JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.14.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:PRESIDENT'S WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, GEORGE W. BUSH, AND BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ALL FAILED ON THENORTH KOREAN ISSUES ACCORDING TO FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR SUSAN RICE, WHO WAS ALSO AUNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR UNDER PRESIDENT OBAMA.EXACTLY WHAT PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP PREVIOUSLY STATED.THIS IS TRUE, AND THE U.S. AND "We the People..." ARE WHERE WE ARE AT TODAY BECAUSE OF THE LAST 24 YEARSOF FAILURE ON THIS IMPORTANT MATTER, ALONG WITH MANY OTHER FAILURES.My Opinion is that these Alleged Blindnesses and Ineptitudes CAN NOT BE COINCIDENCES, MISTAKES, OR EVENOVERSIGHTS. THIS IS A PATTERN ! WHY ? TO SCHEDULE CONTINUING WARS. THERE IS NO PROFIT IN PEACE.Since World War II The Secret State, The Secret Government, The High Cabal, and The Military Industrial Corporations have been scheduling Warfare and Wars like Sporting Events. If not so, or true, then why are there Constantly Renewed Standing Orders for: Air Craft Carriers, Air Planes, Ammunition, Battleships, Bombs, Bullets, Destroyers, Drones, Grenades, Guns, Helmets, Military Uniforms and Apparel, Missiles, Rockets, Submarines, etc. ?In 1945, after World War II, the U.S. sent more than half of their Warfare Materials divided almost equally toKorea, and Viet Nam. THOSE WARS WERE ON THE DRAWING BOARD BEFORE 1945.Could North Korea be a Pot that was stirred and allowed to simmer and then boil so that we cold have yet anotherTimed War ? (08.14.2017, BB).Susan Rice: Obama, Predecessors 'Failed' on North KoreaImage: Susan Rice: Obama, Predecessors 'Failed' on North KoreaSusan Rice (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)By Todd Beamon | Thursday, 10 Aug 2017 07:22 PMFormer National Security Adviser Susan Rice acknowledged Thursday that three previous administrations "failed" in stopping North Korea's nuclear ambitions, as President Donald Trump asserted in his stepped-up rhetoric against the regime."That's a very unfortunate outcome," Rice, who also served as United Nations ambassador under former President Barack Obama, told Wolf Blitzer on CNN in an interview from Park City, Utah."You can call it a failure," she said. "I accept that characterization over the last two decades."But we are where we are. And we now need to decide how to proceed."President Trump told reporters Thursday in Bedminster, N.J., he was open to talking with dictator Kim Jong Un, but "they have been negotiating for 25 years.""Look at Clinton," he said, referring to President Bill Clinton. "He folded."He was weak and ineffective."After noting President George W. Bush was also not successful, Trump said "Obama didn't even want to talk about it."But I talk," the president said. "It's about time. Someone has to do it."Trump also warned if Kim followed through on plans to strike Guam, the U.S. response "will be an event the likes of which nobody's seen before."It's not a dare," the president said. "It's a statement."Rice told Blitzer she was concerned about whether the Trump administration was moving toward "preventative war or pre-emptive war.""Deterrents makes good sense," she said. "It is very essential for us to maintain — and we don't ever take off of the table the threat of the use of force."But preemptive war, if one was thinking of executing that would be catastrophic for the Korean peninsula," Rice said.She noted more than 200,000 Americans lived in the region and that 26 million people reside in Seoul, the South Korean capital."A preemptive attack is not a good idea," she said.Moving forward, "we need to be very measured, careful, and planned in our rhetoric," Rice told Blitzer."I hope we will see more pressure out of the president as he is approaching this challenge."But if Pyongyang does attack Guam, "I have confidence that we have responses that are proportionate to the problem," Rice said."The American people need know that we have and continue to refine advanced missile-defense capabilities to protect our allies and our homeland."We're in a position to respond and to defend ourselves."Related Stories:Guam Gov: Trump's 'Hell and Fury' Justified If NK AttacksNew NKorea Statement: US Will Suffer 'Shameful Defeat'© 2017 Newsmax. All rights reserved.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by JDThomas »

Good analysis Bruce.Researcher Bill Kelly recently talked about the antagonism between Presidnet Truman and General McArthur - it is easy to conclude that the Korean problem would no longer exist if McArthur's road had been followed and not Truman's. So is it all Truman's fault? it's a damning conclusion if true as the consequnces for world affairs and perhaps atomic safety look grim.Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was interviewed on the BBC a while ago saying that they (Clinton regime) went the extra mile to engage with North Korea, maybe even offering too much to the regime, but admitted that the US efforts did no good whatsoever.My own view is that China holds the balance - how far are they prepared to go to back the North Korean ally, however unstable it is? It has been pointed-out that having North Korea as a buffer between themselves and the Western-leaning South Korea suits China well. They certainly do not want American troops on their border if the Northern regime were to fall.
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Post by kenmurray »

H.W. Brands: The General vs The President: