Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by dankbaar »

However, the theory about the mercury fragment dropping down from the brain and exiting the throat, while plausible simply seems less likely to be true; mainly because the wound looked too much like an entry wound to most of the Doctors and nurses who examined it.Steve, Read my posts here, specifically the recollections of Robinson on probing the throat wound: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index ... c=13286Wim>> Question: you are doctor with experience on bullet wounds, you see a tiny>> neat little round hole in a throat. What would you think first?>>>> 1) This is an entry wound of a small caliber bullet>>>> 2) This is an exit wound from a fragment of an explosive bullet that hit>> in>> the head.>>>>>> Mind you, the doctors didn't know about about an explosive bullet, let>> alone>> a mercury bullet.>>>>>> No, I don't blame the doctors at all. If it looks like duck, if it walks>> like a duck, if it sounds like duck, you're going to say it's a duck.>>>>>>>> ?>>>> ?JFK was NOT shot in the throat.>>>> I too have believed for a long time that he was shot in the throat. But >> it>> didn't happen. The only time that JFK COULD have been shot in the throat,>> was very early in the game, at the beginning of the Zapruder film. Why?>> Because after that, he slumps forward and his throat is not exposed>> anymore.>> It doesn't make sense for ANY shooter, not even a trigger happy one, to>> shoot from the front that early, if the plan was to frame a patsy from>> BEHIND. Moreover, it would be an EXTREMELY risky shot right thru the>> windshield (glass breaks the line of vision, and could also deflect the>> bullet path). The bullet hole, crack or whatever it was in the >> windshield,>> was the result from a missed bullet from behind over JFK's head. Just as>> the>> nick in the chrome lining was.>>>> Additionally, his head and throat would be exposed for only a very short>> time, with no time to follow and aim. And the other passengers were in >> the>> way, JFK was the most rear passenger in the limo, hence an additional >> risk>> to hit someone else in the car. Finally, there was no wound of exit,>> neither>> a bullet found, found for such a shot.>>>> The throat wound was caused by an exiting fragment , maybe even a drop of>> mercury from JF's mercury exploosive bullet. The tiny perforations in>> JFK's>> face, as observed by embalmer Thom Robinson, were also the result of>> mercury>> drops.>>>> Lastly, what you don't know is that I have an interview with Thom>> Robinson,>> wherein he states that the gaping hole in JFK's skull was probed with a>> tiny>> probe and that one of those probes from INSIDE the skull came out at the>> throat wound ! That's why he told me that he has always been very quiet>> about this, but that he has chuckled for all those years at the >> conspiracy>> buffs who claim JFK was shot in the throat from the front. He knew better>> since 1963. And I know better since I spoke to him. I should have known>> better earlier by listening to Jimmy, instead of to the JFK research>> community, and what they have brainwashed themselves with. I too was a>> victim of what I wanted to believe, and looked so self-evident.>>>> James Files was right all along. He was the ONLY shooter from the front,>> and>> even he was not supposed to shoot. But he did, because JFK had not been>> hit>> in the head. Failure was never an option in a operation that Jimmy took>> part>> in, not even at age 21. That's what made him such a valuable asset for >> the>> Chicago mob and the CIA.>>
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by Bob »

Chad Duncan wrote:Ok, the shot everyone misses is from the guy in the back of the truck that penetrated the windshield and hit kennedy in the throat. Altgens photo lines it up well. Files was perfectly aligned with the temple shot and it has been revealed thru several old research video's on youtube that amortician was called to parkland and taken on the planeride to patch certain spots for the faked autopsy shots. The point in all this is to forget about who did and who didnt shot whom and be concerned why they did it and how do we bring them to justice even thoughmost are dead. Lbj was the guiltiest of them all but his last years in life he lived in panic over it all and im sure he is still paying the price where he is. Analyzing trajectories 45 years later is just pointless as we have ancient videos and almost noliving eye witnesses left to say anything. My uncle was there and he is just now convinced the head shot was from behind the fence where files was. It took him 44 years to finally believe it.Chad you just brought up another important clue in all of this. The mortician you mentioned was John Ligget. Guess who Ligget belonged to once? The LCAP. The LCAP also had members such as Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers, Barry Seal and James R. Bath. The LCAP was founded by D.H. Byrd who also just happened to own the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Besides founding the LCAP and owning the TSBD, Byrd was also very good friends with LBJ and was a BIG time oil guy. Byrd was a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club. Other members of the DPC included George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Phillips and George H. W. Bu$h.
steve manning
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by steve manning »

The point in all this is to forget about who did and who didnt shot whom and be concerned why they did it and how do we bring them to justice even thoughmost are dead.Hi Chad, thanks for joining the debate. On the one hand I hear your frustration but on the other hand if you want to forget about this maybe we should just forget the whole thing? None the less, where can I find more info about this mortician who road back to Bethesda? Was JFK supposed to already be removed from the cerimonial casket already for this to be done? More info please.Wim, on the throat shot you're of course right that I did not know about your interview with the guy who tracked the throat wound that is very interesting. Is this info published in your book, I have it but still have not read it? I would like to know more about this guy.
steve manning
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by steve manning »

Wim & Chad, incidentally if what you're saying about the throat wound etc is accurate it still does not deal with the issue of the angle on the head shot. Chad with all due respect how can you say so dogmatically the head shot lines up perfectly with J. Files and the picket fence? Please read my blog at the top and respond to the reasoning there if you think it's worth your time?ThanksSteve
tom jeffers
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by tom jeffers »

its an enigma wrapped up in a riddle..... they will be debating this for decades.you have some thought provoking points steve. first wasn't there a guy named ed hoffman in the very location that you think there was a shooter? second, if you have ever been to dealey plaza you will find that the road is on a dowhill trajectory and if someone were to shoot from in front, for it to line up to jfk's throat, he would need to be on a prone position laying on the ground.Namaste'
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by Bob »

Steve has brought up some very intersting points, but the bottom line is that Steve agrees that a shot came from the front, whether the picket fence area or somewhere, which proves conspiracy. That disproves the Warren Commission completely. The identity of the shooters is important, as is the areas that they shot from, but the IMPORTANT thing is to find the actual conspirators in this murder. I think we have found a lot of them on this site. The MSM would NEVER put out any of the material we have put together. As I have said many times, the MSM is in bed with the real power that runs the world.
steve manning
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by steve manning »

Hi Tom, thanks for the feedback: first wasn't there a guy named ed hoffman in the very location that you think there was a shooter? Ed Hoffman was parked on the shoulder of the Stemmons freeway looking over behind the picket fence. He might have been able to see any such person when they were down below the underpass. But his testimony was he saw someone (a minute or so after the headshot was fired) stashing a weapon in the electrical box up on top at the end of the overpass. My point was possibly this could have been the weapon a shooter from below used (assuming his testimony is even true), we know it wasn't files because he walked off with his.second, if you have ever been to dealey plaza you will find that the road is on a dowhill trajectory and if someone were to shoot from in front, for it to line up to jfk's throat, he would need to be on a prone position laying on the ground. If you read the sixth paragraph of my opening blog above you'll see my thoughts about the decline of west Elm. Further even if a shooter was in the prone position I'm not sure it would matter. However, I don't think it would have been necessary. He wouldn't have needed to be in there for give or take 3 minutes or so. He could have had the weapon stashed down there already, waited up top to see the motorcade turn off main onto Houston, dashed down the stairs grab the weapon, run up toward the entrance on the east side of the underpass, scope him in, fire the shot and split right back out, up the stairs, perhaps hand off the weapon to the other guy as Ed Hoffman said etc.Just something to think about.ThanksSteve
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by Pennyworth »

And now here is another lame 'anti-conspiracy' article.... http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/11/1 ... -tech.html
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:And now here is another lame 'anti-conspiracy' article.... http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/11/1 ... ch.htmlAnd here is the company....Creative DifferencesCreative Differences is a Los Angeles based television production company that has produced more shows, with more networks, than any other American-based ...www.creatvdiff.com/ - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
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Re: Did James Files Really Fire the Head-Shot?

Post by dankbaar »

steve manning wrote:Wim, on the throat shot you're of course right that I did not know about your interview with the guy who tracked the throat wound that is very interesting. Is this info published in your book, I have it but still have not read it? I would like to know more about this guy.Peter R. de Vries and I interviewed Thom at length in febr 2006. The info is not in the book as I published the book before that. At that time I still believed that Jimmy was all wrong and that JFK had been hit in the throat by another bullet from the front. WimI have long believed it myself untill I learned something from the embalmer that nobody is aware of. (Wim Dankbaar)Yes, you can see my book to see I have long adhered to Lifton's position, see chapter Internet discussions: Jimmy's thought on the neck would are, that he was shooting Mercury loads, because they purposely explode upon impact. He thinks that pieces from his Mercury load came through Kennedy's neck, and also hit the windshield from the inside.Answer from Wim: Jimmy should stay away from speculation. Although his need to know knowledge actually enhances his credibility, and also proves that he is not "well read" on the assassination, there is no way that the throat wound was inflicted by a fragment from his bullet. The throat wound was caused by another bullet from the front (it could only have been from the south knoll in my opinion). It was a neat little round hole, recognised by all the Parkland doctors as an entry wound from a small caliber bullet. Good Lord. . From "an embalmer"? You mean--at Bethesda? What data can anyone at the Bethesda end of the line possibly provide other than to establish that the wound, at Bethesda, was no longer in the same condition as it was in Dallas? Case closed.Yes, Thom Robinson, the last of the three embalmers still alive. A very nice, pleasant, unpretentious man who has been extremely quite about this. He was also present at the autopsy and told me that he always has chukcled about those researchers that claim JFK was hit in the throat from the front. Because he was there when they probed the wounds in the brains from INSIDE the skull through the gaping headwound in the back of the head. And one of those trajectories ended up in the throat wound. Case closed. Now, Lifton will probably start saying that the man is a disinformation plant and must be lying. It's fine with me for him to decide which witnesses are right or wrong. As long as I know for myself he isn't Jesus and what he preaches isn't the gospel. Robinson also made note of tiny perforations in the face. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/EMBALMER.htmHe calls them "small shrapnel wounds, packed with wax". David Mantik speculates these were caused by glass splinters from the bullet through the windshield. Something I found intriguing initially. However I am now positive that these too were caused by exiting fragments from the explosive bullet, possibly even droplets of mercury, which is extremely heavy.