Marina Oswald

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Marina Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

Marina Oswald Porter, (born Marina Nikolayevna Prusakova (Russian: Марина Николаевна Прусакова); July 17, 1941) is the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, who, according to four U.S. government reports, was the assassin of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.Marina Prusakova lived with her mother and stepfather until 1957, when she moved to Minsk to live with her uncle Ilya Prusakov and to study pharmacology.[1]She met Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who had defected to the Soviet Union, at a dance on March 17, 1961.[2] They married on April 30, 1961, and had a daughter, June Lee, on February 15, 1962. In June they returned to the United States and settled in Dallas, Texas. In February 1963, Marina and Lee were introduced to Ruth Paine, a Quaker and part-time Russian language teacher, by George de Mohrenschildt, at a party.[3]In January 1963, Lee is believed to have ordered a Smith and Wesson .38 revolver, and in March, a Mannlicher Carcano rifle.[4] Later that month, Marina is believed to have photographed a series of controversial "backyard photos" of Lee,[5] posing with his weapons and communist newspapers. These photographs were later found in the garage of the Paine household, with the exception of one, which was given to George De Mohrenschildt. The photograph given to De Mohrenschildt has a quote attributed to Lee's handwriting written in Russian, the translation of which reads "Hunter of Fascists, Ha-Ha-Ha !!!".In April 1963, Marina and her daughter moved in with Ruth Paine (who had recently separated from her husband, Michael). Lee rented a separate room in Dallas, and briefly moved to New Orleans during the summer of 1963. Lee returned to Dallas in early October, eventually renting a room in a boarding house in the Oak Cliff district of Dallas.Lee obtained work at the Texas School Book Depository when Ruth Paine learned they were hiring from a neighbor, and Lee commenced work on the 16th of October 1963, and on the 20th of October 1963, Marina gave birth to a second daughter, Audrey Marina Rachel Oswald. Lee continued to live in Oak Cliff, but stayed with Marina at the Paine household in Irving on weekends, an arrangement that continued up until the assassination of President Kennedy.[3]Lee had been hitching rides to and from the Paine household on Friday afternoons and Monday mornings with fellow TSBD employee, Buell Wesley Frazier, when staying with Marina over the weekends. On the 21st of November, Lee asked Frazier to give him a lift to visit Marina, and to pick up some curtain rods for his boarding house in Oak Cliff. Lee was also attempting to reconcile with Marina after an argument, but having not succeeded in a reconciliation that evening, he left the Paine household that morning, leaving behind his wedding ring and some money, before hitching a ride with Frazier to work. According to Frazier, Lee carried with him a package that he claimed contained the curtain rods he mentioned the evening before.[6]Marina learned of the assassination of President Kennedy following the massive media coverage that commenced within minutes of the event, and later, the arrest of her husband. That afternoon, Dallas Police Department detectives arrived at the Paine Household, and when asked if Lee owned a rifle, Marina gestured to the garage, where Lee allegedly stored his Mannlicher Carcano rifle rolled up in a blanket. When detectives unfurled the blanket, no rifle was found. Marina was subsequently questioned both at the Paine household, and later at Dallas PD headquarters in relation to her husband's involvement in the assassination of the President, and the shooting of a Dallas PD officer, J.D. Tippit.After the Kennedy assassination and arrest of Oswald, Marina was under Secret Service protection until completion of her testimony before the Warren Commission, making a total of four appearances before the commission. Questions about her reliability as a witness against her deceased husband were expressed within the commission, particularly in regards to her claims about an assassination attempt on General Edwin Walker,[7] and an allegation by Marina that Lee had intended to assassinate Richard Nixon.The Warren Commission reported that Jack Crichton, the 1964 Republican candidate for governor of Texas, arranged for a member of the local Russian community to act as translator in the police's questioning of Marina, during which she implicated Oswald in the assassination.[8] In her Warren Commission testimony, she stated a belief that her husband was guilty, an opinion she reiterated in testimony before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978.After death of OswaldIn 1965 she married Kenneth Jess Porter, with whom she has a grown son; they divorced on October 11, 1974. She has resided in Dallas, Texas, for many years, and has appeared in numerous documentaries on the Kennedy assassination. In 1989, Porter became a naturalized United States citizen.[9] She now contends that Oswald was innocent in the assassination,[9][10] though she has not formally recanted any of her Warren Commission testimony.Marina Oswald was portrayed by Beata Pozniak in Oliver Stone's JFK and on television by Helena Bonham Carter in Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald.
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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Marina Oswald Talks To Oprah Winfrey:
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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Was Marina Oswald a prostitute while in Russia? ... -love.html
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Marina Oswald

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.19.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.24.2012 - Mr. Joe Hall Posted this straight forward Headline.A short discussion followed that never fully developed.This should be considered in conjunction with the Headlines andPosts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings,research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of thissubject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Tom Bigg
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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by Tom Bigg »

A former landlady, Katherine "Katya" Ford, a Russian emigre knew Oswald's wife and was interviewed in the Posner book. She said at one point that Americans could not take the truth about what really happened....
Douglas 606
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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by Douglas 606 »

The most important thing about Marina and Oswald is this.Marina has stated on record that she could tell that Lee knew how to speak perfect Russian within the first hour she met him in 1961. She stated that he spoke with a strong Eastern European accent.This fits the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald AKA Alek Hidell, who spoke perfect Russian, immigrated after WW II to the US from an Eastern European country...possibly Hungary. The idea that Lee learned Russian while he was in the US Army is pure nonsense. Also, according to George_de_Mohrenschildt, Lee and himself had on several occasions discussed Russian classic literature. You don't become familiar with classic Russian literature by learning basic, rudimentary Russian in the Army. When Lee ''defected'' to the USSR it was well known that he was a false defector and spy for US Naval Intelligence. A doctor who examined Lee in Moscow discovered that Lee understood Russian because he was able to answer the Dr.'s questions without being translated into English.As a spy, Lee's effectiveness could be summed up in one word....useless.
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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by JDThomas »

Was Oswald's cover as a false defector blown from the word "GO"?The CIA long-denied that a false defector program existed, but we now know that it did. We must not forget that the CIA's head of counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton must have at least had detailed knowledge of this, or more likely, over-arching control. Add to this, one of Angleton's closest friends was Kim Philby, Britain's MI6 counterintelligence supremo (first in-line as next head of the 'circus'). Of course, in 1963 it came out that Philby was actually a Soviet spy. So what did Angleton and Philby discuss in their official meetings? We don't exactly know - CIA officers who tried to assess the damage caused by Philby were unable to locate written records of Philby's numerous meetings with Angleton at CIA headquarters. They had been kept in a safe in Angleton's office, but according to British spy-catcher, Peter Wright, Angleton admitted to him that he had burned them.(Anthony Bruno -James Jesus Angleton: CIA Spy Hunter) Add to this the regular alcohol-fuelled private lunches that these pair of friends undertook - what did they find to discuss when drink had loosened the tongues? In all of the official and unofficial meetings that they had together, remembering that they are not only good friends, but allies, supposedly fighting for the same cause on the same side and that their area of expertise is strategic counterintelligence and tradecraft .... - do you not think that the false defector program would have come-up at least once in conversation?From his MI6 record, I think that it is more likely that Philby would have given strategic advice, if not direction to implementing the program, not least in the type of agent that they recruited, trained and 'sheep-dipped'. Whilst the soviets would no doubt have been suspicious of any defector from the US, if they knew the type of stooge that they were looking for (actually typed by one of their own guys), this were certainly make life a lot easier for them, short of knowing their exact id in advance.So ex-marine Oswald, U-2 spy plane radio/radar operative, in possession of the secret U-2 operational codes defects to the Soviet Union. What do the Sovietski do with him? Mine him for this sensitive information which he declares that he has and is willing to divulge? Put him in a cushy military position where his information could be useful, rewarding him for loyalty to the Red Flag? NO... of course not, they already know not to trust him; they don't even want him to open his mouth, fearing that and small truths that he might be able to divulge would be difficult to separate for any half-truths or downright lies that he has come to pedal. They'd rather that he keep his mouth shut and pack-him off to a backwater - Minsk, where he can work in a low-tech radio factory and be able to learn nothing more than details of radio parts, obsolete in the west since before the war. He can live the life of a good comrade, an identikit box apartment for a home, with small change in his pocket but nothing to spend it on and little to do except gaze at the monstrous yet mundane post-war Soviet architecture and grim statues to the workers revolution. If Oswald really wanted to live in a communist paradise, they gave it to him in spades, out of harm's way while the KGB elite could safely forget about him and go back to relaxing at Kremlin banquets with their near-endless supply of alcohol, state-sponsored hookers and dreaming of holiday's at Black Sea Dacha's.JOB DONE, Oswald goes home empty-handed ... and nearly empty-headed. The CIA debrief must have been very scathing - "What do you mean? you discovered nothing useful in all of the time you were there? Didn't you remember anything that we taught you? Don't you realise the amount of time, money and effort that we invested in you? No, we're not interested in RPK-10 radio valves. Yes, we do know that the eastern bloc is infested with Colorado Beetles - we sent them there in the first place."Boy, what a loser they landed themselves with here. Definitely not one for the Christmas card list - he's certainly dumped a number of promotions for his handlers here, if not ruined their careers. Absolutely no more operational missions for Mr. Oswald ..... unless perhaps it's a one-way ticket job.The KGB was certainly saddened by Philby's fall from grace when Burgess and McLean defected and more so still when Philby himself finally had to flee to Moscow just before he was exposed. Moscow Center could still retain a glow of satisfaction however- Philby had had a glittering career - an absolute goldmine for the Soviet Union and after all of this ...the Head of CIA counterintelligence could not even spot that Philby was a spy and even counted him as a close friend. I'm sure that whenever the KGB chiefs were in need of cheering-up, all they needed to do was to take-out a picture of Angleton and they'd laugh their c*cks off! What is more - James Jesus Angleton knew this too!
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Re: Marina Oswald

Post by DouglasH »

I believe that the false defectors to the old Soviet Union were basically kids in their 20s as Oswald was. These are hardly seasoned pros. Where do you find spies? Do you put an ad in the NT TIMES? You get them from the ne'er–do–wells of society mostly. Do you expect stellar results?What did Oswald do when he landed in the Soviet Union? He starts a social life of going to dances, fishing and general falderal.He meets a girl, gets married, has a child and goes home. I would suspect that his usefulness as a Russian speaking sky was zero.