What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

i saw an interesting show last night on free speech tv, a former member of the british parliment that was against the war said that the war was inevitable because the us needed to do something with all the troops in saudi arabia. the saudi people were pressuring the government to get the us troops out of there. we needed a new "foothold" in the region. he also believes that the us will invade iran under the pretense that we will be trying to save the world from ww3. sounds like a bush theory to me. who else would think that going to war will keep us from going to war?

a 3rd world country cannot start a 3rd world war just because it has nuclear capabilities. why shouldn't they be allowed the same technologies that we and other countries (including israel) have? notice how we negotiated with north korea and we gave them compensation for disbanding their nuclear program. anyone wonder why we don't do the same with iran? it is because we want them to push the issue so we can invade. I guess its ok for the zionist israelis to have the bomb but "brown people"? no way. george carlin used to talk about how the us loves to kill brown people.
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Wim, probably Cuba and Iraq just funktion as a bad image pattern for the political rethoric in the public. The real strategic importancies in each region are the Cayman Islands as being world bankers and hedge fonds paradise moving billions there and Dubai or Katar or somewhere there where the US have their Near East bankers paradise. Greetings from Chris
John Beckham
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by John Beckham »

well, being a Texas Republican, i voted for both George and W(ok, don't freak out on me Bob!lol!) but the first war with Iraq, i came to realize, was about oil! i started listening to Jello Biafra's (singer for the Dead Kennedy's) spoken word albums. his "Die for Oil Sucker" speech was very enlightening. the US went to war for oil. that's why Saddam burned the wells on his way out. the war ended in a truce, and we sat back and watched the Kurds near genocide! that pissed me off royally!Cuba in the late 50's and early 60's was a different story. the MOB wanted Cuba back for gambling $. why did Ike support that? it was the cold war, and the US and USSR were trying set up puppet governments in unstable countries, or, make them unstable to be able to place leaders more friendly to the "west"....Korea, Vietnam... and goes on to Somalia....it wasn't to help people like claimed. Cambodia and Darfur, even the second world war genocide. America turns a blind eye to this to this day. scarey thing genocide is....after 911, i was all for Afghanistan (not a beliver in US behind 911). i think it was handled correctly. but, Iraq? hmmm... i DO NOT agree with W. things could have been handled much differently. we were lied to more than once to invade, and it's a war (like Korea and Vietnam) you won't win. we've put Iraqi's in such a bad place. it would be hard to win hearts. i'm actually ashamed of America in Iraq. what does Mr. Puppet say to Mr. Hand?
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Bob »

A Texas Republican??? Voted for BOTH Bu$h's??? My God!!! Nah, my dad is a Republican as well. And believe it or not, I try to vote for the candidate myself, and not the party. My dad voted Republican his whole life, except for his first vote for FDR in WWII, and this last vote in 2008. He actually voted for Obama. And my dad is a Navy veteran, who served in WWII. But he definitely regrets his votes for Dumbya in 2000 and 2004, and he although he liked the maverick McCain of 2000, he thought the McCain of 2008 was too aligned with Dumbya. Myself, I would have preferred Dennis Kucinich, or even Ron Paul, but Obama has to be better than Dumbya. In fact, right now Obama is leaning much more to the right of the Democratic party, than to the left. And that is pissing a lot of so called liberals off. But I will give Obama a chance to prove himself. Dumbya has put him and the rest of the U.S.A. in a deep hole.
John Beckham
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by John Beckham »

i've felt, suspect, "W" was making his daddy proud by invading Iraq, and killing Saddam. it was personal. not that Saddam wasn't bad. it was just handled very wrong. i got a sinking feeling seeing a US soldier climbing, then throwing an American flag over the face of a Saddam statue on invasion day. only to to replace it with an Iraqi flag too late. it was obvious to the people of Iraq and the world that we were NOT liberators! we were INVADERS! CRUSADERS!!! we have not, nor will we, win the hearts of the Iraqi people. the world is such a mess....
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Bob »

I am certainly glad that you see that the Iraq war was an incredible blunder. But to me, this war was ALL about war profiteering. It is the modus operandi of the Bu$h family, and it's been that way for 4 generations.http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/ ... part_2Look at the profits of Halliburton, Blackwater, the Carlyle Group, General Dynamics, Bechtel and other companies in that genre. The profits have been ENORMOUS. Plus, the oil was a big factor as well. Remember the secret energy meetings that Cheney had in early 2001...BEFORE 9/11? Cheney had ALL the heads of big oil in for meetings and they were looking at maps of Iraqi oil fields. That was before 9/11 again. I also know that some won't believe that 9/11 was an inside job, but the events that day were like a mirror image of the plan put together in the early 60's by the neocons with Operation Northwoods to help the cause for attacking Cuba. 9/11 helped the cause for attacking Iraq. But how many lies were told about Iraq from the Bu$h administration? Lies like connecting Iraq to the events of 9/11. Lies like connecting al quada to Iraq. Lies like linking Iraq to a mushroom cloud threat. The war has cost the U.S. over 4,100 brave soldiers and over 30,000 wounded, some severely. The war has also cost almost a TRILLION dollars. Some estimates have put the Iraqi death toll to over 1,000,000 because of this war. The U.S. standing in that region AND the world has never been worse because of the war. All because of a war for GREED, not need.
tom jeffers
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by tom jeffers »

conspiracybuff wrote:well, being a Texas Republican, i voted for both George and W(ok, don't freak out on me Bob!lol!) but the first war with Iraq, i came to realize, was about oil! i started listening to Jello Biafra's (singer for the Dead Kennedy's) spoken word albums. his "Die for Oil Sucker" speech was very enlightening. the US went to war for oil. that's why Saddam burned the wells on his way out. the war ended in a truce, and we sat back and watched the Kurds near genocide! that pissed me off royally!Saddam did not burn the wells.....some special forces troops are now coming forward with their stories...they burned the oil wells so American companies would be used to extinguish them.Cuba in the late 50's and early 60's was a different story. the MOB wanted Cuba back for gambling $. why did Ike support that? it was the cold war, and the US and USSR were trying set up puppet governments in unstable countries, or, make them unstable to be able to place leaders more friendly to the "west"....Korea, Vietnam... and goes on to Somalia....don't forget about the slave labor for the sugar companiesned by rich fatcat whities back in the 50's. The us raped and pillaged cuba for profit.it wasn't to help people like claimed. Cambodia and Darfur, even the second world war genocide. America turns a blind eye to this to this day. scarey thing genocide is....after 911, i was all for Afghanistan (not a beliver in US behind 911). i think it was handled correctly. but, Iraq? hmmm... i DO NOT agree with W. things could have been handled much differently. we were lied to more than once to invade, and it's a war (like Korea and Vietnam) you won't win. we've put Iraqi's in such a bad place. it would be hard to win hearts. i'm actually ashamed of America in Iraq. what does Mr. Puppet say to Mr. Hand?
tom jeffers
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by tom jeffers »

conspiracybuff wrote:after 911, i was all for Afghanistan (not a beliver in US behind 911). i think it was handled correctly. but, Iraq? hmmm... i DO NOT agree with W. things could have been handled much differently. we were lied to more than once to invade, and it's a war (like Korea and Vietnam) you won't win. we've put Iraqi's in such a bad place. it would be hard to win hearts. i'm actually ashamed of America in Iraq. what does Mr. Puppet say to Mr. Hand?Afghanistan only happened for 3 reasons. to control the oil flow away from china to the us, to get into Iraq for the oil, and to re-establish the opium crops that the Taliban had crushed. We set the Taliban up to begin with, they quit taking our bribes so we had to take them out.
John Beckham
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by John Beckham »

"Afghanistan only happened for 3 reasons. to control the oil flow away from china to the us, to get into Iraq for the oil, and to re-establish the opium crops that the Taliban had crushed. We set the Taliban up to begin with, they quit taking our bribes so we had to take them out."the big reason was the 911 attacks. i'm NOT a big believer in conspiracies everywhere. some people actally do die naturally. some people want America to go away, or turn things into a holy war, especially on a Bush! I'm not so paranoid that i believe our government is behind everything. people can claim W was behind all of it, i have yet to see proof. this was not a "northwoods" like plan. it was an incredible plot to destroy our faith in our security, economy and instill fear. it did all. it was brilliant. i'm not saying George and W were right about Iraq, but America does NOT manilulate everything that has occured in the middle east. they're actually some smart people in every country. i belive Iraq/Kuwait, Iraq/weapons of mass destruction (we gave them to fight Iran in the Iraq/Iran war because of the Iatola) was all about oil. Afganistan, different to me. but that's my opinion. you are intitled to yours. i respect that. i promise i won't go into modern politics again, or religion and stick to the Kennedy era. All the best! John
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Re: What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by Bob »

Everyone has an opinion, and EVERYONE has a RIGHT to an opinion. That being said, let me talk about treason...Was it treasonous for Samuel Bu$h to sell arms to the Germans in WWI while the U.S. was in the war?Was it treasonous for Prescott Bu$h to be part of a coup against FDR, and then invest and then profit from the Hitler war machine, while the U.S. was engaged in WWII?Was it treasonous that Prescott Bu$h was actually charged with trading with the enemy in 1942?Was it treasonous that there is clear evidence, including unclassified documents and witnesses, that Poppy Bu$h was a conspirator in the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 11/22/1963 in Dallas?With all that said about the Bu$h family, don't you think it was possible that Dumbya Bu$h and his minions could have had a hand in the planning of 9/11. Especially since BOTH Prescott and Poppy Bu$h were supporters of Operation Northwoods in the early 60's. Then we also have CLEAR evidence that the Bu$h administration lied about going to war in Iraq. A war that has cost us over 4,100 lives and have seen over 30,000 wounded, some very severely. The Iraqis have lost over 1,000,000 lives by some estimates. Plus, the war has cost almost a TRILLION dollars. I think that money could have been better spent in our current economic climate obviously. Bottom line, the Bu$h family has a CLEAR modus operandi...war profiteering and treason. Just MHO. Again, I respect everyone's opinion. Believe what you believe. But always keep your eyes and mind wide open.