Perry Russo

JFK Assassination
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Perry Russo

Post by neab »

What do you guys know about him ? I know he was an important witness for Garrison. In this documentary Im watching now , the narrator has somone here claiming he was lying about being in a room with clay shaw and chatting about jfk etc. Could be lies, but why do you guys know and think of this man?
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Re: Perry Russo

Post by ThomZajac »

Although all witnesses need to e viewed with healthy skepticism, I find Perry Russo to be credible and quite courageous. There was always a certain vagueness regarding precisely why he would have been in the company of those men. That he was likely gay did not seem like enough of a reason to me, but just recently I learned (perhaps on this site somewhere) that he was dealing in pornographic material- helping to smuggle it into Cuba or some such thing. I believe his story.I'd certainly like to learn more about him.
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Re: Perry Russo

Post by Bob » the movie JFK, the character of Willie O'Keefe played by Kevin Bacon, was actually based on a composite of four people...including Perry Russo.
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Re: Perry Russo

Post by kenmurray »

I think Perry Russo was a unique character. I came across this link about Russo's last testament: ... perry.html