Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

JFK Assassination
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Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

Post by Bighunter43 »

Guys I have been reading this forum for over a year, and I have been researching the JFK Assassination for over 20 years. However, this is my 1st have always found the Files story extremely interesting......and my question is about the photo taken of him by LHO at the Lamplighter. Has anyone ever talked to the people of the Lamplighter to find out if that is what one of their rooms looked like in 1963? I know there is a record player in the left hand corner....and did hotels have record players in the room in the 60's? I just think that if it can be confirmed that that's what the Lamplighter Motel rooms looked like in 63, then it would certainly help confirm that Files was in Dallas and strengthen his case even more!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

Post by Dealey Joe »

BigWelcome to the opinion from being in motels in that era, The Lamplighter was a local owned establishment.It is still there today.If the room even had a TV it would have been a black and white.So It would be totally possible for the room to have a record player butI can't remember being in a motel that had record players in the room.However knowing what we know about Jimmy being a musician, could well have, and probably did carry a portable record player like the one in the picture. If you notice the portable player is sitting out on the edge of a small lamp table.Would be like a kid today carrying a IpodThose rubber backed drapes are still used in some motels todayAnd was used in every motel I was in back at that time.Here is a later picture of Jimmy with a guitar
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Re: Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

Post by Bighunter43 »

Thanks Joe! I would have to agree with you that JF must have brought his own record player. It just seems unreasonable that motels like the Lamplighter could have had record players in the rooms. It would cost too much and just think of all the records/albums it would take...and to keep people from walking off with them! Just seems kind of an odd and bulky thing to bring with you too, unless you knew you were going to be there a while and didn't want to get bored if there was no B&W T.V. The pic definetly looks like a motel room (curtains, red couch, etc.), but the record player has always given me problems! I wish someone could contact the owners (if possible) from '63 and see if they had furniture like that or if they could identify the room. I have always believed in the sincere possibility of the JF story, and I was thinking that if the room could be positively identified then it would add to his credibility!
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Re: Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

Post by kenmurray »

Welcome to the forum Big.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

Post by Dealey Joe »

In one of the documentaries there is a picture of the Motel and a picture of the room.I don't have a clue who ran it back then. That is a portable player that the changer flips up and latchesMy sister have one just like it and took it with her a lot when she went to friends houses.I am sure he carried it with him, but have never heard him comment on it.Maybe Bruce knows?
tom jeffers
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Re: Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

Post by tom jeffers »

i believe that one of the maids let jimmy use her record player. if you look at the picture you can tell that the record player is sitting on a chair. this makes the story more credible since it appears to be there temporarily. After all, if you had a permanant living situation, you would have your record player sitting on a table or dresser. here it is sitting on a chair since it was a temporary arrangement. she brought him a record player to use and he put it on a chair because furniture is scarce in a cheap motel.
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Re: Files and the Lamplighter Motel Photo

Post by dankbaar »

Yes Tom, that was the story that he gave me when I asked..Wim