The Malignant Narcissist

JFK Assassination
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The Malignant Narcissist

Post by Bob »

I read a very interesting piece in the New York Daily News about a week ago. As most of you know, the Daily News has a definite lean to the right. Here is the piece: ... 8Basically, the experts in this article say that the Donald is a malignant narcissist. Okay, what are the symptoms of someone who has these traits?1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.3. Believe that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people.4. Requires excessive admiration.5. Has a sense of entitlement.6. Is interpersonally exploitative.7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.To me, that describes Trump perfectly.But enough of that. I tried to tell some of you that Humpty Trumpty was a con man. I have followed his activities since he was an owner in the USFL in the early 1980s, when his practices basically caused the demise of the league.Trump also acted a spokesman (under a different name) for his New Jersey Generals team when he talked to the media on the phone. That function usually meant praising Trump as an owner. Again, check the traits of a malignant narcissist.I won't get into all the issues that bother me currently about the Trumpster fire, but he did campaign that he was going to clean up Wall Street, plus he went out of his way to attack Ted Cruz and Hillary because of their ties to Goldman Sachs.So what has Trumplestiltskin done to drain the swamp on Wall Street? He's basically dumped toxic waste into the swamp. First he appoints Steven Mnuchin to head his Treasury. Mnuchin is the biggest Wall Street thief this side of Bernie Madoff! Mnuchin, a 17-year veteran of Goldman Sachs, also lied to the Congress about what practices his IndyMac company did. IndyMac actually foreclosed on a 90 year-old's house because she was behind on her mortgage by 27 cents. I shit you not!Then the Donald hires Gary Cohn, the President and COO of Goldman Sachs, to head his Council of Economic Advisors.Then you have the infamous Steve Bannon, the "Karl Rove" of the Trump White House. Bannon is better known for his days at Breitbart, but he also has worked at Goldman Sachs. Not just worked there, but became a Vice President there.Plus, the Conald is setting things up even better for Big Banking than it was in 2008, when we had the biggest economic disaster since the depression, as he has wiped out regulatory laws that try to rein in the thieves of Wall Street.Folks, this is NOT draining the swamp. This is called conning the sheeple.
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob I don't like the Goldman Sachs appointments either. Why is it always a Goldman Sachs person running the treasury? Also what's with the Supreme Court nominee being another Jesuit? Six Catholic Jesuits and three Jewish people on the Supreme Court??? Is there not a protestant judge anywhere?I voted for him because he hit a lot of the right buttons that we been complaining about for years as the Bush's, Clinton's and Obama gave our country away and back to Europe. I'm going to give him a chance and hope he brings America back from the globalist like he said, but I will also be his toughest critic!!!I understand what your saying but as we said before there are so many evil and bad people in high places that you have to deal with them, and than weed them out. JFK had a lot of bad people in his cabinet that sat back and did nothing when he got assassinated knowing it was a Coup and not LHO!!! They just turned their head, shut their mouth, and went on with life! (SICK) So what was our alternative Hillary??? That would have been a total disaster!!!
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by Bob »

JDB4JFK, I'm with you about Hillary. Anybody who has ever read my posts about her know that. The people need better choices to vote for. That's why the United States desperately needs a third party. Both the Republicans and Democrats for the most part are bought off.Case in point, 50 Republicans just confirmed mega-donor Betsy DeVos as the Secretary of Education. Anyone who saw her hearing in front of Congress know that she has no clue to how to handle this important assignment. But money talks. During her confirmation hearing, Bernie Sanders asked DeVos whether it is true that her family had donated $200 million to support the Republican Party going back over the years.“That’s possible,” she answered.Do I need to say more?That's yet another reason why Citizens United HAS to be overturned.Also, to me, there is something to Trump being Putin's hand-puppet. Something is definitely up. It's time to release the tax returns and all the other dirt. Prove me wrong. It's time for Anonymous to get to work.
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by Slav »

I was also for Trump as I could not see a new future with Hillary, now Donald seems to have Fallon off the humpy trumpty wall and hit his head, I guess he will never get re elected in 4 years, what an upset he has caused to the whole country. He needs to get down to business instead of rocking the part of the boat that doesn't need rocking, sometimes when I watch him I wonder how he ever made it this far, I am a little dissapointed so far and hopes he turns it around. He is still a better choice than Hillary and I guess Bernie was the only goood choice to do the right thing.Trump played Hillary game and played dirty with both sides going voter fraud, I think Bernie was to honest and that's why he didn't win, but he sure did get a lot of support.I'm still waiting for trump to impress me and see him step forward and do the right thing like helping the parents of the burnt child who needs medical help.I have to agree it does look like he has some kind of bi polar disorder .Let's wait and see if he does the right thing or ends up being the biggest presidential flop ever .
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

I think it's really clear now that Bernie Sanders should have won the election and been the 45 President of the United States. He had a grass roots ground swell that should have and could have swelled to a genuine winning landslide.One thing stopped it .One word slammed the brakes on the Bernie train. "Socialist". It scared the living hell out many many and once the label stuck it was all over but the crying !!!
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by JDB4JFK »

The same Bernie Sanders who took the million dollar bribe after the democratic election to back Hillary! Than he went out and bought a $750,000 dollar Lake front property! Also don't forget the DNC HAD IT RIGGED AGAINST HIM TO LOSE and he did nothing to fight it! But the million dollar payoff was worth it to him! Bernie was another shill used in the process to control our government!
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by Bob »

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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by Slav »

I watched Bernie and Cruz face off over Obama care and when Bernie told the lady who had 5 hair cutting stores that she could not have more than 50 employees to qualify for Obama care , Bernie lost my vote, imagine working your ass off in a business and you are penalized for having more employees seems like a communist more to me.
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by JDThomas »

The election was certainly rigged in Killary's favour and the Democratic party got what it (though not the Nation) deserved. Party members would do well to fire the entire NDC and rebuild the party from the roots up - otherwise I fear that it is a busted flush. Big business and the main lobbyists will stop at nothing in order to prevent the emergence of a new national political party - they want the status quo.
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Re: The Malignant Narcissist

Post by Bob »

Slav, the debate was about Obamacare, but if you recall, Bernie wants a single-payer system in healthcare to replace the current system. When he answered that question, he was just putting out the truth. But in a single-payer system, that would not be the case. All get healthcare. Like the VA. The VA gets a lot of criticism, but I used to take my dad there a number of times a year. One time, I decided to have a chat with some guys who were waiting to have their lab work done, just like my dad. There were probably seven of us in the discussion. To a man, albeit with a couple of minor complaints, they all LOVED the VA. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz and his Republican cohorts hate Obamacare, but they don't have a plan to replace it or make it better. That's why yet another one of the Donald's promises will be put on the back burner.JD, the progressive movement in the Democratic party right now is similar to the Tea Party movement in 2010. They have become a strong voice, not only with Democratic politicians, but with all politicians in the United States. That being said, it will be hard to cast out the old DNC, but unless they want 2018 and 2020 elections to look like the horrid results in 2016, they better get their shit together soon. Otherwise, the progressive wing will form their own party.Also, like Tommy said in a previous post, Bernie would have beaten the Donald had he been the Democratic nominee in 2016. Why? The young vote would have come out in throngs to vote for him (unlike what they did for Hillary), plus a number of the voters that jumped from Hillary to Humpty Trumpty would have gone for Bernie.