Evidence: It depends on what the Meaning of "is" is

JFK Assassination
steve manning
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Evidence: It depends on what the Meaning of "is" is

Post by steve manning »

Obviously there is more than one type of evidence. For example there is: physical, circumstantial, hear-say, eye witness testimony, etc; all of which can be scientifically ranked in terms of importance and/or priority and reliability. Obviously, the idea is to interpret all of it by giving it the weight it would "most likely "deserve, based on some scientific principles of interpretive reconstruction.As I've tried to say before, I would argue the most important "evidence" in any case (that requires reconstruction) is obtained closest in time to the event question. This is fundamental to an accurate reconstruction...you know, that pesky little question about what the hell really happened? This leaves the least amount of time for the evidence to be altered in any way, etc. and thus makes sense. In the case of JFK, first and foremost, this would be all the physical evidence such as, the body of JFK (or descriptions thereof), ballistics, photographic and audio evidence from the scene, as well as all the Eye witness testimony, etc. Next, is anything they have obtained between the hospital and the Plaza and then it's whatever they obtained at the hospital, all of which would be captured in the first 10-20 minutes after the shooting (much of it in the first 5 or 6 minutes). Just 2 categories of hospital evidence would be: #1 the descriptions of the head wound and throat wound by the doctors and nurses. Also, #2 the descriptions of the limo outside the hospital. An serious boost in credibility is added to the testimony of all the doctors and nurses in trauma room one. Two things; these men and women were dedicated professionals who dealt with more than their share of gunshot wounds at Parkland Hospital. Just as important or more so, is the uniformity of all their testimony. This is huge, and from an interpreters standpoint it increases the reliability! If we stop to realize when this evidence is obtained and the brief proximity of time in relation to the shooting, we are free to conclude the only other chance his wounds could have been altered in any way would of been in the limo while it was still racing out of the plaza only seconds after the event. As I stated before, this evidence has not been given the weight it truly deserves. In other words, I would argue that the uniform description given by the doctors and nurses of the throat wound could have only been superseded by the shooter or JFK himself...not by any other known testimony. To summarize, I believe it would probably require clear photographic evidence obtained during the same time frame to supersede their testimony (of which we do not have). Any other testimony or even photograph comes under the suspicion of fraud because of the proximity factor alone; thereby reducing the reliability of said evidence by comparison.I supposed most of you are hesitant to comment on this because you're afraid the forum will get shut down. Well at this point, I would ask a simple question: if that is the case, what are you trying to save? If we cannot explore the truth and rely on healthy debate to sharpen our understanding, I question the necessity of it all? To just dismiss the throat damage as anything but a clear wound of entrance is to ignore critical evidence that is clearly pointing in another direction...the truth of what really happened. As Gil Jesus points out, JFK was clearly pulling his necktie to his left with his left hand while simultaneously coughing up a bullet. He may not have understood it was a bullet, but it does appear to have been an involuntary reaction. Yes the bullet did not exit; at least not where we think it should have exited. I really doubt the neck is 50% soft tissue; I would think it is closer to a third. Nevertheless, even if it was, the round could have easily hit the cervical cords and lodged in the neck, or possibly deflected upward and out the top of his head or downward into the chest. We simply don’t know if it was lodged in the neck and later removed by those who altered his body or what? But we do know he was shot there. That firecracker sound was most likely the bullet traversing the windshield. Yes I realize it was early but so what? Even Files was ready to shoot from the front if had to. Doug Weldon clearly shows the trajectory could easily line up from the south side of the underpass. The Secret Service made sure the General (forget his name?) who normally would have been sitting in the front seat of the limo between the Driver (Greer) and the passenger (Kellerman); he would have blocked the shooters sighting of JFK from the front, had he been there like every other time.Thanx for reading,Steve
Billy Boggs
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Re: Evidence: It depends on what the Meaning of "is" is

Post by Billy Boggs »

I supposed most of you are hesitant to comment on this because you're afraid the forum will get shut down. Well at this point, I would ask a simple question: if that is the case, what are you trying to save? If we cannot explore the truth and rely on healthy debate to sharpen our understanding, I question the necessity of it all? To just dismiss the throat damage as anything but a clear wound of entrance is to ignore critical evidence that is clearly pointing in another direction...the truth of what really happened. I must agree with this completely. What real point is there? You spend years, decades, debating and arguing over the obvious, and where are we? What has been gained other than maybe a few people on earth know who Kennedy was when before they did not? A few people making money off of books, and a occasional movie? When and where will justice come?I have my suspicions as to why the whole Kennedy assassination was classified, and still is today. I admit that their is a multitude of information that must be relearned before the public could even begin to understand the serious situation we find ourselves in, but, again, where are we? What are we doing to extricate ourselves from this evil that does not allow us to find justice? How can each and every one of us ban together to fight this evil, I ask. If we are not allowed to show the evidence, and the direction from which it comes, then what is the point to it all? I can see no legitimate reason why one single fact involved in this case has to be classified, not one. Unless the government has something to hide! And also, is it really our government that is doing the hiding? It reminds me of the movie "Red Dawn" where the overt forces capture small town government and direct it. But in real life that invading force is covert and hidden just like President Kennedy spoke of in his Secret Societies speech.So to those forces that believe they work for a honest government may want to reconsider their loyalties and priorities!
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Re: Evidence: It depends on what the Meaning of "is" is

Post by ChristophMessner »

Excellent reflection on the meaning of the word evidence in this case, Steve! Let me add that not only positive factualities but negative non-factualities might be evaluated as evidence, for example omissions like no protection of the limo from evidence-taken-away like washing it. That is telling stories and to me it weighs like evidence that something was wrong with the whole story and a cover-up had already started. Billy Boggs wrote: You spend years, decades, debating and arguing over the obvious, and where are we? What has been gained other than maybe a few people on earth know who Kennedy was when before they did not? A few people making money off of books, and a occasional movie? When and where will justice come? I would not belittle all the efforts to bring more truth to the surface. It's impossible to get the perfect just system, it's only to be approached more or less step by step and the many researches of the JFK-case and the many doubts of the official version and the possiblity to debate it publicly are a big progress compared to Chinese circumstances. Billy Boggs wrote:I have my suspicions as to why the whole Kennedy assassination was classified, and still is today. I admit that their is a multitude of information that must be relearned before the public could even begin to understand the serious situation we find ourselves in, but, again, where are we? What are we doing to extricate ourselves from this evil that does not allow us to find justice? How can each and every one of us ban together to fight this evil, I ask. Just start to integrate your knowledge about the JFK-case in your dialogue with people about how the political system shall be changed for the better. Billy Boggs wrote: If we are not allowed to show the evidence, and the direction from which it comes, then what is the point to it all? I can see no legitimate reason why one single fact involved in this case has to be classified, not one. Unless the government has something to hide! And also, is it really our government that is doing the hiding? It reminds me of the movie "Red Dawn" where the overt forces capture small town government and direct it. But in real life that invading force is covert and hidden just like President Kennedy spoke of in his Secret Societies speech. Don't forget that Russia, China, Iran, Nigeria, ... are not holy saints of political heaven and that the USA might not be able to change anything there, if the USA would play open cards with everything and would admit all mistakes immediately so that the enemies could exploit that. Just see that difficulty that you can't fight the evil by being holy saint monk on everything. Billy Boggs wrote: So to those forces that believe they work for a honest government may want to reconsider their loyalties and priorities! That's a decisive conclusion! Write to people who work for a secret service and ask them, why they are still loyal to authorities who are not loyal to their people anymore!