Nix Film Vs. Zapruder Film

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Nix Film Vs. Zapruder Film

Post by Ricky Clow »

I think it's strange that in the Zapruder Film blood and brain tissue can clearly be seen while in the Nix film to my eye none of that can be seen? And from Nix's location you would still have been able to see that spray? Anyone else strike them as odd?
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Yes, there are discrepancies in the films, again leading one to speculate which one was altered? In my view, the Z film was altered because I think the original showed the President being hit multiple times in the head. I believe he was shot in the head from both the back AND front probably simultaneously. I think the shot we see in the Z film is him being hit from the back because if you think about it, the right side of his head opens up, had he been hit from the front right you would not have had that gaping wound in the front. But he ALSO has the gaping wound in the back as seen by the doctors in Dallas. They had to alter the film so as not to show him being hit twice in the head because it would have been photo proof of a conspiracy. Just too many head shots shown on film, they had no choice but to cover that up. The Nix film, don't know, it is not a very good view so it is hard to tell.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Ya, and also they would probly also have to alter the Z film so it wouldn't show the limo slowing down and almost comming to a complete stop, cause if they showed this then they would look like the bad guy. But that happened anyway. In the Nix Film you can see the limo somewhat slowdown then the limo take off as soon as Hill touches the handle bar.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford » ... US223US223
This is every frame of the Z film.
Someone put it together and run it at 24 fps please.
Anyone know how?
You will see the limo damn near stop.
kjell roald
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"Don't Trust the Z-Film"

Post by kjell roald »

Came across this article with some interesting stuff about the Zapruder film : ... etter.html
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I have never trusted the Z Film and never will other then an example of forgery
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

It was reported that one of the reasons they altered the Z film was to "speed" up the limo because it practically came to a stop when Kennedy was fatally hit, and only then did it speed up, and they had already heard several shots.
Also altered because of obvious evidence of hits from both front and back.

Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Bob Lilly
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Post by Bob Lilly »

What is perhaps interesting is that the version of the Nix film that you show does show the muzzle flash coming from the top left (knoll) and it also shows the skull cap moving backwards...and if you watch closely it shows the wad from the shell arriving on same line much later than bullet
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I never noticed that before. I'm surprised that they even let the nix film get out. Does anyone have a link to the Mary Muchmore film? I've looked for it but have never found one? That film is interesting of what I've seen. But none of the film's show as much blood or brains? and that just wouldnt show up in the Zapruder Film.