My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

bob franklin wrote:I saw right right away the obvious change in elevation, relative to the street surface (jfk goes high, Connally goes low). What I hadn't noticed is the reduction of space between the to men. It's ridiculous. Kennedy's legs are all scrunched up under him, plus moving Connally inboard to line things up. I hadn't realized the the full extent of the multi-angle & multi-axis liberties he'd taken with the seating, until I viewed Harris's video.Regarding Harris's analysis of the Discovery Channel's supposed replication of the single bullet path, I like how after the bullet traverses the second torso, it doesn't have anymore energy left except to just bounce off the table. LOL magic bullet was supposed to have had enough energy to go completely through Conally's wrist and then STILL have enough energy to enter his thigh.THEN, it's supposed to have had enough "energy" to just fall out of Conally's leg to be found in the hallway of the hospital. LOLOkay, that last line was a joke, but it's just AMAZING how they just keep shoveling BS to the public.Also, take a look at the slow-motion of the bullet after it traverses the second torso. It's moving and you can clearly see how DEFORMED it is! LOL Now THAT's funny! Thank you, Discovery and Gary Mack (Larry Dunkel)...NOT!
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by kenmurray »

I wonder if there is anymore update on the next Discovery channel documentary called "Oswald and Ruby'? God forbid if Gary Quack is the moderator of that show too.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:I wonder if there is anymore update on the next Discovery channel documentary called "Oswald and Ruby'? God forbid if Gary Quack is the moderator of that show too. I'll keep a barf bag ready just in case it airs and I happen to see it! LOL Then we can watch Gary Mack-the-sack (Larry Dunkel) work his magic and...LIE! LMAOWhat was it that he said in the last documentary where they supposedly replicated the magic bullet? I can't remember because I was busy yelling at the television.
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale, they tried to so with their crackerjack marksman and Gary Quack:
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by Bob »

Why do I have a feeling that Dale Meyers knows the designer and architect of this scoreboard (because it's flawed, very prominent and protected by big money). It's needs to be re-measured and lifted. Sort of like Jerry Jones' face.
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by Lofty »

I have watched his 'presentation' of the 'facts' and his wireframe reconstruction. Single Bullet Fact, hmm more like single bullet bs, anyone who hasnt suffered a head trauma can see that that facet of the case is beyond ridiculous.Plus Bob Harris has a couple of vids on You Tube that destroy Mr Myers theories in very short order.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Lofty wrote:I have watched his 'presentation' of the 'facts' and his wireframe reconstruction. Single Bullet Fact, hmm more like single bullet bs, anyone who hasnt suffered a head trauma can see that that facet of the case is beyond ridiculous.Plus Bob Harris has a couple of vids on You Tube that destroy Mr Myers theories in very short order.What really kind of bugs me about Myers is the fake, smug, confident look on his face when he presents his lies in that documentary. He KNOWS he's lying because look at all the alteration of the facts he did to justify the magic bullet theory. That's not even remotely by chance at all. It's straight-up lies, and he has the balls to do that?I honestly consider him a traitor to the American people and to the world. When you work for murderers in the capacity of helping to cover up a crime, even decades later, you're a criminal. When it's a political murder, especially the murder of a president who went toe-to-toe with the Federal Reserve bankers, it's being a traitor to the American people.
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Re: My hero, Dale Myers!!! LOL JUST KIDDING!!!

Post by Lofty »

It certainly makes you wonder who is paying him to produce total rubbish like that and keep a straight face at the same time, apart from the single bullet theory defying all known laws of physics, his positioning of the bodies in the limo are incorrect plus he has most certainly doctored the angle of the shots to suit his 'theory'.If eighty percent of the American public do not beleive the official report by the WC, it just does not make any sensefor him to promote Arlen Specter's theories especially as there is so much evidence to the contrary, yes i agree anyone who colludes so completely with the dark side in, an event that almost certainly changed history for the worse, are traitors to their own country and looking back to see how the world has suffered because of this event, leads me to believe he must be in the pocket of those who helped in the conspiracy.It is just a shame people of his ilk cannot be brought before a court.For the record i could only watch that steaming pile the once, after which i considered it a waste of bandwith to be honest.