JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

William Turner, The Warren Report: Part 2, CBS Television (27th June, 1967) think that the massive head wound, where the President's head was literally blown apart, came from a quartering angle on the grassy knoll. The bullet was a low velocity dum-dum mercury fulminate hollow-nose, which were outlawed by The Hague Convention, but which are used by paramilitary groups. And that the whole reaction is very consistent to this kind of weapon. That he was struck and his head - doesn't go directly back this way but it goes back and over this way, which would be consistent with the shot from that direction, and Newton's Law of Motion.David Mantik cannot say with certainty that it was a mercury bullet, but I can confirm that the borders of the fragments (as viewed at NARA) in the so-called trail are remarkably fuzzy. That stands in stark contrast to the metal fragments that were removed and are known to be metal (lead); by contrast, their borders on the X-ray film are sharply defined. I have repeatedly observed this distinction at NARA. In an odd coincidence that I have previously noted, such devastating mercury bullets were described—in 1963— in The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth.
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Re: Mercury Round?

Post by dankbaar »

Joe, where are these documents you posted from?All that would need to be done to prove James Files is telling the truth (or lying), is exhume the skull of JFK for checking on mercury. Why is is not done? A job for Bugliosi?Wim
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Re: Mercury Round?

Post by Deborah »

dankbaar wrote:Joe, where are these documents you posted from?All that would need to be done to prove James Files is telling the truth (or lying), is exhume the skull of JFK for checking on mercury. Why is is not done? A job for Bugliosi?WimDear WimJFK's brain was not interred with him in 1963. The brain had been sliced for autopsy x-rays and autopsy analysis was still ongoing one hour before the funeral according to Bethesda autopsy technician testimony. The following link to the HSCA search for the autopsy remains will shed some light on this matter. It appears that the autopsy remains including the x-rays were taken into custody by Robert Kennedy and subsequently 'gifted' to the Kennedy family.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Mercury Round?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Please keep in mind the totally different affect on a head wound from normally expected to a Mercury Bullet.The Terminal Ballistic Effects of a Mercury loaded bullet is a terrible thing indeed. You must understand that I can't go into any construction details without violating certain provisions of the Patriot Act with respect to providing information on a public forum that could be of possible use to those who are designated Terrorists by the Department of Homeland Security ie. I'm going to be treading a fine-line as it is. Suffice to say that with an atomic number of 80 and an atomic weight of 200.59, Mercury is pretty much on par with bullet lead which is usually alloyed with varying amounts of tin, and antimony, which lowers the mass of pure lead. Since mercury is liquid in its' natural state it posesses charactistics which render it truely devestating upon Terminal Impact with a live body. A semi-jacketed hollowpoint bullet so loaded will retain its initial mass and momentum. But, the mercury being liquid will escape the confines of the bullet during the mushrooming stage and expand so quickly as to in effect, expload, creating a hydrostatic shock zone of destruction far greater than the bullet alone. Such a projectile being properly made if shot into the torso will virtually liquify the internal organs and if impacting a human head it can quite literally expload that head. All of this of course occuring in milliseconds of time. The Mercury Load is the MAKE SURE bullet of the professional assassin and requires a good deal of skill in its manufacture_not something that can be whipped-up in a few minutes on a kitchen table. Such a bullet must be milled and loaded to tolerances far greater then can be decerned by the human eye. Otherwise, it will quickly become unstable in flight and all hope of downrange accuracy is lost, even at a range of 100" or so. In fact, an improperly constructed Mercury Load can and under the right conditions will cause a catastrophic instability inside of the weapon's barrel with an outcome that will definently be felt by the shooter. So folks, do not try this at home! Besides being illegal in many places it is damn dangerous to play around with. With respect to the NAA Analysis conducted by Dr. Guinn on CE-399 and the recovered bullet fragments I find no mention of the presence of Mercury or Carbon the latter which would have been present on this bullet had it been fired through any organic artifact including a human head. Also, lead itself possess several isotopes allowing it to be physically connected to a particular area due to the distribution of these isotopes. The technology for making such determinations were in place well before 1963. I find the absence of such determinations in Dr. Guinn's Report disturbing to say the least. What should be pointed out is that mercury is only preserved in a liquid state when controlled in a chamber and not released to surrounding air and temperature. When it is exposed, it becomes hardened and remains in the hardened state. The advantage of the mercury filled bullet is that the core of the lead or lead jacketed bullet is considerably harder and less resistant than the external mass of lead or lead and copper jacketing. The hardened mercury being in the general range of 59 Rockwell Cone and the lead being at roughly 38 Rockwell Cone in hardness. The problem in designing a mercury filled bullet is to fill the hollowed cavity of the bullet with mecury without pockets as the mercury hardens almost immediately. The fuller the cavity with mercury composition, the greater the dispersement of the bullet. What occurs upon impact is that the outer lead/lead with copper jacketing depresses against the much harder mercury core and the lead or jacketed lead is disrupted and fragments greatly during initial penetration. This is the exploding bullet. However, what most misunderstand, is that the explosive effect of the bullet is contained within a small cavity as the energy dispersion is compromised greatly due to the minute fragments being dispersed into a resistant cavity. In the case of a skull penetration, the brain would have considerable internal disruption, but it would have little or no effect on an exit wound, as the fragments of the bullet would lose their energy quickly due to their low weight. by John Ritchson
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.23.2011 - Mr. Phil Dragoo, one of the best and most professional researchers and writers who it has been my pleasure to know, Posted this powerful Headline and material on mercury bullets.11.25.2011 - Mr. Joe Hall additionally made a meaningful contribution on this serious subject matter.Now that Joe Hall has conclusively proved that there was No Through And Through in JFK's limo windshield, and therefore no bullet hit JFK in the throat from that alignment, more focus needs to be placed on:1. The explosive and vaporizing effect that occurred with both JFK's brain and head when he is clearly shot from The Grassy Knoll.2. A deeper, and more probative analysis to the fact that Joe Hall has also proven that No Shots Were Fired By Anybody, LHO or anybody else, from The 6th Floor Window Of The Texas School Book Depository Building.3. Then where were the other shots fired from ? And the always evasive question of how many shots ? Which also begs the next major question.4. Who was the other shooter ? I believe the only other shooter was Charles "Chuckie" Nicoletti.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by Slav »

Who was the other shooterS.I believe there were alot of other shooters in many different places.Please make a list of the Assassins shooters that were present that day.1.James Files2.Charles Nicolletti3.Johhny Roselli didnt shoot?4.Sarti? there was definitely a second shooter on the knoll,2 bullets found on the knoll.5.Brady6.Wallace7.Sturgis8.the Cubans I forgot there names9.Harleson he claimed he was involved why else would he be there at all.10.The south knoll shooter that plumlee said shot behind him and the smell of gunpowder.11.the bullet shell found on top of the County court building.12.What about the man with the rifle who was spotted coming out of the drainage near the bridge.13. anybody else I forgot?Dont forget about the secret service slowing or stopping the car they were also involved.What did they say A flurry of shots coming into the car, a flurry in my opinion is many alot more that 4-5.and who knows who else was there, I am sure I'm missing a couple of names.There Were approx 12 shots or more and I doubt that Nicolletti made all those bullet holes.You dont bring all these shooters there and think that they would not try and make a name for themselves, it would be a good addition to there resume if they took a shot and could claim that they took the fatal shot for future jobs recommendation.This is my opinion so please dont shoot me, I do not believe oswald took a shot at all or was on the 6th floor but I do believe there were 2 different shooters on the 6th floor for what ever reason that did shoot.They had a lot of people in the knoll and in the area I am so surprised that more people didnt come forward and speak I guess they were all killed or afraid.Like Senator McCain said an act of intervention he knows, the FbI knows who did it and they knew files was involved you dont think alot of other people dont know.They cant arrest files or do anything because the truth would come out and Bush Sr and Senator Arlen Spector would be arrested ( who recently Died: October 14, 2012) with a bunch of other people. I think its widely known look at Bush Sr smiling grinning at Fords Funeral what a disgrace when he mentioned a diluted gunman, he should of said 2 diluted Criminal presidents Him and Ford.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

I think more and descriptive information is needed on the Mercury charged bullet.This bullet changes the entire picture of a head wound, with the mercury round you cannot use normal methods to investigate and come to a conclusion without some knowledge of the round.This is why normal forensics will not provide the correct answer.Sherry Fiester in her book, which is well written and researched comes to the wrong forensic conclusion of a shot from the South end of the overpass. She is correct when she says that JFK's head was pointed toward the south of the overpass and looking downward when the shot struck that destroyed his skull. She also has no real understanding of a Mercury Charged Bullet.Keep in mind that Mercury and lead cannot be in contact with each other as they will amalgam and form a harder substance. The mercury must be kept in its liquid state in order to cause what i call a miniature nuclear explosion with most likely no single telltale exit wound.So the Mercury Charge must be encapsulated or isolated from the lead of the bullet it is loaded into.
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Post by AlanD »

Whither it was 3 shots or up to 10 shots that were fired at the limo, the important issue is that all the bullets "had to be singing from the same hymn sheet" e.g. they all had to be the same type of bullet , and hence to have come from a Carcano or as I feel more likely a Mannlicher-Schönauer rifle. If they were Mercury filled or Frangible as RobertP has previously posted or just standard Carcano bullets with the tip taken back to expose the lead core , it is really not that important an issue. Its also impossible to prove either way now, the conspirators muddied the water very successfully back in 63.If they had used different bullet types in the assassination and they had identified multiple types of bullet then there goes the LN , magic bullet nonsense , so would you not think that they would keep to Carcano type bullets. Its the one nagging thought I have that stops me believing in Files as an assassin with his Fireball.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

I doubt the perps gave a hoot about bullet sizes. No way can i see more the 4 possibly 5 but not likely.They were not about to identify can use all sorts of possibilities, frangible ect. What I call a frengible, hollow point or whatever would have made a different kind of wound altogether. The important thing is that a Mercury charged Bullet is not the same in any way.I just don't see the reasoning to doubt the use of a Fireball because of other bullets.
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Post by dankbaar »

William Turner saw in 1967 that the frontal shot was a mercury bullet. How right he was! ... djvu.txtIt was, in fact, the frontal fire that did the dreadful job. The explosive head shot that snapped the President's head backward and literally blew his brains into the air could not have been the effect of a high-velocity rifle bullet fired from the rear - such bullets pierce cleanly (a nurse at Parkland Hospital said then when doctors attempted a tracheotomy on the President, the damage was so great the tube pushed out the back of his head). It was the effect of a nasty hollow-nose mercury fulminate bullet, generally known as a "dum dum," which explodes on impact. Although outlawed by the Hague Convention, exploding bullets are favored by guerrilla fighters. An ex-CIA agent who received paramilitary training from the Agency advises that the CIA supplied this type of bullet to the anti-Castro forces it trained.