Delusional thinking

JFK Assassination
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Bob »

I agree with what you are saying. We have had people go door to door in our neighborhood from time to time, even though we live in deed restricted neighborhood that supposedly restricts that type of activity. Anyway, I have continued to keep posting here and I also try to educate people as much as I can about the JFK and RFK assassinations. As you can tell from some of my posts, I am very outspoken about the Bu$h family. Somebody needs to be. However, my wife isn't thrilled when she sees me on this site however. But she also knows how deep my interest is in this subject and she knows more than anyone how persistant I can be, whether in my job, researching or anything else. By the way, the doctors seem to think I did suffer a concussion as I came very close to brain salad surgery (because of the swelling) before I awoke from my coma. My head fracture was from ear to ear. I was quite loopy for a month or so after I came out of the coma.
John Beckham
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by John Beckham »

Bob, you know i am sorry for your wreck, but i think "they" can now discredit you (and me) as brain damaged (although i do NOT think you are! well, maybe on the 9-11 thing. lol!). i think if they can discredit, they do that. i mean, jeesh, look at Wim! i guess if you're too dangerous to keep alive, well, you know...i'm certain, i as well, would be accused of taking drugs, having a couple wrecks, NOT on drugs! (left me with a neck that comes and goes). or, i guess if you're so wrong, they want you to keep know what's funny? is when i started wanting to look into this further. people hear the story and become spooked and don't want to be involved. i think over 80% of Americans believe it WAS a conspiracy, yet, do NOTHING about it! APATHY? SCARED? my girlfriend doesn't like to talk about it, so, again Bob, i understand. the Files, Holt, Baker, know the names, is shocking, only because it rings true!!! by the way. how would we know one of us got bumped? Mike know it's still happening. because most close to us don't want to know, wouldn't it be wise to get to know each other. like a phone, city, state, real names? i mean heck Bob, and everyone else, what if certain people stopped posting for a period of time, i'd start to wonder. i'm NOT being paranoid, but it would catch attention if 2 or more die by a murder at your door? lol! i got investigated by my FIRST wife. the idiot she hired liked to drive flashy, clean cars, sunglasses, thought of himself highly. i took turns that led him in circles till he finally knew i definately knew. then he'd try it again, in a car just as flashy. we wasted alot of gas, i had some fun, until he got brazen. it must have cost a pretty penny, 'cause he started appearing everywhere. even approached me to say "hello" at a carwash. he was a fool, real spying would be someone in the check out line, making small talk, and stumbles over a conversation you may find interesting to keep you talking. you know the old saying about how your enemies approach you?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:Bob, you know i am sorry for your wreck, but i think "they" can now discredit you (and me) as brain damaged (although i do NOT think you are! well, maybe on the 9-11 thing. lol!). i think if they can discredit, they do that. i mean, jeesh, look at Wim! i guess if you're too dangerous to keep alive, well, you know...i'm certain, i as well, would be accused of taking drugs, having a couple wrecks, NOT on drugs! (left me with a neck that comes and goes). or, i guess if you're so wrong, they want you to keep know what's funny? is when i started wanting to look into this further. people hear the story and become spooked and don't want to be involved. i think over 80% of Americans believe it WAS a conspiracy, yet, do NOTHING about it! APATHY? SCARED? my girlfriend doesn't like to talk about it, so, again Bob, i understand. the Files, Holt, Baker, know the names, is shocking, only because it rings true!!! by the way. how would we know one of us got bumped? Mike know it's still happening. because most close to us don't want to know, wouldn't it be wise to get to know each other. like a phone, city, state, real names? i mean heck Bob, and everyone else, what if certain people stopped posting for a period of time, i'd start to wonder. i'm NOT being paranoid, but it would catch attention if 2 or more die by a murder at your door? lol! i got investigated by my FIRST wife. the idiot she hired liked to drive flashy, clean cars, sunglasses, thought of himself highly. i took turns that led him in circles till he finally knew i definately knew. then he'd try it again, in a car just as flashy. we wasted alot of gas, i had some fun, until he got brazen. it must have cost a pretty penny, 'cause he started appearing everywhere. even approached me to say "hello" at a carwash. he was a fool, real spying would be someone in the check out line, making small talk, and stumbles over a conversation you may find interesting to keep you talking. you know the old saying about how your enemies approach you?I completely agree about the bad spies. We hired an idiot like that too...drove a shiny black mustang kidding! I was his supervisor for about a minute!!!!
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Bob »

I'll tell you why I will always continue this discussion about the JFK and RFK assassinations. It is a short message on the front page of this site..."Knowing the truth about the Kennedy Assassination is understanding America today." - Wim Dankbaar That is SO true. History is a blueprint for the future. Compare Operation Northwoods and the events of 9/11. Compare the Vietnam war and the Iraq war. Who profited from those events? It's the same people boys and girls. I also have been invigorated by the new members of this forum. Before it always seemed to be Wim, Bruce, Paul, Tom, RC, Billy, Rob, a few others and myself. Now we also have added folks like Chad, Brian, Chris, Sara, John, CB, Pasquale, Scott, TPF and others. The discussion on this forum has never been better. In terms of my accident, I am looking at it like it was JUST an accident. I'm just happy to be alive. And while I am, I am going to continue what I have always done...try to keep finding out the REAL truth. It may not be a popular subject with some, but I refuse to be part of the herd of sheeple that are being conned day after day after day.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Amen, Bob! I couldn't have said it better.
Posts: 33
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Re: Delusional thinking

Post by MikeNarrett »

This Mike Connell guy. What did he do that would make somebody want to take him out?