9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

JFK Assassination
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

We could be getting close to the wormhole on this. There is no doubt now that Cheney and company used torture (see waterboarding) to try and get "terrorists" to connect 9/11 to Iraq. If things play out like they should, then Cheney and others like him will be questioned about torture and why they used the practice that people like the Japanese used in WWII and were convicted of. Bottom line, someone might just slip up and we could see the real truth about 9/11 being exposed during this investigation. Especially, if Cheney is convicted of a war crime and is looking at a severe sentence.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:We could be getting close to the wormhole on this. There is no doubt now that Cheney and company used torture (see waterboarding) to try and get "terrorists" to connect 9/11 to Iraq. If things play out like they should, then Cheney and others like him will be questioned about torture and why they used the practice that people like the Japanese used in WWII and were convicted of. Bottom line, someone might just slip up and we could see the real truth about 9/11 being exposed during this investigation. Especially, if Cheney is convicted of a war crime and is looking at a severe sentence.It's no wonder Cheney is all over the place trying to justify the torture methods. I like how Cheney et al claimed that waterboarding produced the information that foiled the terrorist plot in Los Angeles, when it was pointed out by Keith Olbermann that the information that was gained that foiled the plot was gained through normal interrogation techniques. Even Cheney's daughter is on TV defending him. It's lame. He's a criminal.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:We could be getting close to the wormhole on this. There is no doubt now that Cheney and company used torture (see waterboarding) to try and get "terrorists" to connect 9/11 to Iraq. If things play out like they should, then Cheney and others like him will be questioned about torture and why they used the practice that people like the Japanese used in WWII and were convicted of. Bottom line, someone might just slip up and we could see the real truth about 9/11 being exposed during this investigation. Especially, if Cheney is convicted of a war crime and is looking at a severe sentence.The evidence regarding those buildings coming down by a controlled demolition is OVERWHELMING. It's not even at the point of being a theory. To think that they did that and that most people don't seem to see it is very disturbing. Steel-framed buildings don't collapse from fire. They I've been told that it was the plane impact in addition to the fire. Then I remind them of WTC building 7 that came down at 5:20pm that afternoon that WAS NOT hit by a plane...and their jaws drop open.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by turtleman »

I don't think anyone at all much less those high up the food chain will ever be tried for torture. As much as I was an Obama supporter I think he is getting all wobbly kneed and even if it is the A.G.'s call to make I don't think it will ever happen. Notice how swine flu took the air out of the sails of the torture memos? The public can be manipulated like a marionette. It works every time. I used to be a skeptic about 9/11 being an inside job. Thought it was too far fetched. Not anymore. NWO is taking small but incremental steps toward fruition. And the Bush's are all over it. Odd thing is a true Republican would be appalled at loss of privacy and the control government would have. But the serfs are generally clueless and those that are "in the know" and make too much noise can develop health problems, become suicidal, or have an accident. Those that believe 9/11 was "self induced" may gain the status of those that believe UFO's are a government coverup. And never taken seriously enough to gain popular support. In my opinion the cake is baked.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

Turtleman, you may be right. However, the age of the internet has opened all sorts of roads in terms of communication and information. When JFK was assassinated on 11/22/1963, the conspirators knew that they only had to control the press (newspapers and TV), as they had high powers in the government protecting them. But the internet has changed all of that. Most people under 30 get their news from the internet and use cell phones, plus other forms of communication. The newspaper, landline phones and network TV are becoming prehistoric. For that reason, I still hold out hope. I also think that someone may trip over their own lies and expose torture, which will lead to more questions about 9/11.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by turtleman »

I hope you are right Bob. I know you are to a certain extent but when I see my youtube "Turtleman" (turtle related) video at a quarter million hits and scorching and damning government scandal videos at only a few thousand I wonder. I think to some extent the Internet has gotten away from the powers at be. I don't think they envisioned the internet becoming such a powerful force. Getting people outraged is only part of it. If the spineless MSM would grow a pair it would be a different story. I can't see it happening. Why hasn't Russ Baker been on Charlie Rose or had some significant recognition of his work? I think we know why. And Russ needs a food tester or body guard if you catch my drift.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Turtleman, you may be right. However, the age of the internet has opened all sorts of roads in terms of communication and information. When JFK was assassinated on 11/22/1963, the conspirators knew that they only had to control the press (newspapers and TV), as they had high powers in the government protecting them. But the internet has changed all of that. Most people under 30 get their news from the internet and use cell phones, plus other forms of communication. The newspaper, landline phones and network TV are becoming prehistoric. For that reason, I still hold out hope. I also think that someone may trip over their own lies and expose torture, which will lead to more questions about 9/11.Absolutely, Bob. The way we can share information is key, and the internet changed the rules. I still have hope too, but we all need to continue working on creating more awareness out there. So...let's creat more awareness and consciousness out there!!!
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by nephew23 »

One question ... has anyone who frequents this site ever tried burning steel with a jet fuel fire via a crash from a 757 going 500 miles/hour? Would that not be the answer to the question? Surely one of you, or the people you work with, or friends of friends ... could organize some sort of test (without an actual airplane crash, of course) to give us a better idea of what exactly jet fuel WOULD do to steel with the above parameters. I'm all for conspiracy theories ... but I'm really not sure ANYONE could say for sure what would or would not happen to steel in those circumstances.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

nephew23 wrote:One question ... has anyone who frequents this site ever tried burning steel with a jet fuel fire via a crash from a 757 going 500 miles/hour? Would that not be the answer to the question? Surely one of you, or the people you work with, or friends of friends ... could organize some sort of test (without an actual airplane crash, of course) to give us a better idea of what exactly jet fuel WOULD do to steel with the above parameters. I'm all for conspiracy theories ... but I'm really not sure ANYONE could say for sure what would or would not happen to steel in those circumstances.The maximum burning temperature of jet fuel in open air is 1200 degrees fahrenheit. Steel melts at 2750 degrees. Those two towers were designed with the Boeing 707 hitting them in mind. They were constructed to withstand a direct hit from an airplane. WTC building 7, wasn't even hit by a plane and came down in the same way. Did it have jet fuel on it too? Was it an airplane impact?Here's the most damning piece of evidence. Those buildings came down at FREE FALL SPEED. Rougly 10 seconds for each of the the two tall towers, and 6.5 seconds for building 7 which was shorter.That is how fast a ball falls through air. It is simply IMPOSSIBLE for the buildings to have collapsed, floor onto floor, and collapse at FREE FALL SPEED. That means that the lower "undamaged" floors offered NO resistance at all to the upper floors coming down onto them. It's not a theory. It's FACT. It's pure physics and common sense. Any of this information can be looked up and verified. It's not a joke or a crazy conspiracy theory. Those buildings were intentionally demolished.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

Just ask Larry Silverstein in his famous slip of the tongue...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WYdAJQV100Bullshitters trip over their lies eventually.