The Elephant

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

The Elephant

Post by dankbaar »

Compare the conspiracy with a giant elephant. But you cannot see the elephant, because you are in a dark room with it. You can only feel it. So you might feel a tusk. And then you think: Hey, this could be an elephant! And then you feel the tail. And you go: Yes, It might be an elephant! And then you feel the trunk, and you say: Okay, It is indeed an elephant! That's basically how I did my research. And although they are different parts of the animal, they are all part of the same conspiracy. Like the Chicago Mob, the Cuban exiles, the CIA, the Texan Oil guys and LBJ are part of the same conspiracy. They may be presented by others as different entities, but they were very intimately in bed together. And then all of a sudden the elephant makes a big trumpeting sound! And again! Compare those noises with the confessions of Chauncey Holt and James Files. But you know what? They have made the dark room sound tight. So nobody, except us in the room, can hear it. Meanwhile a few disinfo assets keep saying: Well, you may say it's an elephant, but he's called Lee Harvey Oswald, and we keep him hanging there as likely as this: Wim
Posts: 55
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The Elephant

Post by scottjfkmad »

That was an excellent post, it is plainly obvious that parts of ''the animal'' were more involved than others.. in respect to the cover up, warren commission, the parade route being changed and the misrepresentation of what witnesses in Dallas had to say. This animal wreaks of LBJ and J.Edgar....Boys we got you!!!!