Bunch of question from a layman

JFK Assassination
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Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

Hi everybody, I am new here. I stumbled upon Wim's website one year ago and was impressed by his tremendous input in finding more truth in the JFK-murder-case. I was also impressed very much by the story and personality of James Files and the political meaning of his confession, which led me to translate the 2003 confession into German, cause I am a German and I think Files' confessions also have a big meaning to the political enlightenment and education here, too. I have not read many books and webpages about the JFK assassination so far, so I am still a layman, but during my translation and checking about the veracity of these Files on JFK here I found out that everybody is a layman on something and sometimes the questions of laymans can be helpful for the experts anyway. So with the hope that this is the case I ask the following questions: 1. I believe that James Files shot from behind the fence. At the end of the Muchmore-film you see the left of the three men standing on the stairs on grassy knoll turn immediately to the left from his perspective after the shot, as if he would intend to run upstairs. Somebody who would have been surprised by the shot would have turned immediately to right where the shot came from from his perspective, right? 2. Somehow James Files egressing path back to the TSBD is hard to believe. Why back into all these people, where so many policemen where around? So did James Files have a false SS-ID from Roselli or Holt like all the other hitmen and CIA-people on the scene? Or did he walk to the left behind TSBD to get to the car? Or did he run away to the north how Ed Hoffman is saying? 3. If James had no false SS-ID, did the “elder” hitmen send the “youngster gogetter” Jimmy intentionally into the most dangerous position? If so, what would Nicoletti and Roselli have done, if Jimmy would not have come back? “Nicoletti and Roselli waiting in the car for me...”, isn’t that the most unbelievable part of James’ confession? 4. Where did the head-shot bullet from Nicoletti go to? Wouldn’t it have exited in JFK’s face in the trajectory from DalTex? 5. Could the throat wound to Kennedy be the exit wound to his back wound anyway, because the flesh material in the throat is so soft, that it does not create big exit wounds? 6. It seems that all hitmen had their CIA-protection covers, who guaranteed for a save getaway. Normally a criminal flees into the opposite direction as spectators are coming. But Files/Nicoletti/Roselli drove away on Houston, directly into all these people. Is that believable? Did they shake hands with LBJ there to make a group photo for memory, first? 7. How much time passed by from the first shot to Files/Nicoletti/Roselli entering the car? 8. People who do not want to believe that there was(were) (a) shot(s) from grassy knoll often say that the trajectory would not match. The shot into the right temple from behind the fence would have created a blowout on the left rear of JFK’s head and not on the right rear as the doctors and nurses describe. Compare the drawing: http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=2z4mf5i .Was there a deflection of the mercury round to the left from the perspective of James Files? 9. As far as it looks, the guys in TSBD all missed JFK with their shots. What if they would have shot the driver? Is there any agent still alive who could tell that he saw somebody looking like David Morales, Richard Cain or Malcolm Wallace leaving the TSBD? 10. Isn’t a shot from the south knoll very improbable, because of the distance and because of it would have hit the windshield or the driver or Mrs. Connally or Jackie? 11. Oswald was part of the abort “team”. What would Oswald have done, if the thing would have been really aborted? What did David Atlee Phillips really place into Oswald’s ear? Where exactly was David Atlee Phillips on that day at 12:30?12. On the Bell-film you can see Zapruder walking straight back to the TSBD immediately after the shots. Wouldn’t a surprised spectator immediately run to the loudest shot from his place, that is the one behind the fence? So did Zapruder have preknowledge of the plot? Didn’t he have his office in DalTex? 13. The trajectory of Connally’s back wound traces back to the DalTex. JFK already had got the head shot(s) and sunk to the left and made free the way for the next, for Connally’s bullet. So where did the knee injury on Connally really come from? Cause his knee was covered with his body, wasn't it? 14. You can see some people on the windows and stairs of the DalTex. Didn’t they discover Nicoletti&Roselli? What went on in this building? 15. Didn’t Nicoletti exploit Files’ loyalty? 16. Why did not all hitmen use silencers? Too expensive for an assassination of the president of the US? 17. What were the explosives in the railroad car of the three tramps for? 18. How can FBI-people torture Files and not check his breath while driving him around afterwards to go sure about his death? 19. Could James Files get a pardon from George Bush like Posada Carriles? 20. What’s the hottest file about the whole thing still lying in the archives and not disclosed to the public? 21. The jfkmurdersolved webpage is still rather not very wellknown in public, that's a pity. Wouldn’t an e-mail-campaign to millions of e-mail adresses at once be the right thing? So I hope I did not bother anybody with too many or too stewpid questions. Christoph
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

"Bunch of questions", sorry.
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

22. To everybody: bow your head like Kennedy 1 second before the fatal shot. Then hold your right little finger onto the rear head exit blowout and the thumb to the jaw bone. Could a bullet have entered from behind and went and stick to the jaw bone in that angel from the DalTex or TSBD or TexCouncil?
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by saracarter766 »

christopher that e-mail campaign is a very excellent idea and i love it and plus if you have myspace you could post a bulletin about it for those who do have myspace. this site should be very well known cause it's a treasure trove of JFK information thanks to the wonderful wim dankbarr.
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by ChristophMessner »

Thanks, Sara, I will look to myspace! It's a pity, nobody wants to answer my questions.
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by saracarter766 »

no problem.
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Thanks, Sara, I will look to myspace! It's a pity, nobody wants to answer my questions.Give us time Chris...give us time. I've been a little busy lately. Besides, you don't have just a couple of questions my friend. Your question list reads like War & Peace.
John Beckham
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by John Beckham »

It's a pity, nobody wants to answer my questions...you ask some great questions. sorry i don't have answers. but, questions lead to people looking into it. as far as i can tell, yes, the south knoll shot, would be too far to be very accurate. risk of hitting the car and the others. i don't recall Tosh saying he heard a shot from that area, but smelled gunpowder. the breeze was out of the north, north-west. perhaps he caught a whiff from the north knoll?
John Beckham
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by John Beckham »

Where did the head-shot bullet from Nicoletti go to? Wouldn’t it have exited in JFK’s face in the trajectory from DalTex? or, perhaps, it skipped off the right side of his head. bullet fragments were retrieved from the floorboard/driver side of the limo. not to mention the rearview mirror/windshield damage. hope that helps.
John Beckham
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Re: Bunch of question from a layman

Post by John Beckham »

The trajectory of Connally’s back wound traces back to the DalTex. JFK already had got the head shot(s) and sunk to the left and made free the way for the next, for Connally’s bullet. So where did the knee injury on Connally really come from? Cause his knee was covered with his body, wasn't it? i think as Jack and Connally emerge from the sign, they are struck simotaneously. Connally is not jerking for being startled, he's hit. his hand, hat and whole body react. ok, sit down, turn to your left to try to look almost directly behind you holding a hat or a plate in you lap. your left knee, and possibly your whole leg is shifted, possibly higher. so, from Connally shifting his body, holding his hat, he is struck with that one bullet. through the right of the back, shattering a rib, exiting out under his right nipple(OUCH!) hitting his wrist then fragments enter his left leg. there is no eviedence a bullet struck his leg, but fragment."There was a 1 cm. punctate missile wound over the juncture of the middle and lower third, medial aspect, of the left thigh. X-rays of the thigh and leg revealed a bullet fragment which was imbedded in the body of the femur in the distal third. The leg was prepared with Phisohex and I. O. Prep and was draped in the usual fashion. Following this the missile wound was excised and the bullet tract was explored. The missile wound was seen to course through the subcutaneous fat and into the vastus medialis. The necrotic fat and muscle were debrided down to the region of the femur. The direction of the missile wound was judged not to be in the course of the femoral vessal, since the wound was distal and anterior to Hunter's canal." i'm NOT saying it's the "magic bullet", but he's clearly hit once. i can't tell where the shot came from 'cause i just don't know. but i bet if you lined Connally up with his body position, and the angle, my bet is that it's a TSBD shot.