Who cares it was 47 freakin' yrs ago!!!

JFK Assassination
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Who cares it was 47 freakin' yrs ago!!!

Post by Mark68 »

I'm sure most here have heard the title of my thread before. These people simply don't understand the United States BEFORE 22Nov63 was hell & gone closer to what the founding fathers intended to the near antithesis of what it became by the dawn of 23Nov63. THATis the world we live under today, the very same which planned & executed 9/11. Garrison's words were so much more prophetic than he ever imagined IMO.Nice to be on this forum btw!
Jerry Craig
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Re: Who cares it was 47 freakin' yrs ago!!!

Post by Jerry Craig »

yes it has been almost 47 years and the truth is still being found we need to know for our sake if our government keeps secrets from us the how do we know we are being represented properly the FBI and CIA need to come clean once and for all.SO YOU SAY WHO CARES WE DO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Billy Boggs
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Re: Who cares it was 47 freakin' yrs ago!!!

Post by Billy Boggs »

SO YOU SAY WHO CARES WE DO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I second that motion..........!!!!!!!!
Jerry Craig
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Re: Who cares it was 47 freakin' yrs ago!!!

Post by Jerry Craig »

THANK YOU BILLYmy family has been a part of this consperacy since it happened
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Re: Who cares it was 47 freakin' yrs ago!!!

Post by ChristophMessner »

I care even as a German, because the JFK-murder-case is an issue of timeless political and global relevance, because it teaches so much about the differenes between in front of and behind facades.
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Re: Who cares it was 47 freakin' yrs ago!!!

Post by Mark68 »

My main idea re: the JFK assasination is basically the same as Mr X's. Just as Prouty became disillusioned and resigned his commission I think at least subconsciously the american public no longer (and rightly so) feel they have a say in how THEY'RE government is run. As long as they have they're 2 nice cars in a nice home and are able to (at least in they're minds) appear to have more money than they actually do then the american voter really doesn't care who wins what election. In the 1960's I think the politcal climate largely because of JFK was one where voters felt they for once could change things. This scared the hell out of the old men & they'e asskissers of the WW2 (which was just as contrived as the vietnam war btw) era because as Mr X alluded to billions of dollars were at stake and JFK threatened to kill they're goose which layed the golden eggs. As Prouty himself said quoting the joint cheifs "...this guys gotta go".If I had the $$ I'd move to Havana today. This country is going to decay to the point that life in it will become so bad a somewhat larg exodus will hopefully occur.