New Head Wound Info

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Humes, your cranium's in Uranus

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I had read lots and lots of Humes and Boswell and Finck; of caskets; of notes burned and vaguer than clouds; of photos of intact backs of heads and an entire meat market hanging out of a former president's skull like weiners for Pluto.Frankly the ugly truth only (and just occasionally) comes into focus in the volumes of Doug Horne.How he labored for a place on that team; for half a year. How they spent a year getting their pencils lined up on their blotters. How they spent three years singing lalala I can't hear you while only Horne (with occasionally Gunn) insisting, “Shut up and listen.”Humes is (was) a prime ass. Loudly trumpeting a Haagian “I am in charge” as he lies upon lie.No, Humes nor Boswell nor Finck were “incompetent.” They were complicit.Only through persistence and luck did Gunn and Horne get Boswell to outline on a skull replica the “wound.”It encompassed that “orange” or “baseball” wound of the occipital, as well as a map of Europe and Asia blasted out of the parietal temporal frontal.Horne establishes the body (not shell A or B or C—the body) arrived 6:35 Eastern/18:35 Military. And that Humes wielded a skull saw for a half-hour quickie in the Earl Scheib Body Shop. (Insert sound effects of pneumatic tools, grinders reverb of garage)They ripped the bullet from the throat. (Hole in windshield; new windshield from Ford glass works.) A missing lateral of the fragments at C3/C4.The blast of the skull to remove and disguise. Whatever was necessary to photograph (or fake a photograph) of the “intact” occipital.Two brain exams. Three autopsy drafts. Magic bullets. And you will find some claiming Pitzer was a suicide.As I'm sure was Ferrie, and Kilgallen, and DeMohrenschildt who chose the day of Chuck Nicoletti's Last Supper for that event.Mantik masterfully shows the light-blasted trapezoids on the two laterals.And last night in Horne Volume I (having read V, VI, III, and II) I saw the light, that the Harper fragment matches the light-blasted trapezoid on the right lateral. Yet the Warren liars claim it's not occipital.And Arlen's not a Specter, he's a dick.
Kit Carp
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Kit Carp »

kenmurray wrote:Kit. I disagree. I think they were incompetent. Humes by his own omission burned his preliminary autopsy notes. It appears that Humes wasn't the only one with "vanishing notes": ... s.htmHumes "Lincoln Chair" Fairy tale: ... hair.htmOn the plus side, I do give credit to Humes and Boswell for serving their country. I can't say that for Finck.The evidence of the burned "bloody notes" actually heavily supports conspiracy to hide the truth, rather than incompetancy on the part of the autopsy doctor.Lone Nutters tend to push the failings of the autopsy report onto the doctor's abilities, much in the same manner that the House Committee moved the bullet entry wound on the president's head 4" and accused the doctors of complete incompetancy.This is just masking what the real state of the evidence is. A careful perusal of all the evidence gleans the facts that Humes has tried so very hard to hide from invesigators all these years.The hard part in accepting the evidence for what it is, is a matter of psychology. It is so very much easier for us to want to avoid the awful facts of a widespread conspiracy, and cling to the far easier notion that the doctors were quacks. Sadly, the evidence does not support this theory.It is only natural though, to hope for less sinister answers. Sadly, there is abundant, overwhelming, iron-clad evidence of conspiracy to prove Oswald alone did it, throughout all of the medical evidence. I'm only going to touch on the initial, burned, autopsy report here.Humes wrote up the autopsy report....typewritten....immediately after the autopsy. Boswell testified to seeing this on SATURDAY, and going over it with Humes and other colleagues. These were not "bloody notes" nor penciled thoughts. This was at least a typed draft. Boswell testified to the ARRB that he was "almost sure" there was.Humes, in his testimony, relates "wrestling with" the report's findings for "four or five hours" on Saturday afternoon...before rewriting it Saturday night/Sunday morning and burning the "bloody notes" and the FIRST report in his fireplace.Now, here is the kicker, the deceit, the place where any thoughts of a complete and legal and court-worthy document gets tossed out of the window.Very few researchers have noted this, but this is covered in Doug Horne's excellent book, and the document is online- available through the Mary Ferrell website as a part of THE "Inside the ARRB" Appendices.This is from the November 24th Navy Letter of Transmittal of the Autopsy report. It shows us precisely WHO it was that studied Humes FIRST and original autopsy report...the one that gets BURNED that evening in Hume's fireplace. It's Hume's boss. Humes, in his ARRB testimony, claims he "cant recall" why he burned the first Report. He calls it a "draft"...but I think it is very telling that Boswell recalls it being a TYPED document.Here is the info quoted from the Letter of Transmittal-***"...5. All working papers have remained in the continuous personal possession of CDR. J.J. HUMES and a certificate to this effect is attached. Certain early draft notes have been destroyed by CDR. HUMES by burning, and a certificate to this effect has been enclosed.6. The first draft of this report was sighted in part by CAPT. R. O. CANADA, MC, USN on 23 November..."***Dr. Humes signed the following typed statement on Nov. 24, 1963. Note what it is he is claiming to have burned.***"I, James J. Humes, certify that I have destroyed by burning certainpreliminary draft notes relating to Naval Medical School Autopsy Report A63-272 and have officially transmitted all other papers related to this report to higher authority."***On TWO occasions before the HSCA, in 1977 and 1978, Dr. Humes maintained that he had destroyed "notes". In an interview published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in May of 1992, he said the same thing- saying he did so because "they had the president's blood on them."The full deciet, and huge lapse in the evidenciary chain of the autopsy report was not finally unraveled, until Humes and Boswell finally admitted to some of the truth before the ARRB.What does all this tell us?1. The existing autopsy report is a joke that would have been laughed out of any court. Not only were notes taken at the autopsy destroyed, which were legally part of the chain of evidence...but a whole typed report was destroyed for reasons no one can, or will say.2. This typed, (according to Boswell's recollection), autopsy report was "sighted in part" sometime Saturday afternoon by Captain Robert O. Canada, who was the Commanding Officer of the Naval Hospital.What this guy, Hume's boss did, or told Dr. Humes, remains a mystery...because Dr. Humes claims he "cant remember" why he burned this typed autopsy report in his fireplace, later that night.One can pretty safely assume hs didnt type this report on the cadaver of the the notion of it having bloodstains seems remote. 3. Did the Commanding Officer of the Naval Hospital instruct Dr.Humes to change his autopsy conclusions in the original report?Since Dr. Humes could not recall why he destroyed the original report, and since he tried to pass it off as "bloody notes" on numerous occasions...isnt this a very distinct possibility?4. Like the fuzzy, unlabeled, weirdly unprofessional autopsy photos, and the high contrast autopsy xrays with sections masked off and artifacts added, the extant autopsy report seems to be a document created to confuse, rather than describe. You cant site incompetance for the lack of a written brain weight in a gunshot wound to the head case. A bright 16 year old high school student would know to simply "weigh the brain" and put a number in the line that says "brain weight" ...wouldnt they? I mean really!Anyone who takes the time to read a little bit about how autopsys are performed can see that wounds are measured from solid referance points like bone. What would be the point of making a measurement of a wound when there is a movable joint between the wound and the place you are measruigng from? You would only do that, if you didnt want people to know...where the wounds were.Someone shoots someone near the measure from the nearest vertibrae. Dr. Burkely's measurement is recorded this way..the one that put's the wound down on the back, where the jacket and shirt holes are....and where various witnesses....FBI guys, said it was.Humes measures the wound from a point on Kennedy's head....doesnt his head turn on his neck? Could you raise or lower the spot on his back where the hole way, by simply roating the president's neck on his head?The entire report is written like this.It isnt incompetant. It is devised to decieve with a lack of information, and with nebulous figures that mean absolutely nothing.Dr. Humes is engaged in a bit of Freudian guilt with his constant referance to his "bloody notes", in my opinion.I think he is refering to his bloody hands.
barney 1961
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by barney 1961 »

8/29/10The "Lone Nutjob" conspiracy has worked like a charm for the Secret Govt. of the USA with but few exceptions, as the insiders never lookin the right places for evidence against others, as they do not intend to find others from the gitgo.1. Lincoln; it was discovered by Sec. Service Agent Lafayette Baker, that at least 20+ high ranking military, cabinet level, bankers. and entreprenuers, were all complicit in this murder, along with a few subordinates participated in this presidents assassination. Mr. Baker was later poisoned to death from wine bottles he accepted from his brother in law, a minion of the foreign banking cartels of Old Europe, particularly JP Morgan Company, and a couple of others who had made grand fortunes off the misery and suffering wrought by the American Civil War.2. Garfield and McKinley, were all allegedly murdered by anarchist nutjobs, but were they really, or was someone in the background pulling their chains, making them dance like a puppet show and for personal reaons they were unable to refuse the demands made of them.3. Mayor LaGuardia, there was never any danger to Pres. Roosevelt in this assassination setup. The mafia dons were after the mayor from the gitgo but made it look more realistic to have the President riding in the car with LaGuardia, a very popular mayor and anti-crime fighter.4. Huey Long, kingfish of Louisiana, in bed with the Dixie mafia for decades, but got greedy and also was planning to run against FDR, the wall streeters decided he had to go, and he went, usual deal use insiders such as his security service to gun him down and blame it on some other person handy.5. Kennedy- another lone nutjob, wannabe communist-socialist sympathizer, out to kill a liberal Commie leaning socialist prresident, with a do gooder agenda that many people opposed. With his murder came the Vietnam war, and the civil rightss era and riots in the streets.6. George Wallace- running hot and heavy against the Bush dynasty guy Tricky Dick Nixon, who wanted to win no matter the costs in lives, bribery, intimidation necessary to win, just win is all that matters and to hell with the rest, just get me elected. Nixon was a creature of Prescott Bush from his days in Calif. politics on to the VP under Eisenhower, who also had been talked into running for the Presidency by the senior Bush, when all he wanted to do was drink, smoke, play golf, and play cards in the latter days of his life.A. Bremer tracked Nixon and Wallace all over the campaign trails, but where did the funds come from since he had no source of legitimate income.additionally a large blonde man was seen running from the scene following the melee after the shooting of Wallace and his Ala. Hwy Patrol security officer. Shortly after, an abandoned car was found nearby with an out of state tag and roadmap of the area where the speech would be held by Wallace and his supporters.7. RFK- another lonenut job, Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian born race track jockey until he was insured ending that career. Sirhan was deeply in dept to the mafia in LA, from betting on horses, and may have been made a Manchurian Candidate with psychotic drugs induced into his system over a few days prior to the kitchen scene he is blamed for and the death of RFK. Sirhan was found to have been in the company of a young man and woman, the lady in the polka dot dress that night, several days prior to the ballroom event. This incld. target practice at a local target range nearby, where he was seen by over 30 people in the intervening days up to the night of the assassination of RFK.8. MLK- became a thorn in the side of the Johnson adm. bigtime with anti-Vietnam war speeches, anti-poverty speeches, and indications that some if not a great deal of his financial support came from leftwing and socialist or communist bigshots in NY. I have read the book written by Pepper, who was quite candid and had intimate knowledge of information about James Earl Ray. Ray was a small time hood, who had done several stints in prison, but escaped hiding in a pile of boxes, in a bread truck going from his prison bakery to another prison nearby. After wandering along railroad tracks for days, he winds up in Canada in hopes of boarding a cargo ship to Europe, but does not have his seamans papers so he could not board any ships accd. to union rules. While hanging out, searching for a ship job, or ships papers, he runs into, or was found by, the mysterious Raoul character much talked about by Ray. This Raoul character was allegedly into gunrunning from Canada, how ridiculous can it get, and eventually winds up in B'ham, Al. buying a rifle for Raoul, but the wrong kind and caliber, so he is sent back to the store for an exchange to a Browning Pump rifle in .30-06 caliber, more than enough gun for anybody. Next Ray, is sent to Memphis to allegedly meet up with Raoul and score a big sale of stolen rifles to a criminal or anti-govt group of militamen. Then, shortly we find Ray entrapped in the murder of MLK on the 2nd floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel from Ray's rooming house bathroom. Duh???9. John Lennon, the famous singer-writer of the Beatles is maliciously gunned down in front of the Dakota Hotel where he and Yoco Ono lived by a young man, Mark David Chapman, who earlier in the evening talked to Lennon, and secured his autograph. When Lennon returned late he was met again by this young man Chapman, just outside the doorway and allegedly he gunned down Lennon. However, since then, many Lennon crime investigators, have turned their attention to the Cuban doorman, who also carried a firearm in his duties. Investigators did this,turned their attention towards the doorman, because of the psychotic state that Chapman was in, when arrested by police officers after the alarm was raised. The doorman quit his job within a few days and disappeared from existence for all intents. When questioned by police, he stated the doorman gave him a cup of coffee and they drank coffee while waiting on Lennon and his wife to return to their apartment suite that night. What substances might have been placed in Chapman's coffee, LSD, or other drugs being experimented on by our govt. to be mind altering drugs, under Operation Mockingbird.10. President Reagan wins the Rep. nomination, and selectes his opponent GHW Bush to be his VP. This is the cat guarding the mice. So, is it no small wonder that Reagan is shot coming out of a hotel meeting and speech venue as he waves and gets into his limo, with SS agents standing around with their thumbs up their ass-- as usual. One syndicated newperson, for a brief few seconds noticed a person, SSA. or just who up on the hotel balcony shooting downward into the melee that followed the shooting by John Hinkley, its alleged. Hinkley too is in a bizarre state of mind, and cannot recall much of what happened that day, but stated over and over again, he was in love with Jody Foster, a teenage movie starlet, from the movie, Taxi, also starring a young Robert DeNiro. Neal Bush and John's father or brother were having lunch in Houston, Tx. its alleged while all of this is ongoing back in DC.- only The Shadow knows if GHW was disappointed in the marksmanship that day which failed to elevate him to the Oval Office, thus delaying by 8 years his being elected to that office. The public never cared for Bush Sr., and may subconsciously smelled a rat, but who really knows what and why it happened to Reagan.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. JD Thomas, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:JD - An excellent Post and Headline. You are to be commended. This has certainly not received the necessary scrutiny and analysis that it truly deserves.Within Martin Hay's condensed info from Hear No Evil, the section So What's The Truth ?, screams out to me.A very careful, close analysis of Jimmy Files 1993 Interview, Confessions Of An Assassin, supplemented by his 2003 Interview, Files On JFK is a near perfect delineation of this report. Any close deviations can easily be explained by Jimmy's use of an Exploding Mercury Tipped Hollow Point.Remember that this analysis like so many others never takes into account the use of an Exploding Mercury Tipped Hollow Point.The impact point, the bullets line of flight, and blow-out pattern are remarkably consistent with what Jimmy saw in a split second looking through his scope, coupled with his extensive experience with head shots. Near Perfect.Jimmy's analysis and recantation were all made from prison in 1993 without the benefit of any books, medical records, and hypothecations which all have come out since 1993 I might add.In addition, remember that Jimmy never outed himself.The F.B.I. outed Jimmy.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Phil Dragoo
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QED: Head shot from the front; book him, Dano

Post by Phil Dragoo »

In Volume I of Doug Horne, Inside the ARRB, counsel Jeremy Gunn gets autopsist Boswell to draw upon the replica skull provided by Horne the outline of the wound.It now, for the first time, in 1996, includes the occipital blowout described by forty witnesses at Parkland and Bethesda, as well as the parietal-temporal-frontal defect caused by Humes with a sledgehammer and a chainsaw.Horne presents the report of the Marine in charge of the detail which escorted the body's arrival in the shipping casket at 18:35 (6:35 P.M.), well before the arrival of the bronze casket and the Kennedy entourage.Humes was seen wielding a skull saw in the preautopsy. It was in this period that he caused the large defect and the incision over the right eye which removed evidence of the frontal shot.This is not a matter of competence, but of complicity.These liars may have drunk the national security Kool-Aid, but history shows the DefCon was not raised, hence, the argument that the assassins were Soviet or Cuban is proved fallacious.The assassins were domestic.James Files' frontal wound was witnessed by several at Bethesda, and an incision was made to disguise this wound.I differ with Horne's conclusion that the autopsy photos of the rear of the head were made solely with the existing scalp manipulated to cover the occipital defect.I believe the difference in the appearance of the hair in this area was seen using stereo pairs.The occipital defect seen by James Files through his scope produced the Harper fragment.A moment of enlightenment awaits one viewing the right lateral skull x-ray paying particular attention to the area Mantik calls the White Patch, and the subsequent publication of a photo of the Harper fragment—it is a match for this trapezoid.Nearly a half century later we are shown evidence of the deed, the lies, the shooter.Baddabing, baddabang, baddaboom.
Kit Carp
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Kit Carp »

In "Hear no Evil" the author tries hard to simplify the state of the evidence, ignoring much of it all together, in order to arrive at his conclusion that the autopsy doctors were merely incompetant.In my opinion, this is not an valid way to perfrom research. One has to take all of the evidence that exists into consideration. You cant ignore some, and pick and choose what you need to support a narrow conclusion you wish to arrive at. One needs to cover everything that there is, or it is all pointless.Take the matter of the head entry wound. The author suggests that only Humes made the claim that a complete entry bullet hole was present. He suggests that Boswell and FInck claim that only a partial hole existed. This is not what their testimony indicates. They both claimed that the bullet entry hole was actually complete. Boswell claimed it was about half on the existing skull at the start of the autopsy, and half on a piece brought into to the room later, on a fragment, and that when added back into place, it formed a complete hole. Finck's testimony is harder to fathom, but he too seems to think there was a complete hole, not a partial one. Probably the real issue is where this piece of bone with a hole in it actually originated from, as far as what part of the head.Regardless, the resulting small hole is a hole. It seems to me the "Hear no Evil" author misses the point of what this actually means to the case. The ARRB brought in three neutral, expert witnesses, (a forensic anthropologist, a forensic radiologist and a forensic pathologist), to view the x-rays. None of them found any bullet hole or exit wound on the back of Kennedy's head. There is no hole. 1. There is 100% agreement among all witnesses that the autopsy x-rays were the first thing accomplished. This would render absolute that the state of Kennedy's skull in those autopsy xrays are either what existed at the start of the autopsy proper....or they are in some way phonies, if they do not match what scores of witnesses saw, and what is stated in the autopsy report....they are fakes even without the proof from other expert witnesses, which also exists. Everyone agrees there was no "building the skull" before xraying. Whatever the state of Kennedy's was just xrayed, before any of those various skull fragments were brought in. Later that night, three or more fragments were brought into the room...and at least some were xrayed, and those xrays still exist in the record.2. The rear of the president's skull is fractured in the xrays....but absolutely complete, in the opinion of every doctor and person who has looked at these xrays. This, of course, is completely unlike the state of the skull that is discussed in the autopsy report, and by Dr. Boswell, and by Dr. Finck...and even by Humes himself. They all describe, the major wound extending into the "occipital" area without exception, with Boswell and Finck having the big hole part of the little entry wound on the very low back of the head! This is completely intact in the autopsy xrays. The real key to accepting a conspiracy to cover up the true medical evidence lies right here, in the xrays, photos and medical testimony, and there is no logical explanation for this.3. The House Select Committee on Assassinations tried rather desperately to pretend that the Doctors in Dallas were wrong about a big hole on the very back of Kennedy's head, by saying very specificially in their report that NONE of the 26 Bethesday medical witnesses agreed with the Parkland doctors. The following statement is ironclad proof of a continued conspiracy to hide the truth from the American people, by representatives of our own government. This is not my opinion. Anyone can now read the actual witness testimony the House Select Committee tried to hide, and everyone can see the following statement is a bald faced lie; one could argue it is tantamount to committing treason."In disagreement with the observations of the Parkland doctors are the 26 people present at the autopsy. All of those interviewed who attended the autopsy corroborated the general location of the wound as depicted in the photographs; none had different accounts... it appears more probable that the observations of the Parkland doctors are incorrect." (HSCA Vol. 7, pg. 37-39)4. While the xrays show an intact state of the back of the President's head, Dr. Boswell, who assisted Humes with the autopsy from start to finish, saw with his own eyes the actual damage...what was "under the Persident's hair" as it were. He claimed in his testimony to the ARRB that it was probably his hand in the autopsy photo holding the hair in place in the photo of the rear of the President's head...and that behind this hair, there is indeed a huge blowout.He went further, and drew on a lifesized skull the damage, the missing part of the president's skull. Look at the incredible amount of skull that Boswell claims was missing. He doesnt say it is cracked...he claims it was gone. Think of the autopy x-rays and the photos of the back of the head. Try and come to grips with the differences.Boswell's missing bone...from the rear, (everything yellow gone) ... .jpgx-rays of the president's skull...note cracked bone in rear. ... Id=122This damage, according to Boswell, covers the entire right occipital shown present in the autopsy xrays. It shows the autopsy photos up for the lie that they are. It shows a massive wound much larger than that described by Humes in the autopsy report.The trouble with these photographs in the record, of course, is that there are NO corresponding recognizable photos on the record showing the rearward blowout on the skull under the hair, nor is there a single, clear picture of the entrance wound on the skull! The photos, like the xrays and report, are "designed to confuse" rather than give information. By hiding the rearward damage, (which Boswell, Humes and Finck all admitted existed, under the President's hair and scalp carefully in the autopsy photos, the consiprators hoped to get away with the xrays which show the rear of the President's skull intact!!What does this say for the x-rays?5. I realize that many here are reluctant to truly accepting the notion that the autopsy xrays and photos are not accurate portrayals of the damage to JFK. Accepting them as such means accepting not a mafia hit or rogue CIA means a major conspiracy within our own government involving military people and secret service agents and doctors willing to be involved. While some of the partipants "went along" thinking they were patriots doing an ugly duty to save the world from a holocaust like war with the Soviets, there is little doubt that high level military, government, and secret service guys involved initially, for this to have happened.Hard to accept? You bet. So, such an accusation requires overwhelming evidence. Here it is, in these last two points.The following people specifically saw and described the large gaping occipital wound to the President's rear head that does not exist in the xrays.. Look up "occipital" to see just how far down and to the rear any wound there would have to be. It's the area your head would lie on, if you lay your head back in your bathtub. ... 42.htmMany of these witnesses that are doctors talk of seeng a part of the brain, the cerebellum, leaking out of the rearward wound. Look where this is located. It has an obvious color and texture different from other parts of the brain, and is easy to spot, according to doctors I've spoken with. Some of these witnesses, medical professionals, in their testimony, had the time to peer into this occipital wound for some time, making specific observatons. My list is only a partial one....but I suspect you will get an idea of the sheer weight of so many completely independant, yet supporting testimonies.***(I have taken only the relevant parts and not the entire texts, and have left out the lawyer's questions because they seem pretty obvious. I've tried to stick to first, or early testimony/documents, with the exception of the two FBI men, who have claimed their testimony was shunned, and felt they never had had a fari chance to fairly state what they saw. So, I've included their ARRB testimony. A couple of the doctors later changed their orignal opinions after being shown the autopsy photos/autopsy report, and after having been leaned on. I suppose you cant blame them for being terrifed.)In Dallas1. ROBERT McCLELLAND, MD "..."...I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out...."WC2.KEMP CLARK, MD: Professor and Director of Neurological Surgery at Parkland " the occipital region of the skull... Through the head wound, blood and brain were extruding... There was a large wound in the right occipitoparietal region, from which profuse bleeding was occurring... There was considerable loss of scalp and bone tissue. Both cerebral and cerebellar tissue were extruding from the wound." WC"a large wound in the right occipito-parietal region... Both cerebral and cerebellar tissue were extruding from the wound." Typed summary to Admiral Burkeley, 11/23/63.3.CHARLES JAMES CARRICO, MD "...The (skull) wound that I saw was a large gaping wound, located in the right occipitoparietal area. I would estimate to be about 5 to 7 cm. in size, more or less circular, with avulsions of the calvarium and scalp tissue. As I stated before, I believe there was shredded macerated cerebral and cerebellar tissues both in the wounds and on the fragments of the skull attached to the dura." WC"This was a 5 by 7 defect in the posterior skull, the occipital region. There was an absence of the calvarium or skull in this area, with shredded tissue, brain tissue present...There was no other wound in the head."4.MARION THOMAS JENKINS, MD "a great laceration on the right side of the head (temporal and occipital), causing a great defect in the skull plate so that there was herniation and laceration of great areas of the brain, even to the extent that the cerebellum had protruded from the wound." WC5.RONALD COY JONES:senior General Surgery resident physician ""...he had a large wound in the right posterior side of the head... There was large defect in the back side of the head as the President lay on the cart with what appeared to be some brain hanging out of this wound with multiple pieces of skull noted next with the brain and with a tremendous amount of clot and blood." WC"With no history as to the number of times that the President had been shot or knowing the direction from which he had been shot, and seeing he wound in the midline of the neck, and what appeared to be an exit wound in the posterior portion of the skull, the only speculation that I could have as far as to how this could occur with a single wound would be that it would enter the anterior neck and possibly strike a vertebral body and then change its course and exit in the region of the posterior portion of the head." WC6. MALCOLM PERRY, MD "A large wound of the right posterior cranium..." Parkland Note 11/22/63"...I noted a large avulsive wound of the right parietal occipital area, in which both scalp and portions of skull were absent, and there was severe laceration of underlying brain tissue..." WC7.GENE AIKIN, MD: anesthesiologist "The back of the right occipitalparietal portion of his head was shattered with brain substance extruding." WC8.PAUL PETERS, MD: resident physician ""...I noticed that there was a large defect in the occiput...It seemed to me that in the right occipitalparietal area that there was a large defect." WC"I was trying to think how he could have had a hole in his neck and a hole in the occiput, and the only answer we could think was perhaps the bullet had gone in through the front, hit the bony spinal column, and exited through the back of the head, since a wound of exit is always bigger than a wound of entry." Lifton interview BE9. CHARLES CRENSHAW, MD:resident physician "The head wound was located at the back of the President's head and was the approximate size of Doctor CRENSHAW's (sic) fist. It extended from the approximate center of the skull in the back to just behind the right ear, utilizing a left to right orientation and from a position a couple of inches above the right ear to the approximate middle of the right ear utilizing a top to bottom orientation."FBI report 7/22/9210.CHARLES RUFUS BAXTER, MD: resident physician ""...the right temporal and occipital bones were missing and the brain was lying on the table..."Hand written note 11/22/63 WC11. RICHARD BROOKS DULANEY, MD ""...Somebody lifted up his head and showed me the back of his head. We couldn't see much until they picked up his head. I was standing beside him. The wound was on the back of his head. On the back side They lifted up the head and "the whole back-side was gone." Groden-Livingston HT 1989.12. FOUAD BASHOUR, MD associate professor of medicine, cardiology ""He was most insistent that the official picture was not representative of the wounds, and he continually laid his hand both on the back of Livingstone's head and his own to show where the large hole was. 'Why do they cover it up?' he repeated numerous times. 'This is not the way it was!' he kept repeating, shaking his head no." Groden-Livingston HT 1989.13. NURSE DIANA HAMILTON BOWRON ""...the back of his head...well, it was very bad--you know..." WC"I first saw the large wound in the back of the head in the car. When we were preparing the body for the coffin I had the opportunity to examine it more closely. It was about five inches in diameter and there was no flap of skin covering it, just a fraction of skin along part of the edges of bone. There was, however, some hair hanging down from the top of the head, which was caked with blood, and most of the brain was missing. The wound was so large I could almost put my whole left fist inside." Livingstone, KtT14. DORIS NELSON, RN: supervising nurse WC didnt bother to ask.""Did you get a good look at his head injuries?" Nelson: "A very good look...When we wrapped him up and put him in the coffin. I saw his whole head." Asked about the accuracy of the HSCA autopsy photographs she reacted: "No. It's not true. Because there was no hair back there. There wasn't even hair back there. It was blown away. Some of his head was blown away and his brains were fallen down on the stretcher." Groden-Livingston HT 1989 (Ben Bradleee Jr. interview)15. PAT HUTTON, RN "Mr. Kennedy was bleeding profusely from a wound in the back of his head, and was lying there unresponsive." (Price Exhibit V21 H 216). While helping with resuscitation efforts a physician asked her to apply a pressure dressing to the head wound, she observed, however, that, "This was no use, however, because of the massive opening in the back of the head." (IBID)16. WILLIAM MIDGETT, MD: Obstetrics and Gynecology resident (pushed stretcher) "right parietal,...behind the right ear." Wallace Milam interview 2/8/9317. SECRET SERVICE AGENT CLINT HILL "The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed...There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head." WC18. SECRET SERVICE AGENT WILLIAM GREER ""His head was all shot, this whole part was all a matter of blood like he had been hit." Specter, "Indicating the top and right rear side of the head?" Greer: "Yes, sir; it looked like that was all blown off."WC***At Bethesda19. SECRET SERVICE AGENT ROY KELLERMAN "He had a large wound this size." Specter: "Indicating a circle with your finger of the diameter of 5 inches would that be approximately correct?" Kellerman: "Yes, circular; yes, on this part of the head." Specter: "Indicating the rear portion of the head." Kellerman: "Yes." Specter: "More to the right side of the head." Kellerman: "Right. This was removed." Specter: "When you say, "This was removed", what do you mean by this?" Kellerman: "The skull part was removed." Specter: "All right." Kellerman: "To the left of the (right) ear, sir, and a little high; yes...(I recall that this portion of the rear portion of the skull) was absent when I saw him." WC20. FBI AGENT FRANCIS X. O'NEILL "Gunn: Okay.Can we take a look now at view number six, which is described as "wound of entrance in right posterior occipital region,"color photograph no. 42. I'd like to ask you whether that photograph resembles what you saw from the back of the head at the time of the autopsy? ONeill: This [photograph of the back of the head] looks like it's been doctored in some way. Let me rephrase that, when I say"doctored". Like the stuff has been pushed back in,and it looks like more towards the end than at the beginning [of the autopsy]. All you have to do was put the flap back over here, and the rest of the stuff was all covered up.""Gunn:[Using the head wound diagram O'Neill made in 1978 for the HSCA] Do you see the wounds that you identified in the drawings that you made in 1978 ion autopsy photograph no. 42? O'Neill: No, I dont see those wounds..."O'Neill: ...Quite frankly, I thought that there was a larger opening opening in the back...opening in the back of the head. Gunn: Back of the head. O'Neill: Yes."21. FBI AGENT JAMES SIBERT "Gunn: Mr. Sibert, does that photograph [back of head intact #42) correspond to your recollection of the back of the head? Sibert: "Well, I dont have a recollection of it being that intact...I dont remember seeing anything that was like this photo.""Gunn: But do you see anything that corresponds in photograph 42 to what you observed during the night of the autopsy? Sibert: No.I dont recall anything like this at all during the autopsy. There was much-well, the wound was more pronounced. And it looks like it could have been reconstructed or saomething, as compared with what my recollection was..."ARRB deposition 9/11,9722. JAMES J. HUMES, MD "There is a large irregular defect of the scalp and skull on the right involving chiefly the parietal bone but extending somewhat into the temporal and occipital regions. In this region there is an actual absence of scalp and bone producing a defect which measures approximately 13 cm in greatest diameter..." WC Autopsy Report23. J. THORNTON BOSWELL, MD "Dr. Boswell said the wound was fairly low in the back of the head and that the bone was completely gone above the entry wound. He said that during the autopsy, a piece of skull fragment was brought in which included a portion which corresponded to the missing half of the entry wound in the head." HSCA Andy Purdy24. PIERRE A. FINCK, MD "Corresponding to that wound (the scalp wound), the skull shows the portion of a crater, the beveling of which is obvious on the internal aspect of the bone..." Finck's autopsy notes Nov. 22, 1963.25. ROBERT FREDERICK KARNEI, MD: Bethesda pathologist ""Most of the bone that was missing was destroyed in the back of the head." Livingston KtT26. Captain DAVID P. OSBORNE, MD: chief of surgery at Bethesda (Not interviewed by any of the investigating bodies) "...a second (bullet) hit in the occipital region of the posterior skull which blew off the posterior top of his skull and impacted and disintegrated against the interior surface of the frontal bone just above the level of the eyes. I know this for a fact because I was the one who worked on his head, removing his brain and closed the skull so that he could have had an open casket funeral if so desired." Letter from Osbourne to Joanne Braun.27. JOHN EBERSOLE, MD: Assistant Chief of Radiology, intrepeted xrays. ""The back of the head was missing..." HSCA interview 3/11/78When shown the autopsy photo with back of head "apparently" intact. -"You know, my recollection is more of a gaping occipital wound than this but I can certainly not state that this is the way it looked." 28. PHILIP C. WEHLE, Commanding officer of the military District of Washington, D. C. "Purdy reported that Wehle said he was an observer during the later stages of the autopsy. "(Wehle) noticed a slight bruise over the right temple of the President but did not see any significant damage to any other part of the head. He noted that the wound was in the back of the head so he would not see it because the President was lying face up; he also said he did not see any damage to the top of the head, but said the President had a lot of hair which could have hidden that...." HSCA29. JOHN STRINGER, the autopsy photographer "Lifton: "When you lifted him out, was the main damage to the skull on the top or in the back?" Stringer: "In the back." Lifton: "In the back?...High in the back or lower in the back?" Stringer: "In the occipital part, in the back there, up above the neck." Lifton: "In other words, the main part of his head that was blasted away was in the occipital part of the skull?" Stringer: "Yes. In the back part." Lifton: "The back portion. Okay. In other words, there was no five-inch hole in the top of the skull?" Stringer: "Oh, some of it was blown off--yes, I mean, toward, out of the top in the back, yes." Lifton: "Top in the back. But the top in the front was pretty intact?" Stringer: "Yes, sure." Lifton: "The top front was intact?" Stringer: "Right." Lifton BE recorded interview.30. FLOYD RIEBE, assistant photographer at autopsy "Riebe: "And they were-him and the Navy pathologists were all talking.And then they sat the President up. And,see,nothing was left back there,back of his head." Lifton: "Well, what did the back of his head look like?" Riebe: "Nothing." Lifton: "Well-" Riebe: "There was nothing there." Liton: "What was there? When you say-" Riebe: "A big hole" Lifton: "A big hole?" Riebe: "A big hole, right in the occiptial region of the head." Lifton BE recorded interview31. GODFREY McHUGH: President Kennedy's Air Force Aid, in Dallas and at Bethesda "...he was in absolute perfect shape, except the back of the head, top back of the head, had an explosive bullet in it and was badly damaged..." "Lifton asked: "When you think of the head wounds, then, you think of, primarily, the top of the head, or primarily the back of the head? McHugh answered, "Both. Ninety-nine percent the back, the top back of the head... that's the portion that had been badly damaged by the bullet." (BE:432) Lifton, to leave no doubt about what was meant then asked McHugh to define the back of the head. McHugh answered: "The portion that is in the back of the head, when you're lying down in the bathtub, you hit the back of the head." Lifton BE32. PAUL KELLY O'CONNOR: laboratory technologist "O'Connor was shown the autopsy photographs and he said, "No, that doesn't look like what I saw...A lot worse wound extended way back here, " and he demonstrated with his hand to the back of the head." Groden-Livingstone HT 198933. JAMES CURTIS JENKINS: laboratory technologist "said he saw a head wound in the middle temporal region back to the occipital." HSCA interview Purdy-Kelly"I would say that parietal and occipital section on the right side of the head--it was a large gaping area...It had just been crushed, and kind of blown apart, toward the rear." Lifton BE34. JAN GAIL RUDNICKI: Dr. Boswell's lab assistant "back-right quadrant of the head was missing." HSCA"...from the ear back, the scalp was either gone or definitely destroyed in that would look more like it was an exit than an entrance." Livingstone HT II35. EDWARD REED: x-ray tech "told author David Lifton that he formed an opinion the night of the autopsy that JFK had been shot from the front because the skull wound was "more posterior than anterior". Lifton BE36. JERROL CUSTER: X-ray tech "told David Lifton that the wound in the skull was posterior in the skull and said that "he exposed, and returned to the morgue, X- rays showing that the rear of the President's head was blown off." Lifton BE37. JAMES E. METZLER: hospital corpsman "David Lifton records, "It was also his impression, from the way the wound was located toward the back of the head, that President Kennedy must have been shot in the head from the front." Lifton BE38. SAUNDRA KAY SPENCER: Photographer's Mate developed autopsy films, Naval Photographic Center Gunn: "Did you see any photographs that focused principally on the head of President Kennedy?" Spencer: "Right. They had one showing the back of the head with the wound at the back of the head." Gunn: "Could you describe what you mean by the "wound at the back of the head"?" Spencer: "It appeared to be a hole, inch, two inches in diameter at the back of the skull here." Gunn: "You pointed to the back of your head. When you point back there, let's suppose that you were lying down on a pillow, where would the hole in the back of the head be in relationship to the part of the head that would be on the pillow if the body is lying flat?" Spencer: "The top part of the head." Gunn: "When you say the "top of the head," now, is that the part that would be covered by a hat that would be covering the top of the head?" Spencer: "Just about where the rim would hit." ARRB Deposition39. MORTICIAN TOM ROBINSON: Gawler's Funeral Home, prepared body after autopsy "Purdy asked Robinson: "Approximately where was this wound (the major skull wound) located?" Robinson: "Directly behind the back of his head." Purdy: "Approximately between the ears or higher up?" Robinson, "No, I would say pretty much between them." HSCA"Talking about fixing the damage on the back of the President's head- "Robinson said that Ed Stroble, (now deceased), had cut out a piece of rubber to cover the open wound in the back of the head, so that embalming fluid would not leak; the piece of rubber was slightly larger than the hole in the back of the head, and Robinson estimated that the rubber sheet was a circular patch about the size of a large orange (demonstrating this with a circular motion joining the index fingers and thumbs of his two hands." ARRB staff report of interview***And finally, my 6th and last point. (pants from all the typing)6. This combined eye witness testimony provides us with insurmountable proof of deciet and perhaps treason on the part of whomever wrote the conclusions of the HSCA. They aided the conspirators. You could take any one of these witness testimonies and perhaps chalk it up to lousy observation skills. But, all of them?Since we have absolute proof the HSCA actively lied about the witnesses testimony, and tried to sock them away for fifty years so that YOU couldnt see them, I suggest you start by accepting this, and then, thinking about these photos, x-rays and autopsy report. If government officals are willing to aid hiding conspirators by lying about witness testimony...what else are they willing to alter and fib about?Dr. David W. Mantik has a doctorate in physics from the University of Wisconsin and is also a radiation oncologist. He has spent more hands on time with the actual x-rays of the President than any other person, and has the qualifications of an actual expert in the field. He has tested the x-rays using extensive optical densitometry measurements and found that the conveniently sized 6.5 mm object in the x-rays is impossibly, ridculously dense. It was added after the fact, and the x-rays are copies.This makes sense, as every single witness...all three autopsy doctors, and the Ebersole, who read the x-rays...AND the autopsy report itself...none of them mention, have seen, or will testify thatthis artifact was present on the day of the autopsy.That fake artifact is by far the largest item on the x-ray. A high school student would spot it. Yet....mysteriously, it did not exist on the night of the assassination. Furthermore, Dr. Mantik has discovered a letter scratched in the emulsion of one of the x-ray images. And that would ne innocent, except that because this is a copy of the original x-ray, and not the original, the emulsion on this copy is intact, and it's just a picture of the letter, scratched into the emulsion.So, to sum up my thoughts. It is fruitless to come to conclusions about the shots from the photographs, autopsy x-rays and autopsy report in this case. None of them have a solid evidenciary trail behind them. The photographer says photos are missing. The x-ray guy says not all the x-rays are there, and the expert in the case says the x-rays are faked.The woman who processed the film, the guy who took the pictures and a couple score other people who witnessed that terrible day all say that the President had a large gaping hole in the back of his head.It's time we took that brave, big step of accepting just who it was who killed our President, and understood that our government took terrible, audacious actions to cover it up. Worst of all, our media...the "free press" cruised right along with the horrific coverup, submitting to treason without a whimper.I encourage you to read this post over several times. It took me forever to weld this all together. I encourage you to buy Douglas Horne's excellent book, "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board", where there is much more of the witness testimony avaialble, all in on handy place, to read.For a telling and moving work on why it was that Kennedy gave his life for his country, I reccomend the beautifully written "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James W. Douglass. These are far and away the best two books in recent memory on the assassination.To really grasp, correlate and understand what happened to JFK, you have to sift through the crappy lies by reading the first hand testimony of everyone involved, and figure out who is honestly telling the truth. Unlike most cases, the "normal" evidence is badly tainted, and cant be trusted.I hope I have brought something new to some of you, that you hadent read before.God Bless.Kit
barney 1961
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by barney 1961 »

8/30/10If one studies the Harper fragment, found on the grass just beyond the South curb where the fatal headshot occurred around Zap frame 312 and 313, where the head literally explodes, one sees that bone and brain tissues are flying upward and backwards hitting the motorcycle cops riding to the right and left rear of the Presidential limo.The Munchmore photo, one can see where the skull bone is blown out, a small hole left in the area where this occurred, either from themissile or a copper fragment of the missile, blowing the skullbone onto the grass, where it was later found by a young teenager namedHarper. It was then examined by a doctor friend, who stated it was a piece of the President's skullbone, as it was too fresh to be anythingelse. This is the missing bone fragment that was shipped to the autopsy room by fast jet by the local police when it was turned in to thelocal authorities and FBI, who had taken charge of the case from the DPD and Sheriffs Dept. investigators.JFK scientific investigator, Tom Wilson, has come up with the theory, unproven as it may be, that from his analysis using light density high intensity phototronics, used on his job analyzing steel and other products, that one can see the extent to which the deep cavity of theheadshot in Munchmores' photo can only be duplicated from one direction, and that is from down low, inside the Northside of Elm storm sewer. It his scientific opinion, this is were one of the shots came from in the right front but he does not discount also a shot from the rear.A shot upward from a wound in the Presidents right front temporal area, whether by exploding bullet fragments of copper, or a direct hit andthru and thru penetration, then followed by a headshot from the rear, which accounts for the blased out hole in the right rear of the Presidents occipital region and destruction of the right tempral area and ear and blown out eye, fractured orbits and cheekbones, and scalping type injuries to the right ear, face, and scalp regions.Wilson made several trips to Dealey Plaza attempting to get his head model from phototronic measurements to match up with the photoframes in the historic Zap filmstrip of about 20 seconds or less. He could not achieve this on numerous attempts trying to place the shooterbehind the picket fence, on the knoll near the pergolas. It would only align up when the shooter was shooting from inside the manhole onElm street, as the limo grew very close to the shooting position, almost up to the steps leading to the pergola area and parallel to the fence.
Phil Dragoo
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Horne speaking the unspeakable

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Excellent job collating the witness testimony regarding the occipital defect, Kit.Horne is heavy slogging, but rewarding after such a long, strange trip.He's to be commended for not simply rising, walking round the table, grabbing Humes by the lapels, and beating him silly with a large, partially-thawed fish.As you note, James Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he died and why it matters, is another treasure. We in this generation of assassination students are doubly blessed.The small round frontal wound at the hairline, and the large occipital blowout track with James Files—and run one hundred-eighty degrees counter to Posner, Bugliosi, Dunkel and the rest of the Warrenutters.We may safely stipulate the government did it, as so many of its useful idiots are still gainfully employed in denying it.
barney 1961
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by barney 1961 »

8/30/10As Jim Garrison allegedly stated, " Let Truth and Justice for John Kennedy be done, tho the Heavens Fall."
Phil Dragoo
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Tom Wilson

Post by Phil Dragoo »

A Deeper, Darker Truth: Tom Wilson's Journey into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy [Kindle Edition]Donald T. Phillips (Author) ... 002Y284R8A Deeper, Darker Truth [Paperback]Donald T Phillips (Author) ... 0615300995