in all due respect my fellow JFK buffs but i'm gonna have to disagree with you the head shot did not come from behind it came from the front and i have watched that zapruder footage time and time again and have paused it and have gone back to the fatal head shot again and again and again. from what i have seen that headshot came from the front and i recall linda willis saying that he would've had a face left if he had been shot in the back of the head.i have kept my eye on that scene and that shot came from the front.i hope i did'nt offend anyone with my opinion.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:in all due respect my fellow JFK buffs but i'm gonna have to disagree with you the head shot did not come from behind it came from the front and i have watched that zapruder footage time and time again and have paused it and have gone back to the fatal head shot again and again and again. from what i have seen that headshot came from the front and i recall linda willis saying that he would've had a face left if he had been shot in the back of the head.i have kept my eye on that scene and that shot came from the front.i hope i did'nt offend anyone with my opinion.I'm going to agree with Sara here, and I'm going to add a couple of details. JFK could have also been shot in the head from the rear as James Files says, but the final headshot HAD to come from the front for a couple of reasons. (Files said that he was aiming for JFK's right eye socket and that a thousandth of a second before his shot hit JFK another bullet struck him in the head causing the head to move foreward in that split second and therefore causing File's round to strike JFK in the temple instead...Whew!)The Zapruder film shows his head being knocked back and to the left. It's transfer of momentum. An object traveling at hundreds of feet per second striking a human head is going to PUSH that head in the direction that it is going. The motorcycle cop riding to JFK's left rear, Bobby Hargis, was splattered with the brain and othre tissue. Then you have all of the doctors who examined him in the ER...including nurses and the ambulance driver...saying that the back of his head had a hole in it the size of a fist! Then you have the acoustic evidence that was tested by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and they placed a shot from the front in the exact position that Files said he was...which is much to the left of where "Badgeman" is supposed to be and to the right of a tree. You also have witnesses who either saw smoke and/or heard shots from the knoll area. Then you have Ed Hoffman and Lee Bowers who saw men behind the fence, and Hoffman saying that he saw a man with a gun behind the fence.How much more evidence is necessary to convince people of a head shot from the front that hit JFK? Why do people doubt that? Why would TIME magazine REVERSE the frames of the Zapruder film that they published making the head appear to go FORWARD...then saying it was a printing error? What surprises me the most is all these people (you know who...guys like Posner, Myers, et al) who have suddently become well-versed in theoretical physics and theories about what a human body would do if shot from the front and how the head could have moved backwards like that even if it was shot from the rear. I've heard the "jet effect" theory, the nerve impluse theory, blah, blah, blah. It's THEORY. The magic bullet idea is still a theory...a THEORY. They can NOT produce facts on any other bullet doing what the magic bullet theory. They also cannot duplicate it because it's impossible, and yet they pass themselves off as well-read or even experts at theoretical physics to try and prove, or disprove, facts. Even that documentary, I think it was the "Inside the Target Car" one with Mack...had a sniper shoot at the dummy head. Did the head go back and to the left? NO!!! What is fact is what the Zapruder film shows and what witnesses said. It's not like those witnesses came up with that stuff about seeing or hearing a shot from the knoll after the fact. You can see video of them rushing the knoll along with the police too! WTF? Good retort, Sara. That's my two-cents on it.
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by ChristophMessner »

Sara, Pasquale, in my first post I left no doubt, that the 2nd headshot came from the right front. How else could a bullet fly from the right temple through the brain and impact on the rear occipital bone as I told???I'm going d'accord 100% with both of you. But maybe I wrote a bit misunderstandably, so I insert some letters in red in my first post now. Chris
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by Bob »

The LAST shot DEFINITELY came form the front right."Back and to the left...back and to the left...back and to the left..."
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:The LAST shot DEFINITELY came form the front right."Back and to the left...back and to the left...back and to the left..."LOLAll together now! "BACK AND TO THE LEFT"
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by ChristophMessner »

When the pendulum of politics turns far right, it turns back and to the left after a while ...