Grassy Knoll + Exit Wound Location?

JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Excellent point Tom. In my accident, I was almost paralyzed, and I ended up getting neck surgery and my left arm is still not as strong as it once was. The doctors think I may have suffered nerve damage. Anyway, I do a lot of grilling. My wife sometimes watches me as I grill and I constantly clench a fist with my left arm. I am not conscious about it at all.
Darrell S.
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Post by Darrell S. »

Many thanks for all the replies. There´s certainly some food for thought there. I fully believe there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, and i´m just trying to get my head around some of the finer details. I´d always assumed that when you saw the car appear from behind the sign was the moment Kennedy got shot in the throat. I never fell for the ´Magic Bullet Theory´simply because for a bullet to cause all that damage to hard bone and come out as though it had been shot into a bucket of sand (ahem) seems, well, impossible.

Thanks again,
steve manning
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Re: Grassy Knoll + Exit Wound Location?

Post by steve manning »

I think you have a good observation Darrell. I didn't realize there was anyone else on this blog who saw this potential as well. In fact I just typed up a post myself and submited it today. If you're curious check it out, it's entitled; "Did James Files Really fire the Head Shot?" Se what you think and let me know, I's really appreciate it.Steve Manning
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Re: Grassy Knoll + Exit Wound Location?

Post by MikeNarrett »

From what I understand, Nicoletti fired a shot into the back of JFK's head a split second before Files fired his mercury round. Nicoletti's bullet hit from the back, causing a small incision in the back of the head and also pushing Kennedy's head forward. Files then fired a mercury round hitting JFK's head from the right side. A mercury round explodes on impact, so when it hit JFK's head it exploded, and of course blew out the back right of JFK's head because of the small incision from the first shot.I hope that makes sense and someone please correct me if I am wrong.
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Re: Grassy Knoll + Exit Wound Location?

Post by Bob »

MikeNarrett wrote:From what I understand, Nicoletti fired a shot into the back of JFK's head a split second before Files fired his mercury round. Nicoletti's bullet hit from the back, causing a small incision in the back of the head and also pushing Kennedy's head forward. Files then fired a mercury round hitting JFK's head from the right side. A mercury round explodes on impact, so when it hit JFK's head it exploded, and of course blew out the back right of JFK's head because of the small incision from the first shot.I hope that makes sense and someone please correct me if I am wrong.I think you got it right Mike.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Grassy Knoll + Exit Wound Location?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:04.24.2008 - Mr. Darrell S. Posted this provocative Headline, and a powerful discussion developed thereafter.Aspects of this subject matter are often lightly discussed, and simplistically speculated about by mostly inexperienced, untrained amateurs.Some strong factual information is provided herein.Mr. Tom Jeffers, a very close friend of Jimmy's and mine was about a 3.5 out of 4.0 full level quadra-plegic who knew first hand, and was totally familiar with spinal cord injuries. Tom had worked deeply on investigations, research, and writings for Jimmy and I for over five (5) years before his death recently. Sadly, Jimmy and I review Tom's work and notes weekly still.Has anybody read or researched any more recent material on any aspects of the subject matters discussed herein ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Grassy Knoll + Exit Wound Location?

Post by Dealey Joe »

This sort of information is disapearing, Tom and Bob have first hand Important facts that are not known outside this circle.I have been in contact with a writer who says that the shot that exploded JFK's head came from the south end of the overpass?I am sure this is not even a possibility because of JFK's position at the time of the shot, Her assessment has opened my eyes a bit as to the actual position of the limo. Due to the fast curve in Elm street toward the south end of the overpass the limo was aproximatly 90 degrees from Zapruders position and JFK looking down and toward Nellie Connally made him facing the south end of the overpass. Now this puts Files at a slight angle to JFK but still mostly from the side and not from the front as I have always thought.Robert Clayton Buick in his book also places a shooter on the southerly side of the overpass?Personally I don't think so, would be my very last choice of a place to shoot from and be almost an impossible shot through the car and everyone in it?The picket fence was the perfect shooting point even if the motorcade had taken Main St. I have walked all this area many time and looked it all over to see what I think was possible or even likely. Also I have more information on the mercury load.
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0.7 Seconds To Conspiracy

Post by kenmurray »
