Articles on murder Nicoletti

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Charles Nicoletti and Jimmy Files:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, and Nick Whalen,

Wim, Kudos to you, yet once again for the Outstanding Job of Posting these articles about Charles Nicoletti. A very careful reading totally underscores facts that Jimmy Files has shared with both myself, and you, about Nicoletti.

As I mentioned to you the other day, I made copies for, and reviewed these with Jimmy, after he re-told me his stories about Nicoletti. As per his usual, Jimmy knew many more details.

Thank You, Wim, from Jimmy, and myself for these critical pieces in the puzzle that strongly help maintain, and enforce the overall integrity of Jimmy's story.

Nick Whalen, can't wait to hear your thoughts on these articles.

Best Always to Wim, and Nick, from Jimmy and Bruce. Nick, Jimmy remembered your idea for your project, as I explained it to him last year after our meetings with you, Wim, and myself, in Chicago.
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Welcome back Bruce

Post by Bob »

It's been awhile since we heard from you. I hope all is well. Great to see you are back.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Response To Bob:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

Really Great to hear from you. I wish you, and your family the Best, As Always. Remember, you can always email me in private, on our personal mail boxes, or you may call me at work, or on my private number. If you have lost any of them let me know, or contact Wim, as I give him permission to give those again to you.

Bob, I have been a little disappointed by some of the activities on The JFK Forum. But I am sure that not everyone agrees with me. However, the totality of what Wim, and the members have achieved here is monumental overall. The totality of information makes this The Very Best JFK Forum, and the only JFK Forum that I have ever been associated with.

Also, for those who don't know, Wim flew to Chicago, Illinois, USA, on two different occasions. Wim and I have spent hundreds of hours together, in addition to our daily, or weekly phone calls, and emails. I totally support Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and his loyal members. And some members who I have disagreed with at times, I still greatly respect. They can not comprehend who I know, or what I know, and my inability to neither confirm, nor deny many things, because several players are still alive.

Bob, please continue your support of Wim, and his JFK Forum, as I know that Wim is working Very Hard behind the scenes on many more things.

Bob, I consider you a trusted member, and contributor. And while we may have different interests at times, I for one, truly value your support, and opinions. You are clearly very intelligent, well read, and a very serious individual, and I for one am proud to call you ................friend.

Best Always, Your Friend,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Ed Bishop
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Articles on murder Nicoletti

Post by Ed Bishop »

I see that the one article is from the March 31, 1977 Dallas Times Herald. Do you have the full date and newspaper name for the other articles? I'd like to get good quality copies of them and scan them in.

Also, I just want to take the opportunity to remind everyone of the "coincidence" that both Charles Nicoletti and George De Mohrenschildt were killed on the same day, March 29, 1977. Both men were due to appear before the Select House Committee on Assassinations where they were to be asked about their involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Ed Bishop
Posts: 13
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Re: Articles on murder Nicoletti

Post by Ed Bishop »

The most powerful effect of these articles is that they provide a convincing answer to one of the biggest objections of several prominent nay-sayers:

Would Giancanna have trusted Nicoletti, accompanied only by his trusted assistant, to set up and execute the critical shots in Dealey Plaza, without detailed plans?

These articles reveal the answer:

Yes. Nicoletti was an exceptionally competent tactician and sniper.
I can believe Files when he says that he worshipped the man.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Response To Mr. Ed Bishop:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Ed Bishop,

I have just reviewed your post, and of course I totally agree with you.
Jimmy and Charles Nicoletti had a tremendously close, very confidential
relationship. And these articles posted by Wim are obviously the only major articles that I have read, even though Jimmy has told me stories about Nicoletti since the 1960'S.

Ed, also, I was not aware that Charles Nicoletti and George De Mohrenschildt were both killed on the same day. Anyone that thinks that is a coincidence is smoking something.

Another often raised question is why would Nicoletti trust such a young man with this assignment ? Jimmy was 82 nd Airborne, and CIA. He,
and every "Special Operator" that Jimmy "worked" with were all young.
In Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia, just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebannon, and Israel, who is dying or dead ? The front lines are all young men.
No older guys, or Generals in harms way.

The cheapest commodity in war time is the young male and female soldiers.

But today, there are 250,000 American Veterans homeless. And there are 93,000 homeless Viet Nam Veterans as of last month.

Napoleon once said that he learned a strange fact in war, i.e., "...that men will die for ribbons."

Anyway, a few thoughts. And again, Ed, I totally agree with you. And I am taking a copy of your post to Jimmy. Thank You.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Bob »

Excellent points Ed and Bruce. The murders of Nicoletti and De Mohrenshildt on the same day sound a lot like the scene in the original "Godfather" when Michael Corleone has his good fellas hit several enemies at the same time. By the way, who was the Godfather of the CIA at the time of these murders? George H.W. Bu$h.
Ed Bishop
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ed Bishop »

Bob wrote: By the way, who was the Godfather of the CIA at the time of these murders? George H.W. Bu$h.

... and De Mohrenshildt got his first job when entering the USA at Humble Oil, co-owned by Prescott Bush, our Fearless Leader's grave-robbing, Hitler-loving grandpa.

Such a coincidence.

And then there's the "coincidence" that the same conniving death-cult that was doing its best to bring on WWIII at that time is now succeeding: Bush, Rumsfield, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Pearle, Poindexter, Armatige, et. al...

The Scheme that brought us the successful Coupe D'Etat of 11-22-1963 is now in it's End Game... and Skull & Bones has been in the middle of it all along.

None dare call it conspiracy ... not on AirAmerica radio anyhow.

End Game: ... tnG=Search

Prescott Bush, grave-robber: ... tnG=Search
Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

Hey Ed,

You are marked to go to one of our camps when we play out our end game.

Then we will also burn all of your books from

George HW Bush
George W. Bush
Jeb Bush