Mister X

JFK Assassination
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Mister X

Post by dankbaar »

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Post by Bob »

Well, I know I will keep searching for Tippit's killer, among other things regarding this assassination! I know others on this board will as well, like Rob. But as I have said before, there is a huge Chicago connection to the JFK assassination. Just look at the people that have ties to Chicago...Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Chuck Nicoletti, Jack Ruby, James Files, J.D. Tippit, Roscoe White and Richard Cain, Also, to me, the keys of this assassination are in located in two groups...the LCAP and Group 40. Here is more on the LCAP from a previous post of mine... Charles Rogers (one of the three tramps)...was a member of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. Other LCAP members include Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, James Bath and Barry Seal. We all know about Oswald and Ferrie, but the other members are also very interesting. Bath was a good buddy of Dumbya Bu$h in the Texas Air National Guard, who was also suspended (like Dumbya) for refusing to take a medical exam. After the Guard, Bath became Texas money man for the bin Laden family, which included investing in Bu$h's failed oil business Arbusto. Seal was probably the biggest drug runner in U.S. history. He was killed in his car with Poppy Bu$h's personal telephone number in the car. Also, the man who founded the LCAP...D.H. Byrd, just happened to own the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Byrd was also a very close friend of LBJ as well as the Big Oil men like Clint Murchinson, H.L. Hunt and Sid Richardson. Byrd was also a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club. It has been argued that it was here that he met George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Phillips and George H. W. "Poppy" Bu$h.I would say that Tippit's killer was someone that hung with the Chicago gang, and also may have had some connection to the LCAP or Group 40.
Rob Waters
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Re: $ 10,000 Reward

Post by Rob Waters »

i know Roscoe White says he did it. "White asked Tippit to drive Oswald to Redbird Airport.. .Tippit balked, suspecting they were involved in the assassination he had just heard about, and White had to shoot him right then. Oswald ran away. There is a report that an extra police shirt was found in the backseat of Tippit's car, and we surmise that this belonged to Roscoe, who changed his clothes there. It is also thought that Tippit's car was the one that stopped at Oswald's house and beeped, and then picked him up down the street."but Gilberto Lopez sure does look like that guy. http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s53/ ... killer.jpg
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Re: $ 10,000 Reward

Post by Pennyworth »

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Re: $ 10,000 Reward

Post by Pennyworth »

Excerpt from John Geraghty; Education Forum:In Harrelsons wallet the day he was arrested was the business card of Russell Douglas Matthews(9), Matthews was believed to be Harrelson's idol although this has not been conclusively proven. Russell Matthews is described by the FBI as a burglar, an armed robber, a narcotics pusher and a murderer(10). Matthews worked for mob controlled casinos in Cuba during the 1950’s and later turned to the Dallas underworld in the 1960’s. He was a known associate of Santos Tafficante the Miami mob boss and Joseph Campisi a leading Mafioso who also testified for Harrelson at one of his trials. Matthews and Campisi were seen together in both Dallas and Las Vegas in 1978(11). Perhaps the most interesting fact is that Matthews was a known associate of Jack Ruby the murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald. This is just one of many ties between Harrelson and Ruby although it may well be that they never met, nevertheless they were both indirectly connected with the same people. Four witnesses say that they knew that Matthews and Ruby knew each other well(12), although the Warren Commission states that Matthews was only a ‘casual acquaintance” of Ruby’s, and this link alone proves that Ruby was involved with organized crime, a fact that the Warren Commission refused to acknowledge. On October third 1963 a call was placed from Jack Ruby’s Carousel club to a number in Shreveport, Louisiana listed to Elizabeth Matthews, Russell Douglas Matthews former wife(13). Matthews was also the best man at the wedding of George McGann and Beverly Oliver. Beverly Oliver was a witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and captured the whole event on film only to have her film confiscated by the FBI and was never to be seen again, Beverly also worked in the Colony club as a dancer, this club was right next door to Ruby’s Carousel club, it was frequent for dancers to go from club to club watching their friends dance . Beverly Oliver has also stated that she saw Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald together and remembers seeing David Ferrie in the Carousel(14). Another claim by Beverly Oliver is that she and McGann once had a meeting with Richard Nixon in a hotel in 1968 in Miami. George Mcgann was murdered in the home of one Ronny Weeden, the case was never closed. Harrelson knew Weeden during his stay in prison and claims that Weeden committed the murder and that Weeden disappeared afterwards. Harrelson also stated that Weeden “had a reputation as a hit man”(15); Weeden's name was also in McGann's notebooks. Even if Harrelson was not involved in the assassination he may have learned of it from Matthews who may well have had knowledge of it from his friend Jack Ruby.
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Re: Mister X

Post by Pennyworth »

Rob Waters wrote:i know Roscoe White says he did it. "White asked Tippit to drive Oswald to Redbird Airport.. .Tippit balked, suspecting they were involved in the assassination he had just heard about, and White had to shoot him right then. Oswald ran away. There is a report that an extra police shirt was found in the backseat of Tippit's car, and we surmise that this belonged to Roscoe, who changed his clothes there. It is also thought that Tippit's car was the one that stopped at Oswald's house and beeped, and then picked him up down the street."but Gilberto Lopez sure does look like that guy. http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s53/ ... ler.jpg(5) Matthew Smith, JFK: The Second Plot (1992)Geneva White, wife of Roscoe White, a police officer appointed to the Dallas force just weeks before the assassination, claimed her now-deceased husband left a diary in which he reveals he was one of the marksmen who shot the President, and that he also killed Officer Tippit. Roscoe White's story is that he had been a 'contract man' for the CIA, having killed ten times for them, his 'hits' including 'targets' in Japan and the Philippines. The diary, said to have been stolen by the FBI, is claimed to contain details of the assassination, which was carried out on the instructions of the CIA. They said Kennedy was a 'national security risk'. Roscoe White was killed in an industrial accident in 1971 and Geneva is quoted as saying, 'When Rock lay dying he made a confession to our minister, the Reverend Jack Shaw. He named all the people he knew who were involved.' However, this author spoke to the Reverend Jack Shaw who denies Roscoe mentioned killing the President or Tippit. 'He did confess to taking life in the US and on foreign soil,' he said, 'but not that of the President or the police officer.' The Minister went on to say that Roscoe suspected his accident, at a garage at which he worked after he resigned from the police, had been arranged by the CIA - 'I saw a man with a brief case....' and Ricky White, Roscoe's son, is convinced his father had wanted to be finished with the CIA and they killed him for it. Insurance investigator David Perry found no evidence of foul play. The accident was apparently caused by Roscoe taking a welding torch too close to an inflammable liquid.http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JF ... tmReverend Jack Shaw, after questioning by Richard Ray of Dallas TV Channel Four (KDFW), admitted he never heard a deathbed confession from White and everything he heard about White's activities he "heard from Geneva."The Dallas Police Department pre-employment background check on Roscoe White reveals that at the time Geneva White claimed employment for Jack Ruby she was out of work as a waitress at the Cattleman's Restaurant. She sustained a head injury in a slip and fall accident, was disabled and unable to work.Ricky White asserted he obtained his father's military footlocker filled with papers documenting his father's role in the assassination from "two of my aunts while attending my grandfather's funeral in Paris, Texas." Both his aunts, Geneva White's sisters by the way, deny the incident took place. They claim Roscoe gave the footlocker to their brother who "stored tools in it." I have also contacted the brother who claims his sisters' report is accurate and "Ricky got my footlocker while I was away."All three of Geneva's relatives indicated they didn't believe the story and were never shown any evidence of their brother-in-law's involvement. One sister claimed Ricky told her "if you go along with this we're all going to get rich."Ricky maintained he discovered his father's military records in the foot locker. Under a Freedom Of Information Act request I ascertained it was Ricky who ordered the records from the government. The US Navy/Marine Record Center in St. Louis, MO. forwarded the documents on December 2, 1988.A Dallas Police memo stamped "Top Secret" reveals Ricky originally told Midland and Dallas, Texas police as well as the FBI that his father had an affair with a woman named Hazel "who worked at the Texas School Book Depository." Ricky later changed the story claiming Hazel "worked for Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall." I must assume someone, knowing that researchers have lists of every employee at the TSBD on November 22, 1963, coached Ricky to change the account. No person with the first or last name Hazel appears in TSBD records.In the Spring of 1990, Ricky unearthed a canister in the attic of his grandfather's "burned out" house in Paris, Texas. We were led to believe White probably secreted the container there before his death in 1971. This was the same canister that held the "military cables" shown by the Northern Arizona Forensic Laboratory to be fabrications. Curiously, included in the canister was at least one of Roscoe White's dog tags. There is a problem. When White entered the service he received two dog tags. Upon separation from the Marines, White gave both tags to his mother, Merle H. Rogers. Mrs. Rogers gave one dog tag to Ricky and another to Roscoe's sister, Linda Wells in January 1989. Linda Wells gave her dog tag to Ricky in the presence of J. Gary Shaw and Joe West, the later two of The JFK Assassination Information Center, in June of 1990. This occurred a few months before the press conference (August 8, 1990) when the contents of the canister ware shown. The question remains: if White hid the container before his death how did one of his dog tags get in the canister?I could go on and on about this. Actually I already have. By early 1991 I was somewhat disillusioned. The very researchers I looked up to for many years remained silent on an issue I felt was their responsibility to expose as a hoax. Why did the act this way? Was it because they were trying to sell the story to Oliver Stone for three-quarters of a million dollars?What was the outcome? What resulted from The JFK Assassination Information Center's lack of response to the story?From Oliver Stone's book JFK: The Book of the Film, page 20:[Note: In what appears to be nothing more than a publicity- seeking hoax, a Texas group that included White's son and widow presented "evidence" in 1990 that White was the real assassin behind the picket fence. Many of their claims have been debunked. (See David B. Perry "Who Speaks for Roscoe White?," The Third Decade, November, 1991.)]The JFK Center presented the same "evidence" to the Texas State Attorney General. In the end what was the reaction from the State of Texas?"So far everything we have looked at has not given any credibility to anything these people have been trying to say about the documents and that whole affair."http://davesjfk.com/roscoew.html
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Re: Mister X

Post by Pennyworth »

[PP: here's more of the above article by John Geraghty who compiled this article in 2004 . I pieced together more info with my discovery of a link /connection of Files and Jack Binion who were both residing in Joliet , Illinois .......]Top Ten Conspiracy Theories Who Shot JFK John Geraghty View Member Profile Nov 25 2004, 12:30 AM Post #1 Super MemberGroup: JFKPosts: 1119Joined: 18-June 04From: Dublin, IrelandMember No.: 869 Charles Voyd HarrelsonCharles Voyd Harrelson is known mostly because of the fact that he was convicted in 1982 of murdering Judge John Wood, but, What has sparked a lot of controversy is the fact that Harrelson is suspected of being one of the three tramps that were arrested on the day of the Kennedy Assassination. Harrelson was indeed involved with some very dirty people in his criminal life but was he involved with the assassination?Harrelson was born in Huntsville Texas in 1939 although he did not plan on staying there long and was drawn to the more attractive sights of Houston. In Houston Harrelson made a living selling dental equipment and was also believed to have sold encyclopaedias.(1) Harrelson wished to earn money at a quicker rate and soon became involved in criminal activities. Harrelson was fingered by Chauncey Holt as being one of the three tramps taken from a train hours after the assassination “so I scooted under the train, went under to the other side, encountered Harrelson and Montoya”(2) said Holt in a Newsweek interview with John Craig, Philip Rogers and Gary Shaw. Holt states that he did not know Harrelson that well but said, “I’m confident that’s who it was”. Lois Gibson a forensic artist and facial expert for the Houston Police Department compared the photos of the tramps with those of Holt, Harrelson and Charles Rogers and came up with a match for all three(3). It is said that Harrelson once while high on cocaine exited the Corvette he was driving and shot it full of holes as it made too much noise(4). Harrelson was wanted for the contract murder of Judge John Wood and was stopped by police, a six hour stand off ensued when the police found him, and he allegedly held a .44 magnum to his head and confessed to the murder of both Judge John Woods and President John F. Kennedy(5).A reporter for the Dallas morning news by the name of Chuck Cook interviewed Harrelson on the judge Wood case and subsequently asked him about his claims of murdering the President, Cook said that Harrelson ‘got this sly little grin on his face, Harrelson is very intelligent and has a way of not answering when it suits him’(6). At a later interview Cook brought the subject up again and at that point Harrelson became very serious, Cook quoted Harrelson as saying “Listen, if and when I get out of here (prison) and feel free to talk, I will have something that will be the biggest story you ever had” and added “November 22, 1963. You remember that!”. Cooks claims seem to be sensational as every other time Harrelson has been questioned with regard to the assassination he has emphatically denied it. Cook later showed the photos of the three tramps to Harrison’s wife Jo Ann Harrelson who was “amazed at the similarities”, Cook later revealed that Harrelson's jail conversations were indeed being monitored although this is the norm in some prisons including the maximum penitentiary in Colorado in which he is currently incarcerated(7). When later questioned on the assassination and the murder of Judge Wood by Dallas TV newsman Quin Matthews, Harrelson said “ At the same time I said I killed the Judge, I said I had killed Kennedy, which might give you an idea as to the state of my mind at the time… it was an effort to elongate my life... well, do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy alone, without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. Government or at least a portion of that agency? I believe you are very naïve if you do”(8). Harrelson was also shown the photos with comparisons of himself and the tall tramp on Nigel Turners documentary ‘The Men Who Killed Kennedy- The Cover-up’, Harrelson admitted a striking similarity between himself and the tramp but that it was not him and that he was dining with a friend in Houston at the time. I recently asked retired Texas Ranger Captain Jack Dean what he thought Harrelson might do when questioned about the photos, he stated “my thought's are that if asked he would not say yes or no but make some statement as “it does look like me”” , Capt. Dean has not seen the documentary yet he predicts that this would be Harrelsons likely response.In Harrelsons wallet the day he was arrested was the business card of Russell Douglas Matthews(9), Matthews was believed to be Harrelson's idol although this has not been conclusively proven. Russell Matthews is described by the FBI as a burglar, an armed robber, a narcotics pusher and a murderer(10). Matthews worked for mob controlled casinos in Cuba during the 1950’s and later turned to the Dallas underworld in the 1960’s. He was a known associate of Santos Tafficante the Miami mob boss and Joseph Campisi a leading Mafioso who also testified for Harrelson at one of his trials. Matthews and Campisi were seen together in both Dallas and Las Vegas in 1978(11). Perhaps the most interesting fact is that Matthews was a known associate of Jack Ruby the murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald. This is just one of many ties between Harrelson and Ruby although it may well be that they never met, nevertheless they were both indirectly connected with the same people. Four witnesses say that they knew that Matthews and Ruby knew each other well(12), although the Warren Commission states that Matthews was only a ‘casual acquaintance” of Ruby’s, and this link alone proves that Ruby was involved with organized crime, a fact that the Warren Commission refused to acknowledge. On October third 1963 a call was placed from Jack Ruby’s Carousel club to a number in Shreveport, Louisiana listed to Elizabeth Matthews, Russell Douglas Matthews former wife(13). Matthews was also the best man at the wedding of George McGann and Beverly Oliver. Beverly Oliver was a witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy and captured the whole event on film only to have her film confiscated by the FBI and was never to be seen again, Beverly also worked in the Colony club as a dancer, this club was right next door to Ruby’s Carousel club, it was frequent for dancers to go from club to club watching their friends dance . Beverly Oliver has also stated that she saw Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald together and remembers seeing David Ferrie in the Carousel(14). Another claim by Beverly Oliver is that she and McGann once had a meeting with Richard Nixon in a hotel in 1968 in Miami. George Mcgann was murdered in the home of one Ronny Weeden, the case was never closed. Harrelson knew Weeden during his stay in prison and claims that Weeden committed the murder and that Weeden disappeared afterwards. Harrelson also stated that Weeden “had a reputation as a hit man”(15); Weeden's name was also in McGann's notebooks. Even if Harrelson was not involved in the assassination he may have learned of it from Matthews who may well have had knowledge of it from his friend Jack Ruby.Another associate of Matthews was Lewis McWillie. McWillie was once employed as the manager of the Tropicana Casino in Havana where Jake Lansky brother of Mayer Lansky held considerable influence. Jack Ruby went on a weeklong trip to Cuba in 1959 where he met with McWillie on several occasions. Ruby once shipped 4 guns to Cuba for McWillie, Ruby also sent a .38 Smith and Wesson revolver from Rays Hardware Store Dallas to McWillie in Las Vegas(16). Over a four-month period Ruby called McWillie 8 times at the Thunderbird in Las Vegas. Another man believed to be involved in the assassination was Frank Fiorini/Sturges who was once in Government with Castro before he defected and worked for the CIA, Sturgis was the government overseer at the Tropicana during the time of Lewis McWillie's employment there(17). Marita Lorenz, Castros former lover once stated that she drove to Dallas with Sturges carrying weapons in their caravan.One man linked McWillie, Matthews and Harrelson altogether, although the link with Harrelson is somewhat tenuous and is mostly speculative. Benny Binion (1904-1989) was at first a bootlegger and involved in illegal gambling in the 40’s and 50’s until he opened his own casino ‘The Horseshoe’. Binion was investigated by the FBI all his life. Benny ran craps games in 1936 from a hotel, he killed a bootlegger and got 2 years in jail, he also killed another rival but was acquitted on the grounds of self defence. He served 3½ years for evading income tax and once proclaimed “I’ve been a hustler all my life, since I was nine”(18). Binion's horseshoe was a place of much controversy and also a lot of money. Binion was once nearly convicted of shooting someone in his own casino but was later acquitted after all 3 witnesses did a 180 and fingered a pit boss at the casino instead(19). Lewis Mcwillie was employed by Binion in 1942/43 involving his underground schemes in Dallas(20). Matthews was once manager at Binion's casino ‘The Horseshoe’(21). Both men have worked with Binion and both men knew Jack Ruby, this implies some sort of connection. The contract for the murder of judge Wood was put out by Jimmy Chagra who was convicted and sentenced by Judge Woods. It was in Binion's Horseshoe Casino where Harrelson first met Chagra although there were no members of the Binion family present at the time(22). Harrelson introduced himself to Chagra and after he had left Chagra asked someone “That guy is passing himself off as a killer, what do you think?” An investigation into Binion by the FBI in 1983 states that there was one member of the Binion drug ring in El Paso Texas which is where Chagra was from and definitely implicates Binion in the murder of Judge Woods and so links Binion with Harrelson, “(censored) was a principal subject in the FBI major case-WOODMUR, dealing with the murder of San Antonio Federal Judge John Wood. Information indicated that it was the Binion family that introduced (censored) to (censored) in the wood shooting. It is believed that their introduction took place at the Horseshoe Casino”(23), we must assume hat the censored names are those of Charles Harreslon and Jimmy Chagra. Sheriff Steve Guthrie of the Dallas police was once recorded as saying “We all know Bill Decker is a payoff man with Benny Binion”(24), Bill Decker was sitting in the lead car of the motorcade when President Kennedy was assassinated and was also involved in the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald from the Police station to the county jail where he was ambushed by Jack Ruby who mysteriously entered or was let into the building. Decker was also known to be friendly with the aforementioned Russell Douglas Matthews and also with Joseph Campisi who as I have already stated was involved with organized crime and testified at Harrelsons trial. This is quite a strong connection between Ruby, McWillie, Matthews, Binion, Harrelson and Decker although it seems Harrelson was not included on quite the same level as everyone else, nevertheless he was involved with these people, indirectly with some but directly with others.Chauncey Holt, the man who claims that Harrelson was one of the three tramps also claims that Harrelson was connected to John Masen(25), the gunsmith of Dallas, where Holt had to send ammunition previously. There is speculation that Masen was involved in gun running with Jack Ruby. John T. Masen told the FBI that he acquired and sold 10 boxes of mannlicher Carcano ammunition (the type Oswald Supposedly used to assassinate the president) in 1963(26), Masen had previously been investigated for violation of the firearms act. Masen was associated with Manuel Rodriguez of the Alpha 66 group (mercenary group with anti-Castro feelings).
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Re: $ 10,000 Reward

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:http://jfkmurdersolved.com/tippit.htmht ... thews1.jpg If this is matthews, he would be 42-43 years old in the first picture...
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Re: Mister X

Post by Bob »

Well one things for sure, If it is Matthews, he seems to like wearing shades.
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Re: $ 10,000 Reward

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:http://jfkmurdersolved.com/tippit.htmht ... thews1.jpg If this is matthews, he would be 42-43 years old in the first picture...One and the same IMO....