Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

JFK Assassination
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Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by ChristophMessner »

James Files claims that 1/100th of a second before his fatal headshot struck Kennedy, Nicoletti's bullet would have come from behind and pushed the Kennedy's forward for that little while. So where did Nicoletti's bullet go to further on? Entering the head from behind and THEN???
John Beckham
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by John Beckham »

Files states he was aiming for the eye, but hit the temple area because Jack moved suddenly, most likely from Nicoletti's shot. This may explain much of the confusion as the where the exit wound/wounds were. i also think the body was tampered with before reaching Bethesda.
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by Bob »

The Dallas mortician that did alter JFK's appearance after the murder, and before Bethesda, was John Liggett. Liggett was in the LCAP as well. Other LCAP members include Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers, Barry Seal and James R. Bath, who was Dumbya Bu$h's buddy in the Texas Air National Guard. Bath was also suspended from the TANG for refusing a medical exam like Bu$h. Bath later gained fame as the bin Laden money man in Texas. Finally, D.H. Byrd founded the LCAP. Byrd also owned a certain building in Dallas on 11/22/1963...the Texas School Book Depository.
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by dankbaar »

The bullet probably lodged on the jawbone, the hardest bone in the body. Wim
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Thanks a lot, Wim, for that information. Yes, I just watched some videos put into youtube by Gil Jesus, and saw how much the bullets deformed in the test shooting onto bones, so the jaw bone definitely could have stopped the bullet. Maybe now, the mercury round from James Files blew it backwards out again soon after? Is there any indication that any doctor removed a bullet from the skull? Also in my way of 3-dimensional thinking the trajectory angle of a bullet stopped by the right jaw (seen from behind) could lead to a building right to the DalTex seen from Main Street. Sturgis? Or was ist stopped by the left jaw? On the autopsy photo it looks like much crusted blood in the right ear. Thanks a lot, too, Bob, for this astounding information. I did not know about Liggett and Bath yet. I still have to study. These Bu$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h groups seem to obey the rule of secrecy very rigorously, don't they? Just watched "JFK II - The Bush Connection" once more. It is still somehow unbelievable to me how Papa Poppy Bush could get through with all that. Christoph
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Wim, may I ask you to hold your head like JFK did 1 second before the fatal headshots? Like 45 degrees downward and a little to the left. If you now hold your right little finger to the rear head exit blowout and your right thumb to the jaw bone, you see that the angle of a bullet gone from the occipital hole to the jaw bone would show pretty steeply into the sky, wouldn't it? So probably the first headshot came rather from the Records building and exited on JFK's right temple, just 1/30 of a second before Files' bullet entered there. Doesn't the skull flap on Z336 rather speak for an exit wound? The big bloody splash on Z313 with brain matter jets into the sky then is Files' bullet. And most probable that bullet of Files could not have created the shrapnel face and throat wounds, because the mercury would have had to pierce through face bones and in that angle it would have jetted to the direction of the stomach and not to exiting throat. Who was on/in the Records building?Best wishes and greetings from Christoph
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by tpfleming »

The skull flap was airbrushed in by the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center technicians after the fact, in order to give the appearance of a shot from behind and to matchup with Liggett's alteration of the body as it appeared in the autopsy photos. The fatal bullet entered the right temple (several witnesses at Parkland saw a wound there) and exited the right rear. That's the condition of the head as seen at Dallas Parkland; of course, it looked much different by the time it arrived at Bethesda.Tim Flemingwww.eloquentbooks.com/MurderOfAnAmericanNazi.htmlhttp://leftlooking.blogspot.com
John Beckham
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by John Beckham »

where did bullets go? i have to admit, it certainly would be FANTASTIC if we knew the unconflicting evidence. my feelings are that you will NOT find an definative answer to the entrance/exits wounds. that was taken care of long ago. the 6th floor shot sucks! everyone agrees. the only hope you could have is the exhumation of the body (if it's there, or him) with modern/unbias forensics.. a moment of prayer for Jim West... GOOD LUCK! i find some of the strongest evidence in interviews and photographs.
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Re: Where did Nicoletti's bullet go to?

Post by ChristophMessner »

At the Moorman photo I just reckognized that the first headshot from behind did NOT continue into Connally's chest after having entered and exited JFK's head, if it was fired from the DalTex building, cause the trajectory from there would NOT lead into the much deeper sitting Connally.