What if? - Oswald didnt get the job at the TSBD?

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
Posts: 562
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Re: What if? - Oswald didnt get the job at the TSBD?

Post by John Beckham »

well, if you are refering to the lesbian affair, google Ruth Paine lesbian, then google Marina Oswald lesbian, there are some very interesting articles. If you believe Ruth Paine, her denial, then you must believe she's just this wonderful Quaker woman who just was helping poor Marina. Perhaps the film belonged to Michael, but the exchanges Ruth had with Marina, after Marina snubbs her, to me, it is very plausable. But, in the scheme of things, it really has nothing to do with conspiracy.
mike oneill
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Re: What if? - Oswald didnt get the job at the TSBD?

Post by mike oneill »

Mr Truly, the manager of the TSBD during the time Oswald worked there, who gave him the job, seems to be forgotten about to some extent.Has anyone ever interviewed him in detail asking questions like:Were you running an open advertisement eg in local press for additional staff?If so, how many people attended interviews as well as Oswald?Why did you give the job to Oswald and not one of the other applicants?If oswald simply turned up "out of the blue" - and you were not advertising for staff at the time - why then did you take him on?Did anyone eg Mr Byrd put pressure on you in any way to take him on?I dont know if Mr Truly is still alive - are we too late?I have always suspected that "dark forces" were exerted onto Mr Truly to get Oswald a job there - and set him up as the patsy - but i would love to get direct answers to the above questions from Mr Truly which would explain so much about the conspiracy. RegardsMike ONeill
John Beckham
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Re: What if? - Oswald didnt get the job at the TSBD?

Post by John Beckham »

Byrd, reportedly had the Sniper's Nest window removed six weeks after the assassination. He exhibited it like a trophy in the banquet room of his Vassar Street mansion until his death in 1986. That alone to me suggests he would tell you Lee did it. The logical chain of command on getting a "job" at the TSBD would be De Mohrenschildt (who had connections to Murchison). Perhaps De Mohrenschildt set it up with Murchison, who then informed Byrd, who then instructed Truly, then De Mohrenschildt had Ruth pretend she heard of the job? Just my thoughts...
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Re: What if? - Oswald didnt get the job at the TSBD?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Relative new videos on youtube with the witnesses from inside TSBD on tape:"Texas School Book Depository Employees" Part 1/2/3Others, too, by "HelmerReenberg"