Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Barney »

Davy Jones; I hope that nothing I said discouraged you from this forum or for the freedom seeking James Files/Sutton person. If so I am very sorry about that.I cannot imagine why you would wish to sell your book about Jimmy. In fact I think there are about three on the market, one by Wim, one by Jimmy, and oneby Pam, his girlfriend in Hawaii. barney
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Davyjones »

No problems with you Barney,Its simple, Mr Dankbaar has put his money where his mouth is and frankly not got the cooperation he could reasonably expect.I have the DVD by the way. I am still on the forum whatever happens to the J Files situation, as frankly, if he didnt shoot from the Grassy knoll someone else almost certainly did.
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Bob »

Davy is a believer, just like myself and many others here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfuBREMXxts
Phil Dragoo
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Amazing Grace

Post by Phil Dragoo »

We begin with Chris' passionate plea for James Files' full disclosure, Bruce Brychek's caution to the contrary not withstanding.Let us assume James Files spoke out—would he finish his sentence, both grammatically and punitatively.How quick the shiv.Lee Oswald being moved from city to county, Jack Ruby granted a new trial, James Earl Ray with a Pepper success, Dorothy Kilgallen with a story to break the case wide open—the examples of full disclosure closing the casket go on and on.I think the use of the term “hero” and the phrase “national treasure” illustrate the device of a straw man—no one has suggested anything of the like save the detractors who play fast and loose with the truth.Let us be precise.James Files says he would not have made any disclosure had he not been pressured to do so.He has met with such derision that he declines anything further.I question whether anyone can understand life in confinement where life itself is a moment-to-moment proposition, where existence is not academic, but visceral.Our neighbor in New Mexico was a guard at the penitentiary before the riot in 1981 which saw 31 brutally murdered.He reported he had objected to the corruption of the guard clique and been ousted by them for blowing the whistle.He was lucky. Others found too talkative died unspeakable deaths. One impaled on a steel rod heated in a fire set by the rioters.It would be too easy for us in our comfort and security to prescribe for Jimmy.I have found him credible from the start. Only strengthened by the subsequent comments of Zack Shelton, Antoinette “Toni” Giancana, Tosh Plumlee and others.I lived through the times, and I have heard every angry epithet of Kennedy “the traitor,” Kennedy “the bastard,” Kennedy “the sob.”The entire national security establishment to this day has locked ranks around the Big Lie.Jimmy took his circumstance and soldiered, drove, shot, and, by all accounts, is finding more and more light in a contemplation and meditation which is statistically impossible.So many others shattered with the terra cotta warriors over the past decades.We openly fear for Sirhan in population. Jimmy's path has heart.See also The Man Who Killed The Deer.The mass has the attention span of a Dancing With The Stars episode.Cast off the spidery confection which opiates the spirit.
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Re: Amazing Grace

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:We begin with Chris' passionate plea for James Files' full disclosure, Bruce Brychek's caution to the contrary not withstanding.Let us assume James Files spoke out—would he finish his sentence, both grammatically and punitatively.How quick the shiv.Lee Oswald being moved from city to county, Jack Ruby granted a new trial, James Earl Ray with a Pepper success, Dorothy Kilgallen with a story to break the case wide open—the examples of full disclosure closing the casket go on and on.I think the use of the term “hero” and the phrase “national treasure” illustrate the device of a straw man—no one has suggested anything of the like save the detractors who play fast and loose with the truth.Let us be precise.James Files says he would not have made any disclosure had he not been pressured to do so.He has met with such derision that he declines anything further.I question whether anyone can understand life in confinement where life itself is a moment-to-moment proposition, where existence is not academic, but visceral.Our neighbor in New Mexico was a guard at the penitentiary before the riot in 1981 which saw 31 brutally murdered.He reported he had objected to the corruption of the guard clique and been ousted by them for blowing the whistle.He was lucky. Others found too talkative died unspeakable deaths. One impaled on a steel rod heated in a fire set by the rioters.It would be too easy for us in our comfort and security to prescribe for Jimmy.I have found him credible from the start. Only strengthened by the subsequent comments of Zack Shelton, Antoinette “Toni” Giancana, Tosh Plumlee and others.I lived through the times, and I have heard every angry epithet of Kennedy “the traitor,” Kennedy “the bastard,” Kennedy “the sob.”The entire national security establishment to this day has locked ranks around the Big Lie.Jimmy took his circumstance and soldiered, drove, shot, and, by all accounts, is finding more and more light in a contemplation and meditation which is statistically impossible.So many others shattered with the terra cotta warriors over the past decades.We openly fear for Sirhan in population. Jimmy's path has heart.See also The Man Who Killed The Deer.The mass has the attention span of a Dancing With The Stars episode.Cast off the spidery confection which opiates the spirit.Another excellent analysis Phil. Yours words flow like the river of truth.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Dealey Joe »

There seems to be a double standard here?Bruce made it very clear that no one from the forum should try to contact James Files.But it seems he does communicate with some of us?He also said do not send money as Jimmy has all he needs?Then he stated that if we are interested in knowing more we could purchase their upcoming book and literature.I tend to believe there is a financial angle to the future plans of Jimmy and Bruce.I do not see the connection with not causing any waves to get out of prison and making more information available in the near future for sale?That being said, I don't see what else James Files could say hat would be useful?no one would believe it anyway?
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Barney »

Members; perhaps I spoke out of school here on the forum. I initiated contact with James way back some 18-20 months ago on my own. After buying the book,the dvd's, etc and doing some research, I wrote to James in the Joliet Prison. He suggested that i write to Bruce who is his freeworld mouthpiece so to speak.Instead, I wrote again and he responded to my letter very nicely. i did not start off with Jimmy sending him a list of 21 questions I was just dying to have himanswer for me, and we do not do any of that now. In fact, in all of our letter correspondences, we seldom even talk of the JFK murder in Dallas. To hear him,the whole matter bores the living shit out of him, and he regrets ever giving anyone an interview, and that Zack turned his name in to Joe West, who followed upwith letters, calls, and eventually a jailhouse meeting or two. Jimmy liked Joe right off and after a few days felt comfortable talking to him, but, he never madea full confession to killing Kennedy to Joe West, to my knowledge and understanding, just a general discussion of the assassination. The video taken by Bob Vernon, was done later on as Joe West had died, and Joe's widow was in bad financial shape, which is the reason, that he agreed to discuss this matter on tapewith Vernon, that Mrs. West, would receive some compensation towards Joe's hospital and funeral bills.It is Jimmy's position as I understand it, that he is not willing to testify, or give further video or audio tapes to anyone, without granting of immunity for anycrimes he may have committed, and release immediately from Joliet Prison, as a free man. Jimmy was wrongfully charged and convicted in his current case,and has been fighting the courts ever since, to get a rehearing or resentencing relief from the sentence given out by the trial judge.We all need to leave Jimmy alone about the Kennedy murder, he is done with that, and way past that event back in 1963. Jimmy has never asked me for athin dime in our correspondences, nor any other thing of value. I treasure his friendship, and that of Bruce Brychek, not because they can do something for me,but for being true loyal friends, who keep their word, and loyalty is everything to them, period. barney
tom jeffers
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by tom jeffers »

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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Thank you everybody for your profound, elaborate, compassionate opinions. I hope it is visible to all of you, that my thread title is not real reproach, but a bit provocative try to make Bruce Brychek considerate once more and deeper. We all have great understanding for Jimmy's situation and that he does not want to do anything about JFK anymore at all. We have understanding for Bruce Brychek being a true friend and not giving his friend's wishes away or playing behind his back suddenly. But we do see on the other hand, that the dimension of the American public & government finally knowing and accepting that JFK was killed by a fraction of the CIA + Interpen using mob contract killers is SO BIG, that the lives of two men is neglectably tiny compared to this. What is counting more? The life quality of 270 000 000 or the life quality of 2? Of course Jimmy & Bruce would sacrifice themselves, if they would go to the public with the story offensively. Of course we can understand why and that they don't. Most probably they see the present political sheepleness-grade of the average population more realistically than even we do and they stay silent. The media-misguided average population does not deserve to know the truth yet. They have to go through WW III and loose in the Middle East and economic robbery priviledges first, before they are dignified to get to know the truth about how it really was on grassy knoll and Dealey Plaza and why. But nevertheless on the whole Bruce & Files are cutting into their place-in-the-mystical-history-of-the-people-flesh, if they degrade themselves to convenient non-martyrs caring for their private wellfare only. Just provocing again to make us reflect ok ...
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Re: Why is Bruce Brychek cutting into James Files' flesh?

Post by Barney »

Chris; If Jimmy or Bruce, were to run around spilling their guts to every SOB who would listen and take notes, they would wind up verydead in quick order, no doubt about that fact. The Outfit in Chicago and the Govt. here is very much alive, not counting the personsinvolved who might get tagged. So, no from a self preservation standpoint should they shoot from the hip nor shoot off their mouths too much on thismurder subject and conspiracy. If the powers behind that deed were willing to eliminate great numbers from the 1960's up until thelast of the govt. hearings and procedures on this matter, they most certainly would eliminate these two without hesitation. As they oftenstate, "in our business timing is everything, plus a willing spirit." Barney