The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

JFK Assassination
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Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Post by Lofty »

It seems inconceivable to me that, the film was not altered in anyway, given that it was in the hands of the plotters from day one, ie Time Life, the film has always felt odd to me although i could never quite establish exactly what it was that made it feel odd.However this video has given me a clearer insight thanks due it's clarity of insight, very good analysis.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.20.2009 - I Posted this Headline inviting a critical analysis. A good discussion followed.Has anybody recently done or seen any reading, research, study, or writing with any additional information on this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.14.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.20.2009 - I Posted this focused, pointed Headline for discussion, and review. I sought to offer additional thinking outside of the boxas I often seek to do. To me this point seemed to be hiding in plainsight.In the 50th Year Anniversary of The JFK Event, much discussion hasgone back and forth over The Zapruder Film, and almost everythingrelated to this subject matter, both Pro and Con.I re-raise this for both the benefit of those who may have missed thisdiscussion, and those that may have additional input.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Ed Teach
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Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Post by Ed Teach »

I am a computer and photography buff and have been for a long time. I have also been into photo manipulation for a long time. I am extremely comfortable with photographic manipulation.In the last week I have seen with my own eyes multiple "versions" if you will of the Z film.I wish I still had my copies of the Life magazines from late 1963 that showed stills from the film to compare them with the stuff that I am seeing now.In an antique store here recently I saw some of these Life "JFK" issues (and Look magazines from same time also)...I may go back and see if they are still there.A few nights ago I set up some of the Z stills that I took from an animated gif on this site..the headshot on the home page..and set up a little photoshop study of them. In particular frames 311,312, and 313. I am not ready to interpret what I have found quite yet. It is plainly evident to me that in frame 311 I can see a bullet about to strike the rear of JFK's head. I would like to investigate this more however eg. take a look at Life mag and see if frame 311 is published there. I highly suspect the Z film is manipulated therefore I don't know if that bullet was "burned" into the frame or not. I have other questions also. Like I said just from a cursory glance at Z film stuff available on the net I have seen multiple "different" films.I think the Life magazine Z stills are important because it was real early in the game so perhaps they are unadulterated or may possibly provide a clearer picture to me on exactly how they were adulterated originally.I haven't started on the other films or photographs yet. Camera still wise I am most interested in the photographs by Altgens as they seem to be of the ones of the highest quality.Any information about this "bullet" I have marked in this still? Note the light blue dots are mine...trying to trace the path of this "bullet". My initial impression...complete conjecture of course as I have no that this first headshot bullet is what hit the windshield - from the back. More on my theories later after I investigate further.
Ed Teach
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Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Post by Ed Teach »

Can anyone please tell me which film this clip came from? Is it Z as I have not seen the whole Z film in many years.Very interesting IMO.