JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Marilyn Monroe (pronounced /mɒnˈroʊ/ or /mənˈroʊ/, born Norma Jeane Mortenson but baptized and raised as Norma Jeane Baker; June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962 was an American actress, singer, model and showgirl who became a major sex symbol, starring in a number of commercially successful motion pictures during the 1950s.After spending much of her childhood in foster homes, Monroe began a career as a model, which led to a film contract in 1946. Her early film appearances were minor, but her performances in The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve (both 1950) were well received. By 1953, Monroe had progressed to leading roles as in Niagara (1953), a melodramatic film noir. Her "dumb blonde" persona was used to comic effect in such films as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), How to Marry a Millionaire (1953) and The Seven Year Itch (1955). Limited by typecasting, Monroe studied at the Actors Studio to broaden her range. Her dramatic performance in Bus Stop (1956) was hailed by critics, and she received a Golden Globe nomination. Her production company, Marilyn Monroe Productions, released The Prince and the Showgirl (1957), for which she received a BAFTA Award nomination and won a David di Donatello award. She received a Golden Globe Award for her performance in Some Like It Hot (1959).Monroe's final completed film was The Misfits, co-starring Clark Gable with the screenplay written by her then husband, Arthur Miller.The final years of Monroe's life were marked by illness, personal problems, and a reputation for being unreliable and difficult to work with. The circumstances of her death, from an overdose of barbiturates, have been the subject of conjecture. Though officially classified as a "probable suicide", the possibility of an accidental overdose, as well as the possibility of homicide, have not been ruled out. In 1999, Monroe was ranked as the sixth greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute. In the years and decades following her death, Monroe has often been cited as a pop and cultural icon as well as an eminent American sex symbol.Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1, 1926 in the Los Angeles County Hospital as Norma Jeane Mortenson (soon after changed to Baker), the third child born to Gladys Pearl Baker (née Monroe) (May 27, 1902 – March 11, 1984). Monroe's birth certificate names the father as Martin Edward Mortensen with his residence stated as "unknown".[8] The name Mortenson is listed as her surname on the birth certificate, although Gladys immediately had it changed to Baker, the surname of her first husband and which she still used. Martin's surname was misspelled on the birth certificate leading to more confusion on who her actual father was. Gladys Baker had married a Martin E. Mortensen in 1924, but they had separated before Gladys' pregnancy. Several of Monroe's biographers suggest that Gladys Baker used his name to avoid the stigma of illegitimacy. Mortensen died at the age of 85, and Monroe's birth certificate, together with her parents' marriage and divorce documents, were discovered. The documents showed that Mortensen filed for divorce from Gladys on March 5, 1927, and it was finalized on October 15, 1928. Throughout her life, Marilyn Monroe denied that Mortensen was her father.[9] She said that, when she was a child, she had been shown a photograph of a man that Gladys identified as her father, Charles Stanley Gifford. She remembered that he had a thin mustache and somewhat resembled Clark Gable, and that she had amused herself by pretending that Gable was her father.Gladys was mentally unstable and financially unable to care for the young Norma Jeane, so she placed her with foster parents Albert and Ida Bolender of Hawthorne, California, where she lived until she was seven. One day, Gladys visited and demanded that the Bolenders return Norma Jeane to her. Ida refused, she knew Gladys was unstable and the situation would not benefit her young daughter. Gladys pulled Ida into the yard, then quickly ran back to the house and locked herself in. Several minutes later, she walked out with one of Albert Bolender's military duffel bags. To Ida's horror, Gladys had stuffed a screaming Norma Jeane into the bag, zipped it up, and was carrying it right out with her. Ida charged toward her, and their struggle split the bag apart, dumping out Norma Jeane, who wept loudly as Ida grabbed her and pulled her back inside the house, away from Gladys. In 1933, Gladys bought a house and brought Norma Jeane to live with her. A few months later, Gladys began a series of mental episodes that would plague her for the rest of her life. In My Story, Monroe recalls her mother "screaming and laughing" as she was forcibly removed to the State Hospital in Norwalk.Norma Jeane was declared a ward of the state. Gladys' best friend, Grace McKee, became her guardian. It was Grace who told Monroe that someday she would become a movie star. Grace was captivated by Jean Harlow, and would let Norma Jeane wear makeup and take her out to get her hair curled. They would go to the movies together, forming the basis for Norma Jeane's fascination with the cinema and the stars on screen. When she was 9, McKee married Ervin Silliman "Doc" Goddard in 1935, and subsequently sent Monroe to the Los Angeles Orphans Home (later renamed Hollygrove), followed by a succession of foster homes. While at Hollygrove, several families were interested in adopting her; however, reluctance on Gladys' part to sign adoption papers thwarted those attempts. In 1937, Monroe moved back into Grace and Doc Goddard's house, joining Doc's daughter from a previous marriage. Due to Doc's frequent attempts to sexually assault Norma Jeane, this arrangement did not last long.Grace sent Monroe to live with her great-aunt, Olive Brunings in Compton, California; this was also a brief stint ended by an assault (some reports say it was sexual)--one of Olive's sons had attacked the now middle-school-aged girl. Biographers and psychologists have questioned whether at least some of Norma Jeane's later behavior (i.e. hypersexuality, sleep disturbances, substance abuse, disturbed interpersonal relationships), was a manifestation of the effects of childhood sexual abuse in the context of her already problematic relationships with her psychiatrically ill mother and subsequent caregivers. In early 1938, Grace sent her to live with yet another one of her aunts, Ana Lower, who lived in Van Nuys, another city in Los Angeles County. Years later, she would reflect fondly about the time that she spent with Lower, whom she affectionately called "Aunt Ana." She would explain that it was one of the only times in her life when she felt truly stable. As she aged, however, Lower developed serious health problems.In 1942, Monroe moved back to Grace and Doc Goddard's house. While attending Van Nuys High School, she met a neighbor's son, James Dougherty (more commonly referred to as simply "Jim"), and began a relationship with him. Several months later, Grace and Doc Goddard decided to relocate to Virginia, where Doc had received a lucrative job offer. Although it was never explained why, they decided not to take Monroe with them. An offer from a neighborhood family to adopt her was proposed, but Gladys rejected the offer. With few options left, Grace approached Dougherty's mother and suggested that Jim marry her so that she would not have to return to an orphanage or foster care, as she was two years below the California legal age. Jim was initially reluctant, but he finally relented and married her in a ceremony arranged by Ana Lower. During this period, Monroe briefly supported her family as a homemaker. In 1943, during World War II, Dougherty enlisted in the Merchant Marine. He was initially stationed on Santa Catalina Island off California's west coast, and Monroe lived with him there in the town of Avalon for several months before he was shipped out to the Pacific. Frightened that he might not come back alive, Monroe begged him to try and get her pregnant before he left. Dougherty disagreed, feeling that she was too young to have a baby, but he promised that they would revisit the subject when he returned home. Subsequently, Monroe moved in with Dougherty's mother.
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Post by kenmurray »

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In Search Of The Death Of Marilyn Monroe Hosted By Leonard Nimoy: ... re=related
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

RFK in L.A. night of Marilyn's murder (suicide?)by Mark68 » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:45 pm Anyone have more info on Beverly Hills police officer Lynn Franklin stopping the car which contained Bobby Kennedy, Peter Lawford, and Marilyn Monroe’s psychiatrist, Ralph Greenson? As everyone knows RFK supposedly was in San Fran. There was more #*@* happening from 1963-68 than any other time in american history. Had Marilyn lived she very well could have endangered RFK's prez campaign IMO.
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Post by kenmurray »

Marilyn Monroe-The Last Interview 1962: ... re=related
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Interesting CIA document on Marilyn Monroeby dankbaar » Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:41 am ... 4.htmDated 1 day before her death. "Subject threatened to hold a press conference and would tell all". This coincides with the story of James Files that the Kennedy brothers asked Giancana to arrange for Marilyn's "suicide". WimThe allies of evil are ignorance, apathy and the wish to not believe.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

Re: Interesting CIA document on Marilyn Monroeby ThomZajac » Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:54 pm From one of the links-"The 3 August 1962 CIA document, written only a day before Marilyn Monroe's death, reveals that some high government officials were in a state of extreme anxiety over the fact that the Kennedy brothers (Jack and Bobby) had been imparting sensitive information to Marilyn, and that she was writing a lot of it down in her little red "diary of secrets." Of special interest is the CIA document's mention of the fact that one of the secrets everyone was afraid Marilyn might have written down had to do with "the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space." The obvious inference is that JFK had told Marilyn about the Roswell UFO crash and the retrieval, in 1947, of debris and alien bodies. (John Kennedy was notorious for having a difficult time separating his hormonal life from his political career. It got him into trouble more than once. Marilyn wasn't the first such instance, nor the last.)"It has long been a theory of mine that the CIA justified the assassination of JFK- BEFORE THE FACT-citing JFK as an enormous security risk, and that the danger he posed was so dire that removing him from office by other (slower) means simply would not do. There were many in key positions for whom the 'real reasons' would not do, and so to ensure their cooperation evidence was presented to demonstrate the incredible risk. This CIA/Monroe document would seem to add a great deal of credibility to such a theory. Your thoughts?Last edited by ThomZajac on Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total. ThomZajac Posts: 948Joined: Wed May 13, 2009 10:13 amLocation: Bonny Doon, CAPrivate messageE-mail ThomZajacWebsite
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Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Here's a James Files and Marilyn Monroe connection that is personal. My uncle, Pasquale DiFabrizio who is deceased now, was the "shoemaker to the stars." Some of his clients were Tina Turner and Dean Martin. I personally met all the Kiss guys, Tina Turner, Uma Thurman, and others. Some of his clients were political too, like L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley, etc. One of the people he met and did work for was Melvin Belli. One day, when I was a teenager, my uncle came to dinner and said that Melvin Belli told him, about Marilyn Monroe's death, that they they drugged her. My uncle said that Melvin Belli told him, about the drugs, that they stuck them up her ass, literally. I have never heard this echoed anywhere until James Files said the same thing.
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Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Here's a James Files and Marilyn Monroe connection that is personal. My uncle, Pasquale DiFabrizio who is deceased now, was the "shoemaker to the stars." Some of his clients were Tina Turner and Dean Martin. I personally met all the Kiss guys, Tina Turner, Uma Thurman, and others. Some of his clients were political too, like L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley, etc. One of the people he met and did work for was Melvin Belli. One day, when I was a teenager, my uncle came to dinner and said that Melvin Belli told him, about Marilyn Monroe's death, that they they drugged her. My uncle said that Melvin Belli told him, about the drugs, that they stuck them up her ass, literally. I have never heard this echoed anywhere until James Files said the same thing.Great Post Pasquale.