JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Regarding Jim Garrison, I would like to recommend a book called Dr. Mary's Monkey written by Edward Haslam. I believe you can get a copy from this site or by going onto Amazon.com. The forward of this book was written by Jim Marrs, and it's about what Oswald's girlfriend, Judith Baker, and Oswald were involved in regarding secret laboratories in Louisianna where they were playing with monkey viruses...warping the DNA of viruses to create aggressive cancer causing cells that could be injected into people. Judith Baker said herself that she believes that those same laboratories are most-likely where the AIDS virus was created. On a related note, didn't Jack Ruby claim that they were injecting him with cancer cells while he was incarcerated? Based on this book, it seems that Garrison unknowingly stumbled upon some of the people involved in these laboratories...guys like David Ferrie. Remember that Ferrie had lab mice or lab rats in his apartment? It seems that his apartment was used as a sort of secondary laboratory as well...maybe not exactly a laboratory, but kind of like a part of the laboratory. They were taking viruses, mutating them with a particle beam accelerator, and then injecting them into these mice. Garrison didn't know it at the time and the whole lab mice thing at Ferrie's apartment was not really investigated further. According to the book, it was discovered that certain viruses DO cause cancer and that the cancer epidemic in the 1980s was most-likely the result of polio vaccinations given to people in the late 50s because the polio vaccines were created by growing them on the kidneys of monkeys. It has to do with how they found out that certain viruses that are common in one animal and relatively harmless to that animal can actually cause cancer and be deadly when injected into another animal like a mouse or a human. Anyway, it's a must-read. Talk about a cover-up!!!!
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Post by Bob »

Agreed. Please see this as well...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/haslam1.htm
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Post by MikeNarrett »

Interestingly enough, people had always told me that Jim Garrison was just a "crazy old man" who "bribed his key witness to testify for him". Any truth to these statements or is it all simply disinfo used to brainwash my generation?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

MikeNarrett wrote:Interestingly enough, people had always told me that Jim Garrison was just a "crazy old man" who "bribed his key witness to testify for him". Any truth to these statements or is it all simply disinfo used to brainwash my generation?It's simply disinformation used to fool people. I suggest you read "On the trail of the assassins" by Jim Garrison and judge for yourself. You'll probably have to go through a used book source. I'm not sure. I bet that Amazon would have it. Check the facts for yourself.It's like when John McCain and other republicans accused Obama of being a socialist. That's simply not true. Obama is basically going back to the Bill Clinton tax plan. Under Bush, guys like Warren Buffet were being taxed on their income at like 17 percent while Buffet's own secretary was being taxed like the rest of us...roughly 30 percent. THAT was the tax plan under Bush. Obama is raising the taxes on the wealthiest who have profitted from the Bush tax plan for the past 8 years, and they're calling socialism? There are people out there who actually believe what people like McCain say because they haven't researched what socialism actually is. They're taking someone's WORD for it. :O What makes forums like this one unique is that it's not just a social forum. What I mean is that we usually back up what we're saying with sources for our information. Now THAT's getting at the truth the right way.
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Post by Bob »

To me, the great heroes of their time about the JFK assassination were Jim Garrison and Mark Lane. They both spoke out VERY early about all the BS that was being perpetrated by the Warren Commission, and what have might REALLY happened. Did Garrison have some personal flaws? Yes...who doesn't? But the doesn't mean that he was wrong about his assertions regarding the JFK assassination. In fact, he was RIGHT about a LOT of what he was investigating.
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Post by kenmurray »

Joan Mellon interview on 1/04/16 where she discusses Mac Wallace, LBJ, U.S.S Liberty, and Jim Garrison:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1BuKZSd9LE
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

In our search of the Willem Oltmans files and archives in De Haag The Netherlands we found some very interesting findings concerning a private meeting between Oltmans and Jim Garrison on February 11,1968 .The notes tell that the New Orleans investigation was in full swing. Arriving at the District Attorneys Office Oltmans tells of a big open office with the command center at the rear. It was from this office that America and the world would learn for the first time the names and the people behind the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Oltmans tells in detail how Garrison was with both feet up on his desk and how the interview came off and when Oltmans brings up George de Mohrenschildt Garrison is very interested in meeting with de Mohrenschildt. One special note we found that had stars beside it told how Garrison had told Oltmans it was this strange friendship between Lee Oswald and George de Mohrenschildt that told there was way more to this assassination than the Warren Commission had told us all.In the end of the interview Oltmans tell that Garrison warns him that they will use every dirty trick in the book to discredit him and if he revealed secrets of George de Mohrenschildt he would be ruined .And as history has shown it is just what happened !!!
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Post by Bob »

Speaking of Jim Garrison, look at what Roger Craig told him about the arrested man coming out of the Dal-Tex Building after the assassination:"Jim also asked me about the arrests made in Dealey Plaza that day. I told him I knew of twelve arrests, one in particular made by R. E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department. The man Vaughn arrested was coming from the Dal-Tex Building across from the Texas School Book Depository. The only thing which Vaughn knew about him was that he was an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas. The prisoner was taken from Vaughn by Dallas Police detectives and that was the last that he saw or heard of the suspect."I wonder who might fit that profile?
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Post by Bob »

Jim Garrison on the Steve Allen Show. Notice how open Steve is to Garrison's views, as opposed to how Johnny Carson was, when he had Garrison on his show. Notice also what a horse's ass Bob Dornan is during this show, as he was also a guest on the show, along with Mort Sahl.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpJp7Vkookc
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Post by kenmurray »

Another book arrived in the mail: