Cabluck Photo Oddity

JFK Assassination
Kit Carp
Posts: 9
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Cabluck Photo Oddity

Post by Kit Carp »

I recently was going through a site that has hundreds of photos from the Plaza the day of the assassination, and ran into a photo I have seen before, but saw something I had never noticed. As many here know, I am someone who favors the sewer drains as a site for a possible frontal shot at JFK. I think there was a knoll shooter as well- but have always personally liked the sewer drains for the better cover they offered and the obviously much better angle for a temple to back of head exit than the knoll offers. I was looking at the funny way this early arriving policeman was peering over the very beginning of the picket fence. I was wondering about what he was standing on, and causally thought about that upper sewer drain two or three yards to his right.Then I sort of just gaped at the photo for a long while...trying to figure out what in blazes what I was looking at.What the hell is it, covering up the picket fence, to the cops right?If you actually copy this rather clear photo to your desktop, and blow it up, you can see there are no "picket" tops in this area of the fence, covering the sewer. There are no apparent pickets either. Just a plain, whitish covering. Looks rather to me like paper covering this section of the photo.To the right a bit further, you can see tree branches covering parts of the picket fence further on....but, is this rectangular item covering up part of the tree up at the top corner?Also when you blow up the photo, you are struck with the grain of the photo paper, which seems grainier than the smoother texture of the oddity.Also, it seems to me there are hints of pickets through some areas of this covering.It cant possibly be pickets stuck really close together and forming a "wall" with no holes, because you would still have "points" at the top. I assume there is some explanation for this that is innocent. Maybe it's a white tag on the photo, where someone is supposed to label it, or something? If so, why take the trouble to make it precisely fit the fence?Has anyone a solid answer about this odd looking thing?It's suspiciously located at what I think is exactly the spot where the sewer drain is, and the photo appears to be taken shortly after the final shot. Is it hiding a missing picket or place to shoot through? I'm perplexed.Maybe it's a joke. I'm not very versed on the history of this photographer, except I seem to remember he was on the bus.Anyone know of any good photos of this particular spot from that day?I found the famous shot of people running up there, but people obscure the fence at exactly that spot. Funny how everyone ran exactly there!I'd love some help on this one.Kit
Kit Carp
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Re: Cabluck Photo Oddity

Post by Kit Carp »

I hate to be the first to comment on my own thread, but heck.Anyone? I've been trying to find another photo of this spot that day, and cant. The area in question is about nine feet to the right of the policeman with his back to us.I've seen a photo from the other side of the fence where the two picket fences meet "at an angle" and seem to remember like a smallish post. Nothing like this massive wood wal, doorl or concrete barrier or whatever is shone.Is this an added artifact? Is the fence blocked out? Anyone know if Cabluck's negatives exist?
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Re: Cabluck Photo Oddity

Post by Davyjones »

Kit...found this pic .....might be of interest.... ... m=33&pos=8 I think your pic was taken out of a vehicle window and may be a reflection?? I am sure is was taken out of a bus window?
Kit Carp
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Re: Cabluck Photo Oddity

Post by Kit Carp »

Ah, thank you for the extra picture...yes, that was the photo I mentioned, that's covered by "grassy-knollers". You cant see that section of the fence for all the assassin searchers.I had not thought of a reflection. I assume you mean a reflection off the fence, and not on the glass, as a glass reflection wouldn't sit precisely on the fence, size wise, but would be unrelated to the fence and not perfectly even with the fence. At least, I dont think the chances of that are very likely.Certainly the light is brightest in that section of the photo. But, this is part of the same straight fence on to the left of it. Same plane and light hitting it. Light is hitting it all. Why is this showing no pickets, but not the other part? It is very, very strange looking if one blows it up from your desktop, rather than just the enlargement provided here on the site. It isnt "pure white" except at the very top of the artifact, which is a pure white line with no sign of pointed pickets. The saturation of this artifact is about the same as the sky above other words, it has the same amount of "color" in it as the sky. A reflection tends to be pure white, like the white line that appears between this artifact and the sky. So whatever this is, it isnt "white".I'm trying to adjust to the idea of this being a reflection off the fence. Not saying you are wrong, it's a sane explanation. Anyone else think this is just a reflection too? Thanks again.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Cabluck Photo Oddity

Post by Dealey Joe »

Can't find the photos right now but we have looked at that earlier and it is just shadows, reflections ect.Does look funny though. good eye there.