JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Just thing about big banking, big oil and all the war profiteering that is going on nowadays. The profits are obscene. JFK tried to change all that. 11/22/1963 happened because of what JFK was trying to do.
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Post by Lofty »

Bob wrote:Just thing about big banking, big oil and all the war profiteering that is going on nowadays. The profits are obscene. JFK tried to change all that. 11/22/1963 happened because of what JFK was trying to do.Those responsible are guilty of crimes against humanity, given how the world has gone down the tubes since then.
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Post by Bob »

This guy is quickly becoming one of my favorite voices in the he is one of the few that REALLY tell it like it is in terms of the economy...and who were the ones (Wall Street) that caused the misery of so many... ... 21730.html
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Post by turtleman »

Ratigan is pretty fierce and kind of finding his legs. He flat out took that health insurance company schill Betsy McCaughy and pulverized her. I was quite happy with him for that. Jon Stewart had just mopped the floor with her a few weeks earlier and since she has been off the radar altogether. I say go get'm. I have been following this thread and have been keeping my eye out for an inkling that the DOW is poised for a plummet. Cramer was on Hardball I think and was saying things are all better now. I don't know if he is naive or being paid off but it seems to me they are ripening things up for the fall and most insiders will dump stocks and take their profit when the downward spiral starts. And I believe it will. Anyone catch any of those Nostradamus specials on History? Pretty heavy shit.
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Post by Bob »

turtleman wrote:Ratigan is pretty fierce and kind of finding his legs. He flat out took that health insurance company schill Betsy McCaughy and pulverized her. I was quite happy with him for that. Jon Stewart had just mopped the floor with her a few weeks earlier and since she has been off the radar altogether. I say go get'm. I have been following this thread and have been keeping my eye out for an inkling that the DOW is poised for a plummet. Cramer was on Hardball I think and was saying things are all better now. I don't know if he is naive or being paid off but it seems to me they are ripening things up for the fall and most insiders will dump stocks and take their profit when the downward spiral starts. And I believe it will. Anyone catch any of those Nostradamus specials on History? Pretty heavy shit.Yes...Ratigan is great. Anyone named Dylan has to be... ... tedYes...I caught some of the Nostradamus stuff. Yes...pretty heavy. I really liked the one about Sir Issac Newton where he claims that the world will end in 2060 based on his research and calculations. Newton was certainly right up there with Albert Einstein in terms of intelligence.
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Post by Bob »

More from Dylan... ... 95.htmlAre we starting to get pissed off yet sheeple? Between Wall Street, the healthcare insurance companies and the war profiteers, we need to TRULY have a revolution. A REAL revolution...not a bullshit teabag meeting or a Glenn Beck meeting (that the gutless coward didn't attend by the way) in DC that drew a few thousand people. I'm talking about a million person march in DC and on Wall Street. Shut down business because of the crowds. Write or call your politicians until they have to block your calls. Get mad people... ... atedThat's what happened in the 60's and early 70's to stop the war in Vietnam. It's time to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and take back the U.S.A. from Corporate America.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

i read an article that the sec keeps track of insider trading and in the last few months insider selling is 40 times more than insider buying. this figure is the greatest amount since they started keeping track of it. this means that those who are in a position to know if their stock is undervalued or overvalued all believe that the price is going down. also the dry baltic index shows some big trouble headed. i look for see saw ups and downs until christmas is over and then a big plunge. the market is now reacting to the banks being able to make money on near zero interest rates and they still have those toxic assets on their books. corporations are cutting payroll and expenses while reducing inventory to increase bottom lines however sales are continuing to decrease. i am amazed when i see the market jump up after the unemployment figures are released and there are 20 thousand less jobs lost than the previous week. i am not talking about job growth here but am saying less jobs were LOST and the market bumps up a few hundred points. in unemployment is well over 20 percent and double last christmas and we all think this christmas is going to be better than last year? get real!
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

this message was posted by kerry cassidy on project camelot. i respect their inside information.[11/20/09 2:07:05 AM] "I do not normally pass on rumors or hearsay, but a very good personal friend's uncle is a Deputy Economic Advisor to Obama as well as a Professior at a prestigious Eastern School. He was called into a private meeting last week with the President. They were told, I quote, the Following: "Between now and Jan 1st 70 more big banks will fail and 70% of Retail Companies will be Bankrupt. The President will allow them to make as much as they can for the Christmas Holidays then Jan 15 there will be a Bank Holiday and their new currency will be issued with a devaluation of 6 to 10 to 1. "I believe this is why they are trying to keep the market and dollar up now with their lies on all the News outlets. Set up the people to steal every last penny they can get. Martial Law cannot be too far behind. Get your money out of banks and into physical Gold and silver. I recommend 60% gold 40% silver, food, foundation seed, gun ammo generators... etc. If you cannot eat, drink it, wear it, live in it, raise food on it, do not invest in it. If you have stocks, bonds 401K IRA, take the penalty and put it in
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Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:this message was posted by kerry cassidy on project camelot. i respect their inside information.[11/20/09 2:07:05 AM] "I do not normally pass on rumors or hearsay, but a very good personal friend's uncle is a Deputy Economic Advisor to Obama as well as a Professior at a prestigious Eastern School. He was called into a private meeting last week with the President. They were told, I quote, the Following: "Between now and Jan 1st 70 more big banks will fail and 70% of Retail Companies will be Bankrupt. The President will allow them to make as much as they can for the Christmas Holidays then Jan 15 there will be a Bank Holiday and their new currency will be issued with a devaluation of 6 to 10 to 1. "I believe this is why they are trying to keep the market and dollar up now with their lies on all the News outlets. Set up the people to steal every last penny they can get. Martial Law cannot be too far behind. Get your money out of banks and into physical Gold and silver. I recommend 60% gold 40% silver, food, foundation seed, gun ammo generators... etc. If you cannot eat, drink it, wear it, live in it, raise food on it, do not invest in it. If you have stocks, bonds 401K IRA, take the penalty and put it inScary stuff there Tom. You were right about the economic meltdown last fall (you mentioned it several months previous to it actually happening)...that's what worries me.
Posts: 2652
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Post by Bob »
