Paul May

JFK Assassination
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Paul May

Post by dankbaar »

There is a fellow who calls himself Paul May, who promotes and adheres to the Warren Report conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK all by himself. He sends me unsollicited, insulting emails, follows me everywhere and obviously hates my guts for saying that I believe James Files is the real deal. Instead of directing his anger to James Files, he aims it towards his most visible messenger (moi). In the process he concentrates on James Files only, ignoring the rest of my work, like Chauncey Holt, Tosh Plumlee, Judyth Baker, Luis Posada, George Bush, etc. I thought I start a thread on him, for it fascinates me what motivates this man and why he cares so much to point out I am a no good criminal, promoting a hoax story for monetary gain. It fascinates me because I wonder when I would say: ""I have a Marsian living in my bedroom", he would go to the same trouble to try and debunk it. Let me just gather/summarize a few of his comments that can be found on the Internet, partly on Initial post: Jun 30, 2007 11:55:54 AM PDTPaul May says:The author of this book WANTS you to believe it's a complicated story. He has books and dvd's to sell. In reality, Files is a liar. Dankbaar knows Files to be a liar and yet he peddles this BS all over the internet. Files has been discredited by numerous researchers including other CT's. For Dankbaar, this is business! He needs to make a return on his investment. He could care less about the truth. Look at it another way. Of the thousands of conspiracy books written about 11/22, 99.999% are wrong!! What makes this book the "right" one? Phone records indicate Files to be in Chicago on 11/22. When confronted with this, he said it was his twin brother. He has no twin brother. He claims to have served in Laos yet didn't know the capital city. The cartridge case he claims to have left in Dealey Plaza was manufactured in the 1970's. Read the story yourself: is a disgrace to research and as a human being. He's attempting to make money on the death of a U.S. President....and he's a foreigner.By Paul MayThis review is from: Files on JFK: Interviews with Confessed Assassin James E. Files, and More New Evidence of the Conspiracy that Killed JFK (Paperback)How bad is this book? It's author, Wim Dankbaar is asking members of his own website to come to Amazon to write reviews, whether they've read the book or not. This book has been ignored by all forms of media, including other conspiracy driven media. It's been ignored deservedly so. The flaws in the Files story are never ending. The hull Files claims to have left by himself in Dealey Plaza was provenly manufactured in the 1970's. Files claims to have spent time in Laos/Cambodia but did not know the names of the capital cities. When phone records were produced showing Files to be in Chicago on 11/22/63, he claimed it was his twin brother. He has no twin brother. And the beat goes on. Author Wim Dankbaar has invested several hundred thousand dollars in the Files story. He purchased those rights from internet hustler Bob Vernon. Dankbaar is not a stupid individual. He realizes the importance of return on investment. Want to read science fiction? I'll suggest Issac Assimov.JFK Assassination Forum > General Category > JFK Assassination General Discussion & Debate > Latest Dankbaar "theory"Paul May:Posted by Wim Dankbaar in June, 2004:QUOTE (dankbaar @ Jun 26 2004, 03:42 PM) The military industrial complex, the CIA (rogue elements, Bush, Phillips, Lansdale, Cabell, etc), the Mafia, LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover, Texan Big Oil (Hunt, Murchison, Richardson, John De Menil, Byrd, Mecom, Bush), anti-Castro Cuban exiles, were all in this together. Posted today by Wim Dankbaar:I am accusing Don Kendall of foreknowledge and planning the JFK assassination. Don Kendall was the President of Pepsi Cola in 1963. He went on to become CEO. As of this date, Dankbaar has NOT accused the Boy Scouts of America or the N. Y. Yankees in his vast conspiracy. No doubt, he will at a future date! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Paul May:Sure sounds like a Presidential Assassin to me! :hello: Josephs:Are you even aware of the Pepsi connection???Or is this just another Paul May "I have nothing to say and nothing to add so I criticize others" thread? :rofl:Paul May:Quote from: David Josephs on May 12, 2011, 05:48:10 PMAre you even aware of the Pepsi connection???Or is this just another Paul May "I have nothing to say and nothing to add so I criticize others" thread? :rofl:OMG, not the Pepsi "connection"????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Paul May:Just out of curiosity Josephs, cane sugar from Cuba was also used to make Cocoa-Cola. Were Coke and Pepsi together part of this conspiracy? ... witterfeed
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Re: Paul May

Post by kenmurray »

Wim, Paula May is a piece of shit. Always has been. He has done the same crap to Gil Jesus and Tom Rossely's work as well. He has used aliases before such as YoHarvey, Spiffy, Spiffy_one, and baileynme.Here's from Rossley's site:Here's another one from paul may NOT....(Must have been a week-end sale on Meth)My reply to paul may NOTYou should have thought of that BEFORE you started the name-calling Asshole.I'm better than you when it comes to evidence/testimony.I'm better than you when it comes to name-calling.When it comes to who will BURY who, you were Smart enough to Chicken outthere TOO.Keep up with my website.......NOW, Everyone knows what an Asshole Coward youare.Don't be pissed at me, I'm not the one who cut out your Ovaries.----- Original Message ----- From: Paul May To: tomnln Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 11:28 PM Subject: Re: How can you be this stupid? Simple question: At anytime, are you capable of writing without soundinglike an idiot?? Is this a remote possiblity? Can you NOT use 12 year oldlanguage? Can you write like an adult? When you can, I will answer yourquestions. I simply don't like speaking with IDIOTS, EMBICILES or MORONS.You qualify on all three counts. AND YOU KNOW IT.From: Paul May To: tomnln Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 8:41 PM Subject: Re: How can you be this stupid? Guts? You really were brought up in a trailer park weren't you? (I didn't even mention his ovaries) I remember your type of kid when I was younger. No education, foul mouth, always in trouble. Now, you're an old man with NO life and you attempt to revert back to your youth. You're a joke. I've seen your type so many times. No ability to THINK. Totally irrational. Kicking your ass would only embarrass your pathetic family. Tell me something, how do you justfify (justifify?) your existence? Living on social security I imagine. Playing on a computer all day. Incapable of reading anything that may improve your feeble mind. Yep, you're quite a guy. Have you any ability to "look within yourself" and admit what a loser you've been all your life? Or does trying to play "big man on forum" just get you off. You my friend are what's known as a social misfit. Now, I realize that term is above your educational level so I don't anticipate a comment back but I can live with that. I suggest you torment somebody on your 3rd grade level. I'm a bit above you in EVERY respect. Are you to ignorant to even realize that? Has it not occurred to you that NOBODY responds to the ignorance of your postings? You are ignored. Why? Quite simply, in 40 years of persuing the JFK case, you are, without a doubt the single most ignorant researcher I've ever encountered. I doubt this is the first time you've heard this. Your juvenile posts, your inability to spell correctly, your inability to write correctly. Good lord, how can one 70 year old man be as disappointing in so many respects as you are? This must have taken alot of effort on your part. I've told you but apparently it hasn't suck into that pea sized head of yours. I will not address your ignorance any longer. You are scum; you've always been scum and you'll be scum until your placed into the ground. We can only hope that will be fairly soon. I'm sick of my tax dollars supporting ignorant azzholes like you incapable of making a contribution to society. Now, go fuck yourself!!!On 2/16/07, tomnln <> wrote: You don't have the GUTS. ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul May To: tomnln Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 3:04 PM Subject: Re: How can you be this stupid? I don't need help taking out the garbage.On 2/15/07, tomnln <> wrote: Why not bring ed cage with you? I'm running a BIG Sale. ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul May To: tomnln Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:37 PM Subject: Re: How can you be this stupid? You continue to show how ignorant you truly are. I'll let you know when I'm back in Conneticut, my home state by the way. You're in SERIOUS trouble. Guard your valuables.On 2/14/07, tomnln <> wrote: Just say where/when Faggot; You just hit my REAL Hot Button. You can even sell tickets to benefit the AIDS FUND to leave something for your family. But, FIRST Address These; ... .htmLittle girls (nor Faggots) ever frighten me. I'm not Oswald. I RETALIATE. ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul May To: tomnln Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 10:27 PM Subject: Re: How can you be this stupid? See, there you go being stupid as usual. I give you an opportunity to speak as an adult and what do you do? The very same stupid things you do in the forum that allows people to belive you are a misfit. It's apparent at this point that you lack either the knowledge or the ability to communicate on an adult level. Now, if you want to continue to "take me on" in the forum, I can assure you I'll make you look dumber than soap. It's your choice. I suggest you grow up, dump that pathetic website that nobody visits and stop with the childish name calling. If you choose not to, well, I'll bury you. And yet, that's a threat.On 2/14/07, tomnln <> wrote: ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul May To: Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 5:12 PM Subject: How can you be this stupid? Rossley: With every post you make, I make you look like the embecile you are. Why do you do this to yourself? You are the laughing stock of this forum. Have you no pride? Have you no self respect? What is your point? You've not said one relevant thing on this forum! That is fact. You embarrass yourself with each posting you make. Your website is a total and complete embarrassment and it reflects on YOU. What part of this do you not understand. I'm telling you this for your own benefit. It's never to late to get an education! Baileynme, aka spiffy, aka YoHarvey Does this mean you are Finally going to address these official records Criminal? ... et/CIA.htm SPIFFY-BAILEY-YO MOMMA HARVEY; WHATEVER HIS NAME IS;
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Re: Paul May

Post by Davyjones »

Dont think he would last long on this forum with that kind of vitriolic,name calling.
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Re: Paul May

Post by kenmurray »

For a few laughs concerning Paula May check out BOR archived show #525. Play part one where Jim DiEugenio discusses May and what Gil Jesus says about him as well. You can fast foreward to the 1:0033 mark where Jim begins with his take on Paula May.Show #525Original airdate: May 5 2011 Guest: Jim DiEugenio Topics: Play Part One - Jim DiEugenio •Did the car slow or did it stop in Dealey plaza ? •Can witnesses recall can this be tested? •Listener questions answered •Required reading... The Chicgo Plot Article.pdf - Or audio read by Len Osanic
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Re: Paul May

Post by dankbaar »

Piece of shit, maybe. Are Vincent Bugliosi and Gerald Posner pieces of shit? I am interested in their motivation. What drives them to publish the garbage they publish?
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Re: Paul May

Post by kenmurray »

dankbaar wrote:Piece of shit, maybe. Are Vincent Bugliosi and Gerald Posner pieces of shit? I am interested in their motivation. What drives them to publish the garbage they publish?Wim, my opinion is May is a like a runner for John McAdams who goes to forum to forum and does personal attacks and insults towards researchers like yourself, Gil Jesus, Tom Rossely for example. He knows he wouldn't stand a chance with yourself as far as the evidence in the Assassination goes. Hell, I wouldn't be surprise if he is getting paid to do his garbage.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Paul May

Post by Dealey Joe »

I am amazed at how quickly some of these dudes go to name calling and slander.Life is too long to live like that.We must keep in mind there will always be those who 's only purpose in life is to agitate and disrupt. We have had our share of them for a while.We are 50 years down the road, it is time to quit arguing about who was in the street and if a frame is out of place or not.To me it is absurd to consider taking rumor and suggestion over what has been done with James Files. Who else has stood up and let themselves be de-feathered and bared to the public?or allowed anyone who wants to see what they are besides Judyth Vary Baker?I can tell you with 70 years experience that James Sutton/Files is no liar.If you could ask him WHY did you tell us this, he would not be able to come up with a good answer. He most likely don't really know why. And probably wishes he had never said anything.Actually it was the FBI who gave him up.Did he tell us everything? No. Does he owe us the whole story? NoDo I think we will ever hear the rest of the story? No...Why?What the research community done with the part we have? Use it to try to beak down his story and prove him to be a liar.How pathetic.
Wayne Stracener
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Re: Paul May

Post by Wayne Stracener »

Found one of his old class group photos.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Paul May

Post by Dealey Joe »

Always looking to the right.must be his best side.How do we know this is the guy?
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Re: Paul May

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:Always looking to the right.must be his best side.How do we know this is the guy?Joe, May has no good side.