The Dark Side Of Camelot: Seymour M. Hersh:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

The Dark Side Of Camelot: Seymour M. Hersh:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

The Dark Side Of Camelot, by Seymour M. Hersh, 1997, originally published in hardcover by Little, Brown, and Company, 1997. First Back Bay paperback edition, 1998.

Seymour M. Hersh is a Very Serious author. Mr. Hersh's other books include:

1. Chemical And Biological Warefare: America's Hidden Arsenal.

2. My Lai 4: A Report On The Massacre And Its Aftermath.

3. Cover-up: The Army's Secret Investigation Of The Massacre Of My Lai

4. The Price Of Power: Kissinger In The Nixon White House.

5. The Target Is Destroyed: What Really Happened To Flight 007 And
What America Knew About It.

6. The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal And America's Foreign Policy.

The Dark Side Of Camelot by Seymour Hersh, we begin:

UPDATED BELOW 04.03.2006 by Bruce Patrick Brychek:

I have just recently begun reading this book. It appears to be the most ferocious attack that I have ever read on JFK, his family, background, and
many related issues.

As an ongoing project, until I conclude reading this book, I am going to add to, and edit this JFK Forum Post. I may, or may not agree with everything here. I admit that I am going to take the side of the antagonist for this exercise. I will attack, or present the Con Side of all arguments against JFK.

I invite all responses, both Pro, and Con, that are of a serious Academic Approach. My desire is to really hear, and understand what people on this JFK Forum really think about JFK, the man, and what he actually did, or did not do.

As I am involved in Research and Writing on more than one book that deals with JFK, the C.I.A., and Viet Nam, and may possibly use arguments both Pro, and Con on these issues, I would ask that you write as you would want to be quoted in a book, or books. Also, I assume that any response to me waives any and all rights, and allows me to publish your comments.

Again, please remember that if we radically disagree, I am not attacking you personally.

Also, I have asked two (2) JFK Forum Members that I respect, both Tim Carroll, and Bob, to take the side of Pro JFK. They may, or may not want to. If they do, I would also ask JFK Forum Members to Agree, or Disagree
Academically with their position, and not to venture into personal attacks.

Also, whether Tim or Bob agree, or disagree to particapate, or terminate their involvement on this exercise, at any point in time, that will not be construed against them in any way, shape, or form.

Introductory Comments About The Dark Side Of Camelot:

" Jack Kennedy had it all. And he used it all - his father's fortune, and his own beauty, wit, and power - with a heedless, reckless daring.

In this widely acclaimed and bestselling book, the award-winning investigative reporter Seymour M. Hersh reveals a John F. Kennedy we have neve seen before, a man insulated from the normal consequences of behavior long before he entered the White House. His father, Joe, set the pattern: Kennedys could do exactly what they wanted. There was no secret that money and charm could not hide. Kennedys wrote their own moral code.

And Kennedys trusted only Kennedys. Jack appointed his brother Bobby keeper of the secrets: the family debt to organized crime, the sources of Jack's election victories, the plots to murder foreign leaders, the voracious womanizing in which both brothers indulged.

By the end of Jack Kennedy's life, his private recklessness had begun to edge into his public life, putting him - and his nation - at risk. Now for the first time, Seymour Hersh tells the real story of those risks, as he brilliantly re-creates the life and world of a crisis-driven president who maintained a facade of cool toughness while negotiating private compromises unknown to his closest advisers."


"No previous chronicle of the Kennedy years has gone as far as The Dark Side Of Camelot in weaving ingenious skeins of corruption in which sex, money, crime, and geopolitics mesh so tightly. But then no one before Hersh has approached the project with such single-minded diligence."
Sam Tanenhaus, Boston Globe.


"Not merely a great read. Much of what's in The Dark Side of Camelot is also 1) new; 2) shocking; well supported: and 4) worth knowing"
Jacob Weisberg, Slate.



"The two brothers had lied in their denials to newspapermen and the public about Jack Kennedy's long-rumored first marriage to a Palm Beach socialite named Durie Malcolm. In 1947 Kennedy, then a first-term congressman, and Malcolm were married by a justice of the peace in an early-morning ceremony at Palm Beach. In an interview for this book, Charles Spalding, one of Kennedy's oldest friends, broke five decades of silence by family and friends and confirmed his personal knowledge of the marriage. 'I remember saying to Jack at the time of the marriage,' Spalding told me, 'You must be nuts. You're running for president and you're running around getting married.' The marriage flew apart. Spalding added that he and a local attorney visited the Palm Beach courthouse a few days later and removed all of the wedding documents. 'It was Jack,' Spalding recalled, 'who asked me if I'd go get the papers.' No evidence of a divorce could be found during the research for this book."
The Dark Side of Camelot, Seymour M. Hersh, p. 2 -3.

COMMENTARY: It is clear that JFK, RFK, and the Kennedy family lied to everyone about JFK'S first marriage. Hersh, who I think is an excellent author may be unaware of another point here. No disrespect is meant to Mr. Hersh. I could not contact Mr. Hersh about this point. But several of my very great Hebrew-Jewish friends, upon my asking, have indicated that Seymour Hersh is probably Hebrew-Jewish. If Hersh is Hebrew-Jewish, or at least non-Catholic, he would probably not be aware of the following.

I am Polish-Irish Roman Catholic, and the product of a Private Catholic Grade School, High School, and College. When I was married in the Catholic Church I had to sign forms, and deny any and all previous marriages, annulments, and divorces, under Roman Catholic Church Law,
which Mr. Hersh may not be familiar with. Thus, I make the additional point, in further support of Hersh, that JFK could not have married Jackie without also lying to his priest, bishop, and church.

Addiditonally, through my entire Catholic Schooling I heard what a great,
honorable Roman Catholic JFK, and RFK were.

Not only did JFK lie about his first marriage to newspapermen, the public, the church, his priest, and bishop, he also continuously lied to the voters.
Who did JFK tell the truth to ?
Technically, in the eyes of the church, JFK was either a bigamist, or his marriage to Jackie was Void Ab Initio. Or did Joe Kennedy pay off the priest, bishop, and Roman Catholic Church to obtain an "illegal Catholic wedding ?"

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
Posts: 106
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Re: The Dark Side Of Camelot: Seymour M. Hersh:

Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:The Dark Side Of Camelot, by Seymour M. Hersh, 1997, originally published in hardcover by Little, Brown, and Company, 1997. First Back Bay paperback edition, 1998. Seymour M. Hersh is a Very Serious author.
For the record, despite believing particularly that Hersh placed to much faith in SS Agent Underwood in the writing of Dark Side, I have great respect for him generally. He will always deserve an honored place in journalism history for breaking the My Lai Massacre story.

A recommendation for Bruce as he's reading the book is that particular attention be paid to the inheritance left behind by Eisenhower, especially in foreign policy and the military industrial complex. Also in terms of exaggeration of the Cold War threat in order to perpetuate McCarthyism, demonize Castro and expenditures devoted to building a first-strike capability for a supposedly preemptive nuclear war.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

The Dark Side of Camelot, by Seymour M. Hersh:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

If you are going to be involved in JFK Research, you must read this book.

This book tears apart JFK, RFK, and the Kennedy Family.

A coin has two sides to it.

JFK, RFK, and the Kennedy Family had at least two sides to them.

Do not blindly profess allegiance to JFK or RFK until you have read this extremely well documented book.

I would appreciate hearing from anybody who has read this book.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Harley Ryder
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The Dark Side Of Camelot: Seymour M. Hersh:

Post by Harley Ryder »

Mr. Brychek:Does the acceptance of the cover-ups of the truths of jfk's background make it easier for the acceptance of the truths of Obama's background ?Are we so numb by our leaders backgrounds that just don't care, and say it just doesn't matter ?Do we fool ourselves with excuses and say, well it's their personal lives ?I get checked out better when I get a credit card, or take classes for my master's degree, or teach a grade school or high school class.What is acceptable or normal anymore for any politicians, Democrats or Republicans ?