The Bucket

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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The Bucket

Post by R Croxford »

I watched the show on Discovery tonight. I forgot how overwhelming the fact that a secret service agent was washing the inside of the limo just minutes after arriving at Parkland hospital.This along with other bull is overwhelming evidence against the secret services involvment in the cover up.
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Bob »

What would CSI say about that photo. I mean the President of the United States was just murdered in that car. Talk about a crime scene. But LBJ told the SS to clean up the car. And they did. Why?
mike oneill
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Re: The Bucket

Post by mike oneill »

No, - im sorry but i just dont accept this point of view.Of course i agree it was a "crime scene" and evidence could/would indeed be washed away but for me, this washing activity was not as sinister as you suggest.Just remember, the car was parked in a public area, photographers and reporters were descending on the hospital by the bus load and within minutes, photographs would be taken of the car interior, the blood, the brains and other residues and within 24 hours those gruesome photos would appear in every newspaper world wide. The few policeman at hand wouldnt have stopped that happening. I consider the immediate cleaning of the car as just a way of stopping such photos appearing and not as you suggest - part of a cover up. The people involved probably believed it was the right thing to do to ensure respect for the president, Mrs kennedy and the families.Im sorry - but you need to work a lot harder to convince me this activity was deliberately planned and carried out as part of an overall conspiracy.RegardsMike Oneill
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Jsnow915 »

I agree with Mike....I think it was just an F-up and not done to hide anything...this whole scene must have been overwhelming for those who weren't involved...the thing that bothers me the most is,they keep putting the gun in Oswalds hands in the 6th floor...I can't believe in a court of law he would be convicted...there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he was there or fired a weapon.
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Bob »

Yes, it was a F Up. and you DO NOT touch a crime scene of that nature. As I said, the President was just murdered in that vehicle. What you do is either cover up the car and throw a tarp over it or have a SS agent drive it out of the area. PERIOD. There should have been NO cleaning whatsoever. Bottom line, I saw the Discovery "special" myself, and it was as usual, another Gary Mack led bullshit production. No one here has ever claimed that Jimmy Files was the only shooter. We have steadfastly claimed that the Files shot came a fraction of a second later than the Charles Nicoletti shot from the Dal-Tex building, right next to the TSBD. Nicoletti was on an upper floor as well. The fact that both shots came almost simultaneously caused the impact that it did. But Mack never brought up that possibility. And he KNOWS about the possibility. He also knows what type of weapon Files used. But in the "special", they used weapons like a winchester from the grassy knoll location, instead of a fireball. In the end, Mack claimed that they had proved the fatal shot came from behind, "presumedly from the 6th floor of the TSBD." Yeah right Gary! The same 6th floor where you now are curator of a museum there that pays you at least $180,000 a year, and gets you on every JFK special on Discovery or whatever, and has you spew your bullshit. Mack is a bullshit artist that has been bought off and he knows better. But the other side got to him and he is now a proponent of the disinformation machine. Et tu, Brute?
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Jsnow915 » sounds like a case of If you can't beat them,join them.
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Bob »

To me, it's like Benedict Arnold going over to the British after being an American General in the Revolutionary War. The British ended up losing right? I hope the same hold true to all that were once on the right side, and now have been bought off like Gary Mack and Vincent Bugliosi. Thank God we still have folks like Robert Groden and Jim Marr that won't become sell outs like Mack.
R Croxford
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Re: The Bucket

Post by R Croxford »

There were no photo's allowed. The first photo's were taken by the ss long after the evidence was wiped away. Sister. Who washes a limo 10 minutes after a murder in it? Crimes scenes have been preserved and everyone knew even then that this was the routine. Did you see someone walk into the kitchen after RFK was killed and hose it down?
Rob Waters
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Re: The Bucket

Post by Rob Waters »

if someone is shot in the streets they do not remove the body and then spray down the street so no one see's it. they block off the area and investigate. ive seen dead people hanging out of a car window after an accident. they usually cover the mess no remove it before investigating.
bob franklin
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Re: The Bucket

Post by bob franklin »

Nice pic, R Croxford. Just a few questions.1. Where did the bucket come from? Did the hospital supply it?2. Why is the trunk open? 3. Is/was it S.O.P. to carry washing equipment with the limo? I find it unlikely in the extreme that those agents would be unaware of their crime scene destruction. This speaks to a deliberate destruction of crucial evidence. Why didn't DPD intervene? They would surely know better.