Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

JFK Assassination
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Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by Bob »

Before I expand the discussion about whether Adolf Hitler faked his death and escaped to Argentina, I want to run a poll on these photos:
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by kenmurray »

Well I voted that there is a resemblance but not 100% sure.
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by kenmurray »

Harry Cooper: Hitler In Argentina......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu_mXmS-3ns
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by Bob »

The reason I posted this thread was the photo I posted, plus I recently saw a documentary regarding this subject. I never believed this theory, but the photo and some of the information in the documentary got me to ponder.“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” - Adolf HitlerGermany was the king of propaganda and False Flag events during the time of Hitler's supposed death. For example, Hitler gained power due to a False Flag event...the Reichstag Fire.Plus, think about the time period back then. In the same year of the Reichstag Fire, individuals from big banking and big business in the United States attempted a coup against President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The coup was stopped because the person that the coup members wanted to lead the attempt...General Smedley Butler...blew the whistle.Still, that tells you about the political ideology of many in big banking and big business back then, as the U.S. would have became a fascist country had the coup actually occurred.One of the members of the coup...Prescott Bush...still did plenty of business with Nazi Germany after this attempt, as Bush and Union Bank invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine. That led to Bush and Union Bank being charged with trading with the enemy in 1942.Plus, you had a couple of attorneys who helped big banking and big business in their dealings with Nazi Germany during this time. I'm talking about Allen and John Foster Dulles (later Ike's Secretary of State). Allen was also part of the OSS before it became the CIA. The OSS also had Operation Paperclip, which allowed over 1,500 German scientists, engineers and technicians into the United States in 1945.Thousands of Nazis also escaped Germany and fled to South America. The FBI believed that Hitler could be among those who escaped.https://vault.fbi.gov/adolf-hitler/adol ... 04/viewAdd to that, Bob Baer of the CIA also thinks that Hitler escaping is very plausible.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... at.htmlNow, more than ever, we have seen time and time again events that are reported one way by governments and the media which turn out to be False Flag events when looked at under further scrutiny. An example of a notorious world leader being killed was the supposed assassination of Osama bin Laden. How many of us really believe that this event happened the way we were told? I don't, that's for sure. First off, bin Laden was a CIA operative to begin with back in the 1980s. The MSM never brings that up, nor will they ever. Plus, bin Laden was undergoing dialysis as late as 2002 due to kidney disease. That is how he reportedly died, not because of a Seal Team 6 hit. After his assassination, there was a photo put out on the net that supposedly showed a dead bin Laden with a fatal wound. Quickly it was revealed that the photo was a fake. So what happens then? The U.S. decides to bury bin Laden at sea the next day. Uh, huh. That doesn't smell too fishy. Bottom line, it's gotten to the point where I don't believe anything the government says or the media reports. And this type of behavior has been going on for over 100 years.That's why I'm at least looking at the possibility that Hitler did indeed escape and live the rest of his life in Argentina.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

For myself I am thinking it most likely is Hitler himself.After watched a documentary showing that the skull piece the Russians had was tested to have been from a female ??????? A HUGE red flag went up .I suspect Adolf Hitler died a haunted man from old age tending a sweltering garden in Argentina !!!
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by kenmurray »

Hitler and the Secret Alliance:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhZ3UB2boSA
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by Slav »

Here a picture of hitler sitting , looks like same ears
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by Slav »

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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by Slav »

Here hitlers grave
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Re: Did Adolf Hitler Live and Escape to Argentina?

Post by Slav »

Apparantly they won't allow the grave to be dug up to identify the body, I believe the story that he went to South America .