Happy Birthday JFK

JFK Assassination
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Happy Birthday JFK

Post by Bob »

JFK would be 93 today had he lived. But he died at the young age of 46 on 11/22/63. Other great leaders died at a young age as well in that tumultuous decade. People like Medgar Evers, MLK and RFK. JFK's leadership was courageous, like his actions in the Cuban missile crisis. As John Lennon once sang...imagine. Imagine this world if what JFK wanted enacted was actually put in place. JFK was flawed like most politicians, and most people. But through it all, he saw what unbrideled power and corruption could do. That's why he wanted to change the oil depletion allowance. That's why he was making sweeping changes to the Federal Reserve. That's why he was going to get the U.S. out of Vietnam and stop the blood money to the war profiteers. That's why he was going to tear the CIA into 1,000 pieces. But Dallas happened instead. It's now 2010. We have a world with unending wars, and the U.S. is involved in two of them and threatening a third with Iran. Meanwhile, the CIA smiles broadly. The war profiteers, big oil and big banking have never been as powerful or rich. There are more contractors than troops on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq. Just look at Halliburton and Blackwater for instance. Look at the hundreds of billions of dollars that Wall Street got in bailouts. Look at the huge profits by Exxon, BP and their ilk. Look at the massive damage that BP has done to the Gulf of Mexico and the environment with the ONGOING oil spill that seems to be infinite. JFK saw the future. He tried to change it. And he paid for it with his life. Happy Birthday Mr. President, you are missed, but will NEVER be forgotton. I am proud to share your birthday.
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by ThomZajac »

Happy 93rd Bob!
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by katisha »

Well said, Bob. Here's to JFK's memory, and happy birthday to you.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob Evidently there were a number of Great Americans born on this day andI am extremely proud to know at least one of them..Have a brew on me Birthday Boy
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by kenmurray »

Happy Birthday Bob. A toast to you!!!!
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by Bob »

Thanks folks...I appreciate it. Here is some more worthless trivia. My first two names are Robert Francis...just like RFK. However, I was named after my dad's brother who was killed in Korea. Ironically, my uncle Bob and I graduated from the same college. Also, on this date in 1848, the state of Wisconsin became part of the United States. Finally, the year I was born...1957...was the year the city of Milwaukee won it's only World Series with the Braves and also the year Lambeau Field was built.
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by Pennyworth »

Hippy, Hoppy, Happy Birthday to you Bob! And many more This song's for JFK and you, and to all of the posters who positively epitomize this board http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sogKUx_q7igAdam sings...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvROQP6N ... re=related
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by Pennyworth »

I'm worried about something on and with this date...if anyone's listening in the shadows...
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by Sara »

Happy Birthday JFK! and Bob!Sara from Iran
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Re: Happy Birthday JFK

Post by Kirk »

Happy Birthday Bob!!!