Will we ever know?

JFK Assassination
Larry Daniels
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Will we ever know?

Post by Larry Daniels »

I enjoy reading most of the opinions expressed by the myriad of folks who post on this website. And, I really appreciate the information garnered by Wim in his book about Files.

However, I was curious as to how many of those who frequent this website truly believe that the American public will ever know any more information, than is already available to us, about the events of 11/22/1963.

I'm typically an optimist, but I am not quite so optimistic that we will ever come into any new, accurate, information. I respect Jimmy Files' stance in not "ratting out" anyone who was involved in any criminal activity while they're living, but I'm afraid that any real information will go to the graves of those who possess it.
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Re: Will we ever know?

Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Larry Daniels wrote:However, I was curious as to how many of those who frequent this website truly believe that the American public will ever know any more information, than is already available to us, about the events of 11/22/1963.

I think NO.

Why,the same shit is still in power,end never give us the
information. (we al ready know.......)

Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

I'm optimistic that we will know,sooner or later. Jimmy Files'
revelations have gotten us a lot closer to the truth, I think.
We just have to try to sort the disinformation out. Case in point-
the book "My God,I'm hit"- total BS, start to finish.See the thread

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Post by Bob »

Yes, I think we will eventually know pretty much what really happened. I think we are pretty close right now, but the people that are in the know are either dead or protected by the U.S. government or the MSM. I think Wim and this site has given us a large piece of the puzzle. But I also think other pieces will come trickling in. The people that were involved in the murder of JFK, never thought there would be such a powerful tool as the internet. They all thought that they could control the MSM with control over television and newspapers. The internet has given us some big advances in the JFK assassination case. This site is one of them. But every once in awhile, you will still get disinformation bullshit like Bugliosi's book or absurd stories like the one that was posted here recently. It will take a Watergate moment for the MSM to even try and cover this case again. So right now, it appears that the internet is all we have. I think we have some very good members of this forum, and we keep opening doors from time to time and shutting others that should never be opened. This will take time, maybe decades, but justice will eventually prevail. I always think of what Poppy Bu$h once said, "If the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Get Ron Paul elected and you will know the whole truth.......
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Post by Bob »

I thought Ron Paul looked good on Meet the Press yesterday. He has really raised a lot of money. But the Republicans will never nominate him, especially with war hawks like McCain and Giuliani available. Although I think Rudy is like the Titanic...he's sinking fast. Paul's best option I believe, would be as a 3rd party candidate. A lot of former Democrats like myself, would be happy to use our Independent option on a guy like Paul. I sure as hell won't vote for Dumbya-lite...Hillary. If Paul can get a VP on his ticket that will excite both parties, plus Independent voters, than this might be his best chance. I have heard that he might cross over party lines and grab Dennis Kucinich. In my opinion, Kucinich is the best Dem candidate, but he too, will never get the Dem nomination. But another name to look for is Chuck Hagel. He, like Paul, is against the war in Iraq. He is also a decorated veteran from Vietnam and a very respected Senator. He might pull votes from all parties, where Kucinich will probably pull votes from only the left. But 2008 is shaping up like 1968. A 3rd party candidate can REALLY make a difference. In 68 it was George Wallace and his racist views that grabbed votes from both parties, but mostly from Richard Nixon. But Hubert Humphrey also lost votes from Wallace as the Democratic south was morphing into the now Republican south. The 3rd party candidate this time (Paul) would be someone that can really change things for the better. Time will tell, but I think that is Paul's only chance knowing the Republican party's views and ideals. That is why Paul is like a man on an island in all of the debates.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

i think that if all of a sudden a report came out with the whole truth with names, dates, etc, and it was dumped in our laps we would all argue over its validity and sure enough there would be 50 books written that would discredit parts if not all the info. most of the world wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the chops. we so called conspiracy therorists are so far apart I don't think we will ever agree. The only thing we agree on is that the WC was BS.
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Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:i think that if all of a sudden a report came out with the whole truth with names, dates, etc, and it was dumped in our laps we would all argue over its validity and sure enough there would be 50 books written that would discredit parts if not all the info. most of the world wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the chops. we so called conspiracy therorists are so far apart I don't think we will ever agree. The only thing we agree on is that the WC was BS.

True Tom. But speaking of the Warren Commission and books, Gerald Posner and Vicent Bugliosi seem to think they were right in their books. I certainly don't, like most other people, but the disinformation machine will always be churning for those who never want the truth told. Just think of how many disinformation people have visited this forum and posted. Their "game" will never stop. That's why the Bugliosi book is troubling. They are using an author with a reputable name to echo the bullshit regarding Oswald's role in the assassination. Then we also may have a HBO special produced by Tom Hanks talking about the Bugliosi "theory". The people in power never want the true facts told about this crime. That's why the MSM is in bed with them and they will never expose some of the things that this site alleges. I really think we are closer than most people think in solving this crime. That is why the disinformation machine keeps operating. Just think about WHO is in power right now in the United States. Can you imagine the view of the world and America if it came out that the Bu$hes were involved in the conspiracy to kill JFK? Everything white would be black. All good would be bad. Everything America was built on would be seriously compromised. The MSM would also be devastated, because it would appear that they "hid" the truth. That is why the MSM will never expose what Wim has exposed. But some day, the truth will come out. As I said, it may take decades or generations, but it will eventually come out. Unfortunately, those who participated in the crime will never know justice. The only way the it can come about sooner is if the Dumbya Bu$h administration has a "Watergate" moment that will expose Bu$h and his henchmen of the treasonous and corrupt acts he has committed. If that happens, then the book will be open about the ENTIRE Bu$h family. Then we will be able to openly talk about Samuel, Prescott and Poppy. And November 22, 1963.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I think bush has already had a few watergate events but the powers that be are a little better at damage control than in the past. look how they disposed of all the evidence in 911 and also jfk jr's plane crash. they are much more efficient and deep rooted than they have ever been.
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Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:I think bush has already had a few watergate events but the powers that be are a little better at damage control than in the past. look how they disposed of all the evidence in 911 and also jfk jr's plane crash. they are much more efficient and deep rooted than they have ever been.

Damage control is a lot better no doubt. That sad part is that the JFK Jr. plane crash was DURING the Clinton Administration. That's part of the reason I am no fan of Hillary, that and her "hawkish" voting record. Again, why are Poppy Bu$h and Bill Clinton so close nowadays? It's almost like they are relatives. Could it all be because of the events from Mena, Arkansas in the 1980's? But as I also said, when the JFK assassination took place, along with the other political assassinations of the 60's, there were just TV and newspapers to worry about in terms of hiding the truth. But the 90's brought us the internet, and it keeps growing. And the internet has exposed things that the MSM would NEVER expose. And we wonder why there is so much illegal wiretapping going on under Bu$h? Illegal wiretapping to check our phone records and internet use and destinations?