Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I don't know about you guys, but when I see someone like Gerald Posner all of a sudden popping up and commenting on someone's death, I almost immediately smell a rat. My other question is why is Chris Mathews from MSNBC calling Oliver Stone "off the wall" or something to that effect and then praising Posner for his book "Case Closed?" Chris Mathews said to Posner, about his book Case Closed, that he (Posner) "nailed the case" and "proved" that Oliver Stone was "off the wall." OMFG!!! Either Chris Mathews is ignorant of the facts, or he is participating in disinformation and just playing ball...doing what he's told...which would be very contradictory to his "hardball" stance on his show..like he's some tough reporter who gets to the truth. My guess is that Chris Mathews is smart enough to know that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy and is just doing what he's told. So, I guess he's not the "hardball" news anchor that he portrays himself to be, eh? LOL He's full of it. Back to the original reason I posted this topic. I'm not posting this because of Michael Jackson. I think he was a great entertainer, but I don't buy his albums (except for Thriller which I still have in record form) or tune him in on the radio.The problem I'm having is why Gerald Posner seems to be defending the doctor involved, you know, the one who had his car impounded by the LAPD, the one who went missing and only recently met with the LAPD for three hours, the one who gave Jackson CPR on a bed (on a BED instead of on the floor like the 911 operator said to do...like you're supposed to do CPR), the doctor who would NOT sign Jackson's death certificate, the one who DIDN'T ride with paramedics to the hospital and instead went missing and then hired a Houston law firm.Now the Jackson family allegedly want their OWN autopsy done? What is going on? You guys might think I'm silly, but I'm seriously smelling a rat here. Here's the YouTube link showing Posner on MSNBC with Chris Mathews. One of the things Posner said about Michael Jackson was that when he was in the United Arab Emirates he was the "court jester" for the head of the UAE and other wealthy sheiks. Then, in classic Posner style, he goes on to profile Michael Jackson's personality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axHF1u6kBjQPosner appeared again on Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC and defended the doctor...again. (Give this link a chance to load...there's also a commercial right before the news clip.) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677#31639150It's gotten to the point with me that I almost automatically smell a rat whenever weird things happen surrounding someone's death and then someone like Gerald Posner is defending the bizarre actions of one of the people connected to the dead person. Does anybody want to talk me down on this? Maybe I need it. LOL
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by ThomZajac »

Pasquale, I think YOU nailed it-"OMFG!!! Either Chris Mathews is ignorant of the facts, or he is participating in disinformation and just playing ball...doing what he's told...which would be very contradictory to his "hardball" stance on his show..like he's some tough reporter who gets to the truth. My guess is that Chris Mathews is smart enough to know that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy and is just doing what he's told. So, I guess he's not the "hardball" news anchor that he portrays himself to be, eh? LOL He's full of it."That's the power of ruling elite. Very, very powerful. And Chris Mathews is only too happy to go along- it's his career he's interested in, not anything more noble than that. He's company man. They are all company men. Always. That's MSM.
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by katisha »

Pasquale, why not contact Chris Mathews from MSNBC and see if he's open to alternative views about the Kennedy assassination? If he's meant to be an investigative reporter (I'm only guessing here from what you've said: never 'eard of the bloke meself), surely he'd be interested in other people's POV about what really happened in Dallas Michael Jackson: Sad to hear about his death; he was a very talented pop musician, and far too young to die (I speak as someone four years older than MJ, so I'd know ) but I don't think he was a happy man. Just hope he's finally at peace. And that some sensible solution, preferably not involving social bloody workers, is found for those poor young 'uns.
bob franklin
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by bob franklin »

This isn't the first time the subject of rock/pop counter-culture figures expiring suspiciously has come up on this forum. Hendrix drowning on wine he didn't drink, Morrison's strange death, the possible linking of the doorman to Brigade 2056 in Lennon's shooting. Wouldn't shock me at all to discover that The Company was somehow involved in MJ's demise.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

bob franklin wrote:This isn't the first time the subject of rock/pop counter-culture figures expiring suspiciously has come up on this forum. Hendrix drowning on wine he didn't drink, Morrison's strange death, the possible linking of the doorman to Brigade 2056 in Lennon's shooting. Wouldn't shock me at all to discover that The Company was somehow involved in MJ's demise.Okay, so, my suspicions (even if they're just suspicions and nothing more) are indeed warrented here.How very interesting...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Pasquale, why not contact Chris Mathews from MSNBC and see if he's open to alternative views about the Kennedy assassination? If he's meant to be an investigative reporter (I'm only guessing here from what you've said: never 'eard of the bloke meself), surely he'd be interested in other people's POV about what really happened in Dallas Michael Jackson: Sad to hear about his death; he was a very talented pop musician, and far too young to die (I speak as someone four years older than MJ, so I'd know ) but I don't think he was a happy man. Just hope he's finally at peace. And that some sensible solution, preferably not involving social bloody workers, is found for those poor young 'uns.About writing Chris Mathews, I just might. Then again, if he's making comments like that about Posner's book, would it do any good?
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:katisha wrote:Pasquale, why not contact Chris Mathews from MSNBC and see if he's open to alternative views about the Kennedy assassination? If he's meant to be an investigative reporter (I'm only guessing here from what you've said: never 'eard of the bloke meself), surely he'd be interested in other people's POV about what really happened in Dallas Michael Jackson: Sad to hear about his death; he was a very talented pop musician, and far too young to die (I speak as someone four years older than MJ, so I'd know ) but I don't think he was a happy man. Just hope he's finally at peace. And that some sensible solution, preferably not involving social bloody workers, is found for those poor young 'uns.About writing Chris Mathews, I just might. Then again, if he's making comments like that about Posner's book, would it do any good?Pasquale. if you do write to Mathews, ask him why he had that idiot Posner on his show instead of someone with some intellect like Dr. Wecht?
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by kenmurray »

By the way I think Chris Mathews is playing ball but not "hardball" and is doing disinformation as well.
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by katisha »

I'm going to say something that will probably make me unpopular, but I feel strongly about it, so I'm going to say it anyway.Michael Jackson, as I understand it, was taking many dangerous drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, and had been doing so for years. By the reports I've seen he barely ate, and weighed 51 kilograms, WAY below healthy weight for a man of his height, at the time of his death. He was mentally disturbed and had endured years of cosmetic surgery. He was ripe to die.How the hell can you claim *conspiracy*? Seriously, WTF?I came to this board because I wanted to find out more about the Kennedy assassination, and what I've read here over the last year has convinced me that there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, and another conspiracy to cover up the first one.I know other alleged conspiracies have been discussed here: 9/11, JFK junior etc. They may well be true; I haven't got into that because I'm really only interested in the Kennedy thing: maybe one day I'll read up about other conspiracies and come to believe in them too; or maybe I won't.But when I read that some sad conflicted self-abusing (with drugs) bloke who happens to drop off the twig (surprise surprise!) is also the victim of a conspiracy, I start to have doubts.WTH would be the point, or the advantage to the CIA/big business/whoever you're talking about, of killing Michael Jackson?What, did he have some great important secret that he confided to Chuckles or whatever the hell that chimp's name is? Was he being set up as a *patsy*? What and who for???Is every death of a famous American a friggen conspiracy?Get off the grass, guys. No wonder some people think conspiracy theorists are all loopy.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why is Gerald Posner on MSNBC talking about Michael Jackson?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:I'm going to say something that will probably make me unpopular, but I feel strongly about it, so I'm going to say it anyway.Michael Jackson, as I understand it, was taking many dangerous drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, and had been doing so for years. By the reports I've seen he barely ate, and weighed 51 kilograms, WAY below healthy weight for a man of his height, at the time of his death. He was mentally disturbed and had endured years of cosmetic surgery. He was ripe to die.How the hell can you claim *conspiracy*? Seriously, WTF?I came to this board because I wanted to find out more about the Kennedy assassination, and what I've read here over the last year has convinced me that there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, and another conspiracy to cover up the first one.I know other alleged conspiracies have been discussed here: 9/11, JFK junior etc. They may well be true; I haven't got into that because I'm really only interested in the Kennedy thing: maybe one day I'll read up about other conspiracies and come to believe in them too; or maybe I won't.But when I read that some sad conflicted self-abusing (with drugs) bloke who happens to drop off the twig (surprise surprise!) is also the victim of a conspiracy, I start to have doubts.WTH would be the point, or the advantage to the CIA/big business/whoever you're talking about, of killing Michael Jackson?What, did he have some great important secret that he confided to Chuckles or whatever the hell that chimp's name is? Was he being set up as a *patsy*? What and who for???Is every death of a famous American a friggen conspiracy?Get off the grass, guys. No wonder some people think conspiracy theorists are all loopy.Katisha,Don't forget that it was us "loopy" people here who seem to have had a part in shedding light on the JFK assassination for you. It's exactly that point of view that I've become so used to from other people that it doesn't bother me anymore. For one thing, I'm not claiming conspiracy in the Michael Jackson murder. What I said was that the circumstances surrounding his death are very suspicious, particularly if you look at the behavior of the doctor. I didn't think much of it, then all of a sudden Gerald Posner is making appearances on MSNBC talking about it and even defending the doctor's actions. It just looks weird. That's all I said.Furthermore, if you think that people like Michael Jackson have not been and are not assassinated, you're fooling yourself. Just look at how many adoring fans he has. Can you imagine the impact it would have if Michael Jackson started making political statements to them? Also, if you look at the JFK assassination, 9/11, JFK Jr., Martin Luther King assassination, as SEPARATE conspiracies, you need to look closer. The evidence shows that it's essentially the SAME circuit of power that did basically ALL of it. The evidence points in the same direction.You see, Katisha, when pop icons become legendary, their words become more powerful because all sorts of people listen to them. So, for example, what if Jackson had been making plans to start talking about Bush or whatever. Do you know how many people would have listened to him? Don't forget that I'm not even a Michael Jackson fan here. It just struck me as odd that on top of all the weirdness surrounding his death, there's Gerald Posner profiling his personality and making excuses for the doctor's behavior. ???