It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

JFK Assassination
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It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Bob »

I know at least one forum member that will be unhappy about Ted Kennedy being okay after his seizure. Ted has his faults like all politicians do, and all in power do, but he fills a void in the political vacuum that invites corruption. I for one, am very happy Ted is alright.Kennedy hospitalized after seizure; not a stroke By GLEN JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer BOSTON - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the lone surviving son in a famed political family who helped define national Democratic Party politics, suffered a seizure at his Cape Cod home on Saturday and was recovering in good spirits at a Boston hospital. Kennedy, 76, did not suffer a stroke and "is not in any immediate danger," said Dr. Larry Ronan, the senator's primary care physician."He's resting comfortably, and watching the Red Sox game with his family," Ronan said. "Over the next couple of days, Senator Kennedy will undergo further evaluation to determine the cause of the seizure, and a course of treatment will be determined at that time."Kennedy's wife, Victoria, three of his children and his niece Caroline Kennedy were among those with him at the hospital.On Saturday morning, Kennedy felt ill at his home and went to Cape Cod Hospital. After a discussion with his doctors in Boston, the senator was flown to Massachusetts General Hospital.Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he spoke to Kennedy's wife in the afternoon and was told "his condition is not life-threatening, but serious.""But the one thing I can say, if there ever was a fighter, anyone who stood for what we as Americans, we as Democrats, stand for, it's Ted Kennedy," Reid said addressing the Nevada Democratic Convention in Reno.In October, Kennedy had surgery to repair a nearly complete blockage in a major neck artery. The discovery was made during a routine examination of a decades-old back injury.The hourlong procedure on his left carotid artery — a main supplier of blood to the face and brain — was performed at Massachusetts General. This type of operation is performed on more than 180,000 people a year to prevent a stroke.The doctor who operated on Kennedy said at the time that surgery is reserved for those with more than 70 percent blockage, and Kennedy had "a very high-grade blockage."Distinguishing between a seizure and a transient ischemic attack, TIA, often called a mini-stroke, can sometimes be difficult.Seizures are little electrical storms in the brain. They tend to be brief; an occasional one can happen to anyone even without a prior history of seizures, especially if there has been some prior brain trauma.A stroke is either ischemic — a clog in a blood vessel — or hemorrhagic, bleeding in the brain. Hemorrhagic ones are very rare. Kennedy had the carotid artery surgery to try to prevent the ischemic type. A stroke kills brain tissue; how much depends on how big it is and how long it lasts. Some people show no lasting effects; others can be partly paralyzed on one side or somewhere in-between."Sen. Kennedy was at high risk because he had surgery for an artery in his neck," said Dr. Wendy Wright, The Emory Clinic, Assistant Professor, Departments of Neurology and Nuerosurgery,But she said there are a lot of things that can cause seizures, such as an infection or medication."Certain medications are known to cause seizures. A stroke can cause a seizure, a brain tumor or a head injury, or something in the brain itself," Wright said. "Common symptoms that we know about are falling on the ground, shaking and having confusion."Kennedy, the second-longest serving member of the Senate, was elected in 1962, filling out the term won by his brother, John F. Kennedy.Kennedy eldest brother, Joseph, was killed in a World War II airplane crash. President John Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 and his brother Robert was assassinated in 1968. Kennedy is active for his age, maintaining an aggressive schedule on Capitol Hill and across Massachusetts. He has been vocal in both his opposition to the Iraq war and support for Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama, who is trying to become the first senator elected to the White House since John F. Kennedy. Kennedy made several campaign appearances for the Illinois senator in February, and most recently another in April. Always concerned about maintaining his health, Kennedy regularly consults with a battery of Massachusetts General doctors. Still, he maintains homes in both Boston and Washington and attends not only official events, but numerous others recognizing his family's political history. Just last week, he and Caroline Kennedy awarded the annual "Profiles in Courage" award commemorating President Kennedy. And Friday, he attended a ribbon cutting at the New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park. He was preparing to host the annual Best Buddies Challenge event on Saturday afternoon, a fundraiser for the Best Buddies organization founded by Anthony Kennedy Shriver that helps people with intellectual disabilities. The event attracted celebrities, including New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and Olympian Carl Lewis. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria Shriver, Kennedy's niece, said they appreciated all the messages of care they had received for the senator. "It's always a comfort to the family to know that Sen. Kennedy is in the prayers of millions," their statement said. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, who went to the hospital, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Obama said were offering their prayers for his quick recovery. Obama, beginning a tour of hospitals in Eugene, Ore., told reporters that he had been in touch with the senator's family. He said, "We are going to be rooting for him. I insist on being optimistic about how it's going to turn out." A man walking by Massachusetts General was startled by the news when he asked about the reason for the large media presence. "Ted? Is he all right? Jeez, I'm taken aback. I just saw him on television yesterday," said Jerry Leonard, 76. "He's a Kennedy. His name is synonymous with this area," the retired bartender said. "I'm a Bostonian, too, and he's done a lot for us around here and for the senior citizens in particular." ___ Associated Press writers Lauran Neergaard in Washington, Matt Pitta in Hyannisport, Mass., and David Espo in Boston contributed to this report.
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Bob »

It looks like I may have spoken too soon. Ted has a malignent brain tumor. Not good news. Ironically, Arlen Spector had the same diagnosis, but luckily it turned out to be benign and he has survived. Good luck to Ted, and keep fighting the fight against this dreadful disease. Ted will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Pennyworth »

The red split open blotch around my armpit looked very much like cancer about a year ago ...the doctor said it was aluminum poisoning ...I then took red clover capsules as prescribed for cancer cure in some flyer I acquired for herbal remedies ...3 days later the whole mess disappeared and never returned....[PDF] CANCER REPORT - VFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLRed Clover (Trifolium pratence), Birch Bark (Betula alba), Burdock Root (Arctium .... Inoperable brain tumors were drained through a lesion on the neck with ... ... urgery.pdf - Similar pages
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by scottjfkmad »

TRIBUTE TO TED KENNEDY21st May 2008I was very sorry to hear the sad news about Senator Kennedy’s brain tumour. Ted Kennedy has been in the United States Senate for over 40 years, and has made a tremendous difference in shaping US Politics. His successful Senatorial campaign replacing his brother John F Kennedy in 1962 served only as platform for the start of a great Political career.As the Presidential election of 2008 draws closer this is truly sad news for all people across the world I understand the Senator to be in high spirits, a true mark of courage and being part of the Kennedy family.Get well soon Teddy
Brian White
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Brian White »

Life expectancy for his type of tumor is 3 years. He won't be OK. I wonder if hewill pass along anything he knows about his brother's deaths?
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Dan »

Let's all hope that Edward will not suffer a long slow excrutiating death like Mary Jo Kopechne. Here's to hoping he dies very rapidly - like maybe in the next hour or so...
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Bob »

Dan wrote:Let's all hope that Edward will not suffer a long slow excrutiating death like Mary Jo Kopechne. Here's to hoping he dies very rapidly - like maybe in the next hour or so...It's statements like that one that tell us who you really are Dan. EMBARRASSING & PATHETIC. Just like Hillary. And the Bu$h family of course.
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Pennyworth »

Dan wrote:Let's all hope that Edward will not suffer a long slow excrutiating death like Mary Jo Kopechne. Here's to hoping he dies very rapidly - like maybe in the next hour or so...Hey, I thought Wim showed Dan the exit.... I don't believe for a minute that this car accident was anything but an accident...unless Ted Kennedy was thinking of suicide.....I believe the reason that the accident wasn't reported right away is that it most likely took all the strength he had to get out of the car and the water...he was also most likely in a state of shock, exhaustion , and confusion...I believe drowning is quick..a matter of being suffocated...I'll look it up....
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Dan wrote:Let's all hope that Edward will not suffer a long slow excrutiating death like Mary Jo Kopechne. Here's to hoping he dies very rapidly - like maybe in the next hour or so...Hey, I thought Wim showed Dan the exit.... I don't believe for a minute that this car accident was anything but an accident...unless Ted Kennedy was thinking of suicide.....I believe the reason that the accident wasn't reported right away is that it most likely took all the strength he had to get out of the car and the water...he was also most likely in a state of shock, exhaustion , and confusion...I believe drowning is quick..a matter of being suffocated...I'll look it up....How long does it take to drown?
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Re: It looks like Ted Kennedy will be okay

Post by Dan »

See www.YTEDK.comThe water was about 8 to 12 feet deep. Parts of the car were actually sticking up out of the water. His crime was not telling anybody about the accident - leaving her to die a long slow death as she waited for his return. He didn't tell anyone because he was drunk. So he let her die - all of those hours alone - when a simple phone call would have saved her.What a low-life piece of crap. Die quickly fat Teddy - you won't be missed!