Oswald's Day

JFK Assassination
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Oswald's Day

Post by Kirk »

After hearing from Joe, I had the idea that maybe we could focus one topic thread on Oswald's Day on the Day of the Assassination. His motives, means, and opportunity, if any for being at the wrong place at the right time or the right place at the wrong time. I of course know some about this and have opinions, but I am not an expert as many of you are, and yes, I get confused with the conflicting evidences like so much that happened or did not happen on that day.Items like did Oswald leave in a Rambler? Was it Mrs. Paine's? How would they know to meet at that time and place, and why? Did he take a cab or Bus and why? Why would he leave at all, when he did? Did anybody else? Did he tell somebody that he was going for the day? Why would Truly report him missing later after saying he saw him earlier. Did anybody go back to work? Did Oswald use or provide the rifle? Did he purposely pick the worst rifle possible? Did he deliberately make sure it was not even sighted properly?I know some of this would be a rehash, but maybe we all can work towards an informed consensus from debating without the badgering.Remembering the Adm. Stockdale line of Who am I and Why am I here?, and using it for Oswald.Thanks,Kirk
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Dealey Joe »

I will have to think about this.Can we separated what we are pretty sure of and what we are not so sure of.Why did he go to Paines house on Thursday night?It is also rumored that he left a wedding ring there Friday morning.
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Kirk »

Joe, I am open to anything on this. We can talk about the night before and leading up as well. I have heard over and over that he left his ring. I am not sure, if this was confirmed by Marina or not. I do believe for sure that he knew that trouble was coming. It is odd that for a guy that seems to be hard to get along with he always has people willing to help him out. Was that really the day that he supposedly brought curtain rods is a good question as well.Kirk
Alex Hidell
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Alex Hidell »

What do we know for sure?1. The rifle was inoperbale as evidenced by FBI agent testimony in front of WC. Rifle was 60 years old, had rusted bolt action and was deemed inoperable by FBI. In addition, sight was proven to be improperly aligned.2. Oswald was seen at 12:15, 12:25 and 12:31 in lunch room.3. The pistol had misaligned firing pin, making it inoperable.4. Several people failed to return to work at TSBD after lunch. Oswald was not the only one "missing".5. Oswald was seen leaving scene in a Rambler by Dallas Police Officer Craig.6. Ejected automatic shells were found at Tippet murder scene. Oswald was supposedly carrying a revolver which, by definition, does not eject shells.7. Oswald was barely able to pass entry level markmansship training in boot camp. NO ONE who ever saw Oswald shoot a rifle felt he was capable of the feat attributed to him.8. Carolyn Walther saw 2 men on the 6th floor 15-20 minutes before assassination. One had a weapon which she described as shorter than a rifle. Another Remingtion X-100 Fireball possibly???? Others saw 2 men on the 6th floor as well, 15-20 minutes before the murder, the same time that Oswald was seen in the cafeteria.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Dealey Joe »

How much do we know about Buel Frazier?Another thing about the supposed 6th floor window.In my estimation it would take a left handed shooterwhich LHO and many more are.So it would have been possible for LHO to fire maybe one shot.Shooting left handed with a right handed bolt action woud slow the shooterto a near stop.Also LBJ man Malcom Wallace's fingerprint was found on a box,finally identified in 1998.cardboard does not hold a copyable print for very long so itmeans the fingerprint was fresh. Wallace died of mysterious causesin 1971.I can't in my mind understand why LHO was even in the TSBD that day?How did he think he could stop it. Judyth said he told her "one less bullet"?Do we know anything about LHO for sure?
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Kirk »

Thanks Alex and JoeI have wonder about Frazier as well. He seemed to be just an innocent party, but it reminds me of the guy that was jailed for just holding Booth's horse. There only two possible reasons for Wallace's print being there. One is that it was planted, which isn't likely by possible, especially just having one print found. Not sure why a professional killer like Wallace would not have worn gloves. The other reason is that he was there, and the only reason he would be there would be to kill somebody. My opinion would be that he was there to kill Oswald, not shoot JFK. Not sure why in total, but it would be such a risk to have him as the shooter, and tied so closely to LBJ, and all those trying to remove JFK. I have felt the only possible way to get away with shooting anything would be to have at least a two man team on the floor. One as a lookout and enabler. That person would be at least dressed as a Police Officer, in not one. It would make easier to escape, if you look like you are looking for a suspect. The construction crew on the floor also seems as possible. The sniper nest just doesn't work on any level except as a red herring. A professional would have picked a better spot, either on the roof, another building or another floor. The sniper nest would only work if this sniper was going shoot the motorcade coming down Houston. The Live Oak trees are also a real problem to shoot through, with the down slope of the road. And as you all have pointed out the weapon is just not suitable for the task, even for a professional, so a professional would never pick or choose that weapon. So why is that the weapon found is always the question? Did Oswald supply the weapon?Did Oswald always eat lunch? Did he always eat lunch in the break room? People always act like Oswald was Anti-social, but eating in the breakroom is not an anti-social act. Was there a phone in the break room? Why wasn't he watching the motorcade outside on his lunch break?Again how would anyone know or be ready to pick up Oswald in the Rambler right after?ThanksKirk
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Dealey Joe »

One thing that needs to be discussed a bit is the Carcano Italiano.Not talking about the planted riffle here but the Mannlicher Carcano is not a bad gun,For one it has a Mauser action and a Mannlicher Magazine, a pretty hard combination to beat.otherwise it could be a cheeply built rifle
Phil Dragoo
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Dave's not here

Post by Phil Dragoo »

On November 30th, FBI Agent Alan Manning interviewed Mrs. Evelyn Harris. In his summary of that interview, he wrote:the daughter of Mrs. Lucy Lopez, a white woman married to a Mexican, worked at a sewing room across the street from the TSBD. Her daughter and some of the other girls knew Lee Harvey Oswald and also were acquainted with Jack Ruby. They observed Jack Ruby give Oswald a pistol when Oswald came out of the building.Harvey, Lee and Tippit: A New Look at the Tippit ShootingBy John Armstronghttp://www.ctka.net/pr198-jfk.htmlI suggest the firing pin was bent, Ruby told Lee to meet him at the theater, Ruby went to the theater and tipped the cops, hoping they'd kill Lee so he wouldn't have to--he was ordered to do so: he told his sister Eva Grant, "Somebody ripped my heart out," then he vomited--he'd been on the phone. . .with Lansky or a Lansky agent, perhaps Braden. Tippit was anxious to contact Lee, perhaps to warn him or help him escape--but Ruby or someone else got to Tippit first.As Gil Jesus and George Michael Evica have shown, Lee never owned the Mannlicher Carcano in evidence.Despite an attempt to frame him, Lee did not target-shoot with such a weapon, nor store it at Paine's garage, nor transport it in a paper device, nor claim it to be curtain rods.In Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission failed America and why, it is shown the Atomic Energy Commission Oak Ridge facility used its state-of-the-art neutron activation analysis (NAA) on the paraffin casts taken of Lee's cheek by the Dallas police and confirmed the original test result as negative, that is, there were no traces of antimony or barium on Lee's cheek, and remember, the test would detect a part in a billion.There was no case against Lee for the Tippit shooting, nor the Walker shooting.He wasn't on the sixth floor when the shots were fired from the Dal-Tex Building and the picket fence.He wasn't at the Tippit scene when someone else shot the police officer.He wasn't behind Walker's house when two men fled the scene in an auto—Lee couldn't drive, and had no conspirators.Lee isn't the focus of the investigation; he wasn't the killer, but was manipulated by Angleton and Phillips and the 488th military intelligence unit and the Secret Service and the FBI and the continual psychopathic lying of Hoover and the craven deceit of Ford.The rotting carcass of the Warren Report is re-served by Posner, Bugliosi, the Church Lady of the Plaza, Tom Hanks (If I only had a brain), and the History (Revision) Channel and the Discovery (Disinformation) Channel.Michael Medved had a guest who's written something wonderful on the Bay of Pigs and the two eggheads discussed the delusionary assassin.No, it is the Medved Magic-Bullet Heads who are deluded.The majority of Americans know it to have been a coup. Some think of it as an isolated incident, perhaps an LBJ crime.Then why are we riding herd on the heroin poppies in Afghanistan and building a million-square-foot facility for the National Security Agency in Utah.Hint: national security has been the excuse for every state crime and coverup since 1947.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Dealey Joe »

Are we safe in assuming all the guns involved were faulty junk?When I hear this red flags start waving.Phil do you think John Armstrong has a clue?Isn't he the guy who is pushing Lee and Harvey and saying Marguerite Oswald is the wrong person?
Alex Hidell
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Re: Oswald's Day

Post by Alex Hidell »

FBI agent testimony before WC as he held the rifle in his hands was quite clear- rifle inoperable due to rusty bolt action. Subsequent inspection revealed improperly aligned scope. This info is a matter of public record. It is not hearsay or speculation.