Judith Baker's Evidence

JFK Assassination
Steve McGuire
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Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by Steve McGuire »

Just finished reading Judy's intriguing "Lee and Me" which in conjunction with Haslem's "Dr. Mary's Monkey", builds a pretty compelling case of the secret, government cancer-producing anti-Castro project in New Orleans in the summer of '63 and Baker's association with Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie. What leaves me hanging however, is that Baker has not produced a single note, letter or photograph of her and Oswald together to conclusively confirm their relationship. Jim Marrs in the Afterword opines tht given Oswald's CIA affiliation, he couldn't risk being exposed, but I'm not convinced of such logic. Apart from the affadavit of some friends that aver they saw the two together, you'd think two young lovers would have exchanged some kind of correspodence which established their affair, but Vary doesn't bring it. Despite saving every other type of document from their alleged time together she can't seal the deal with a photo, etc. If she could, her story would be a blockbuster and her photographic memory of what Oswald said and did in the weeks leading up to the assassination could not be ignored by lone nut or conspiratorialists alike.
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by Mark68 »

Anna Lewis does to be fair w/ her provide a helluva lotta credible sounding info IMO. The lack of photograpic proof is definitely suspicous though I'll free admit that but considering the fact that Baker & Oswald were fooling around behind the backs of they're respective spouses or spouses to be in Baker's case and such situations usually don't get to the "pictured arm in arm" stage. I beleive Baker & Lewis although Baker is human and probably stretching the truth to a degree in order sell books, i.e., make money.
mike martinez
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by mike martinez »

IMO, I think she is a nutcase to the nth degree just like Beverly Oliver and Gordon Arnold. Trying to insert themselves into history to give their lives some meaning.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by Dealey Joe »

Steve I personally had an affair in 1963.I have no pictures, no documents, and really no living witnesses, so no proof.Judyth's witnesses would be. Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, Mary Sherman,Apartment owners ect. none living.Judyth provides ample knowledge of events to be considered involved.Mike I think you might miss the point here a bit.Judyth is not trying to PROVE her relationship to you or me, but to provide a history of valuable information on all the Bio efforts that was and is going on and what LHO was really doing.And mainly to help show the LHO was innocent of shooting JFK.and also was well known by the FBI and CIA ect.If you think she is a nut case then who does have enough evidence that you can believe?Even Jimmy Files story backs Judyth up.
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by dankbaar »

Mike Martinez, I think that the vast majority here would vote for the option that you are the nutcase.Have you read the book already? Wim
mike martinez
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by mike martinez »

I have not read the book, that would require monitarily contributing to her scam. I have seen several of her interviews on the subject on different documentaries and on the web. I stand by my opinion..BTW, per your own rules for this forum:"The rules are: 1) Register preferably under your real name, first and last. You may also choose a nickname if you provide your true name to me or another administrator. 2) No name calling, obscenity, profanity or insults.Wim Dankbaar"So you gonna ban yourself?dankbaar wrote:Mike Martinez, I think that the vast majority here would vote for the option that you are the nutcase.Have you read the book already? Wim
mike martinez
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by mike martinez »

So I've been meaning to ask this since I stumbled onto this sight a couple years ago..Why is it that since the Kennedy assassination was such a tragic event, changing America forever, and the killers are so despised (Bush, LBJ, CIA, FBI, DPD, SS, Howard Hunt, 3 tramps, etc.................................)Why is it that so many of the regular posters don't show any ill will, and it seems to me, actually glorify and like the guy who you say actually killed JFK??I find rather funny.
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by Bob »

mike martinez wrote:So I've been meaning to ask this since I stumbled onto this sight a couple years ago..Why is it that since the Kennedy assassination was such a tragic event, changing America forever, and the killers are so despised (Bush, LBJ, CIA, FBI, DPD, SS, Howard Hunt, 3 tramps, etc.................................)Why is it that so many of the regular posters don't show any ill will, and it seems to me, actually glorify and like the guy who you say actually killed JFK??I find rather funny.Why? Because James Files confessed and told the truth. Unlike the family that you continue to glorify...the Bu$h family. A family of cowards and traitors.
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Re: Judith Baker's Evidence

Post by Barney »

Members; would it not be a helluva coincidence, the Judyth says she met Lee at the post office one day when she just happened to drop aletter, and he quickly bent down and picked it up for her. Then, they proceeded to walk back to her apartment together and soon after they were both employed at Reilly Coffee Co., she in the office and Lee oiling the machinery.The things that bug the hell outta me is, how could Oswald, which ever one it was in New Orleans, get away from work so blatantly andso often, without being noticed by his supervisors, and the owners and still draw a small paycheck, even to having assignations with Judythpaid for by Shaw she alleges, in a very nice hotel nearby their work locus. Same thing when Oswald goes to Ft. Worth and then Dallas, jobswherein he was apparently absent from the work assignment on many occasions and at varying times as an hourly employee.This leads me to think perhaps, that Judyth may have been dating one of the Oswald imposters and not aware of it, as there apparentlywere as many as 3-4 imposters in these locations doing various things in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Phil Dragoo
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Judyth and James

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I find Judyth Baker sincere in her attempts to set the record straight.I was sitting in Mr. Johnson's English class when the intercom informed us the president had been shot, the president was dead and the buses were lined up to take us home for the weekend—where I would see Ruby shoot Oswald on Sunday morning—live, then replayed throughout the day.I would be hard-pressed to present photographic evidence of my whereabouts and actions at any point that year, 1963—and it was nothing outside the normal experience of tens of thousands of American teenagers.I do not fault Judyth Baker for lacking documentation, not when I have little myself.She has been subject to much persecution and abuse in America and Europe, has profited nothing, would be best served by falling silent—indeed, never having spoken up would have improved her life enormously.As for the suggestion James Files warrants some opprobrium not demonstrated—he, too, has nothing to gain by speaking out. Others have died for as much, or been subject to intimidation, or framing and false imprisonment as in the case of Bolden.I think Judyth and Jimmy have shown a great deal more class than their detractors.