JFK's Accomplishments

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Dealey Joe »

I just want to bring this subject back around for comment.I know any family in the position of the Kennedys have a dark sidebut I often wonder what would have happened if JFL and RFK had lived.I can't help but think we would live in a better world, of course that is the reason they are no longer with us.I think back to the Bible and the fact that David was Gods favorite person ever,and he was FAR from perfect. I quess we are cursed with being human.Speaking of perfect I am the only one I know that comes close to being perfect,with the possible exception of Bob or Thom or Tom, or maybe Seamus,Maybe even Wim and Bruce, Andries, Oh well! I guess everyone on this forum?
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Bob »

Someone once wrote...No one is perfect. But sometimes while we are chasing perfection, we can catch excellence.That might sum up the evolution of this forum.
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by andries »

It,s alway,s a pleasure here in particulair because it,s verry democratic and your freeto speak your mind,that,s what dutch people in general like.I ques i stick arround here for a while so mutch information and experts arround here.and i thought i knew it all until i came here.
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Dealey Joe »

Andries, I would be very depressed if you were not hereto hold up your side of the argument.
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by andries »

I will Joe,i have my script ,but it,s it,s alway,s good to listen to other,s because not one off us knows that mutch as we all together
Phil Dragoo
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Horne brings down wall

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Announcement of excellent news. I've just read this interview of Doug Horne by Dick Russell. This Volume IV of Horne's will DESTROY the wall of lies.It makes a frontal shot obvious and undeniable, and calls for new congressional measures to prosecute those who performed the coup d'etat and executed the coverup.http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by andries »

The public battle is allready won, but for a politic battle you need sutch guy,s like this to destroy those walls, i wonder, will they ever be destroyd ? Not Bowers.not hoffman,not Holland and co, and not even all the other important witneses,signals,events statements together can not give a better expression than the grassy knoll itself as a cristalclear visible evidence for a conspiracy with more than one gunman.Entering Deally plaza and wondering how close the distance was between the sniper,s nest and kennedy i honesty had to admit that everything was mutch smaller than i thought, and it could even be possible for someone to fire shots at the limosine. But when i got up the grassy knoll,it was all over i was stunned that people are still debating if there was a conspiracy,in the entire US you will not find a better and better covered spot during a parade to shoot and get or fade awayHistory has shown that it was the perfect spot,it has left no traces off visible evidence.no matter how hard reseachers try.I wonder if an unknown guy was gunned down on a sunny afternoon on that same spot what area the investigations would concentrate on
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Re: Horne brings down wall

Post by kenmurray »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Announcement of excellent news. I've just read this interview of Doug Horne by Dick Russell. This Volume IV of Horne's will DESTROY the wall of lies.It makes a frontal shot obvious and undeniable, and calls for new congressional measures to prosecute those who performed the coup d'etat and executed the coverup.http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.Thanks for posting this Phil. You may not know but Doug Horne is scheduled to appear on Black Op Radio on thursday Dec 10th at 9pm est. Should be quite interesting.
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Re: JFK's Accomplishments

Post by Bob »

Thanks for the head's up Phil and Ken!