Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

JFK Assassination
Alex Hidell
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

Greald Ford, near death at age 90, publically admitted in a newspaper interview that he lied in the WC Report as to the location and nature of the back wound. When asked why he lied, he said so the evidence would align with the WC theory.In short, the WC witness testimony can be very enlighting and if you haven't read all 26 volumes, I highly recommend it but be cautious.Remember the actual title of the commission was "The President's Commission on the Assassination of JFK". And of course by President they were referring to LBJ.And of course, we must remember the infamous memo dictated Sunday evening after Oswald had been hit by the mob by LBJ to the FBI, WC members, et al that said "We must convince the world that Oswald was the lone assassin in the JFK murder and there was no conspiracy or outside influence".The WC had their orders from the top- Pin it on Oswald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The WC never was interested in finding the truth of the matter- They were only interested in pinning it on the Patsy:)
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by SLogan »

Davyjones wrote:Alex..I am out of my comfort zone here,but will ask the question. I looked at my NYT copy of the WC report to see what it said about the back bullet hole and it seems to say clearly enough that the autopsy indicates a bullet pathway through the body coming out at the neck(front). Where can I read up on the version of the autopsy you quote which says the hole was only a quarter inch deep? Many thanksMy recall is that a witness at Bethesda saw a metal rod tracing a path from the head wound to the hole in the throat . Meaning the hole was an exit wound from a fragment of the fatal head shot .
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Davyjones »

SLogan..well there you go! No neck wound from a front shot!I think it took more than a 1/4 inch wound to the back to cause JFKs reactions to that shot. Can you direct me to the source of the metal rod info? Alex I still cant find an autopsy info that substantiates your claim,could be I dont search well, can you advise me.I have seen the FBI comments but with respect they are not doctors.
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by JDThomas »

I have seen the FBI comments but with respect they are not doctors.With respect to the FBI agents, their report never steps over the mark. Medics they were not, but obervations of back, head, chest, shoulderblades do not require medical training, only a pairs of eyes and a modicum of common sense. Also, much of what they wrote contained information spoken by the Bethesda pathologists - hence the infamous 'surgery to the head' quote (no surgery to the head had been undertaken at Parkland).Stretch the point further, the two goons from Bethesda were NOT forensic pathologists, had never undertaken a bullet wound autopsy, or in the preceding year or so, no type of autopsy whatsoever. Add to this fact that they burned their original report puts their existing report below that of the FBI agents - the offical report is neither comtemporary nor expert forensic.Forensic expert Fink did not arrive at the scene until much of the work where he would have been useful had already been undertaken - he was only window dressing. A good starting point would actually be the Parkland doctors - these were senior practicing physicians at a teaching hospital, in a city I beieve was described as the murder capital of America at the time - guys on top of the game at the top of their profession - now wonder why the Warren Commission did not want to focus on what they had to say ...?
Alex Hidell
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

Doctors at autopsy did not even realize there was a frontal neckwound. It had been obliterated by tracheotomy performed at Parkland. NO ONE at autposy traced neck wound trajectory becasue they did not know it was a wound.ALL medical personnel at Parkland noted neckwound as wound of entry. Smooth edges and 5mm in size. These were ER professionals who examined gunshot wounds on a routine basis and they ALL agreed, neck wound was wound of entrance.Robert Groden noted in "Killing of a President" that the Z film blurred at the moment of each gunshot. This is very clear if you examine the frame by frame printing of the Z film in the WC 26 volume testimony.Here is Groden's analysis and I agree with him. By the way, the scene was re-created to verify that the blurred frames were a startled reaction of Z to gunshots and even when they told the filmer that they were going to shoot a gun, he flinched anyway. Bottom Line- it is impossible for a human being to keep from flincing when they hear gunshots at close range.Frames 152-155 first shot, blurred image, shot hits street behind limoFrames 188-190 second shot, blurred image, shot hits JFK in throat from front. No exit path for this bullet. Probably hit his spine, defelcted into his chest cavity. Blood and bruising were noted in chest cavity at autopsy.Frames 222-225, third shot, Connally is hit in back, bullet exits front of chest. Thru and thru shot.Frames 228-230, fourth shot, hits JFK in back, does not penetrate chest cavity, per autopsy.Frames 288-290, fifth shot, hits Connally in wrist, shattering bones, exiting and lodging in left thigh.Frame 313, sixth shot, blows JFK's head off striking him in right temple exiting right rear of head. Temple wound noted by Priest performing last rites at Parkland. Temple wound also noted by Press Secretary in news conf annoucning JFK's death. Large exit wound in rear of JFK's skull noted by ALL medical personnel at Parkland.
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Bob »

Lots of researchers have done an excllent job recounting what happened at Bethesda, including Robert Groden. But nobody has recounted that episode any better than Doug Horne in his book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK.
Alex Hidell
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Alex Hidell »

There are literally hundreds of books regarding the JFK assassination that provide excellent information. I have read many, many of them.What Groden did was singulalry important because he was the first person to use modern restoration and enhancement techniques on the Z film. Without a doubt, Groden is the singluar expert on the Z film. It was this work that led to the creation of the HSCA in the 70's which officially found there was a conspiracy.Groden is "Da Man" that made the govt admit to conspiracy. This, alone, gives him a special place in the pantheon of JFK assassination researchers.
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by Bob »

I agree that Robert Groden has been one of the very best contributors to the JFK assassination research movement. I know Robert as well. He is right up there with Jim Garrison, Mark Lane, Penn Jones Jr., Jim Marrs and a couple others as a forefather to what we are doing now. However, NOBODY has done a better job than Doug Horne describing what REALLY happened at Bethesda. In addition, Horne lays out what REALLY happened to the Zapruder film. you read Horne's book?
Phil Dragoo
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Breach of Trust

Post by Phil Dragoo » McKnight, Breach of Trust, reviewed by Jim DiEugenio (it's on my wish list)I have William Matson Law's In the Eye of History (2005), a series of interviews with Bethesda eyewitnesses.Former FBI Special Agent James W. Sibert says Humes tried his finger and a “chrome probe” and found the back wound (located by Boswell and the coat and shirt and Burkley) only a fraction of an inch-deep.Sibert says the head wound was “at the rear of the head,” and indicates the size in a photo in the book using his two hands to enclose a two-to-three-inch figure.Doug Horne's Volume IV has two hundred pages of meticulous analysis which shows the CIA's NPIC produced two sets of briefing boards with two distinct teams of personnel and two distinct films—the second a 16mm unsplit “original” which calls into question the entire supposed chain of custody involving Dallas.Robert Harris has produced research indicating suppressed shots from the Dal-Tex, explaining the deletion of the turn from most of the extant films.Plenty of shots: hitting the pavement at the turn, hitting the sidewalk, the manhole cover, at Tague's feet, Kennedy's back, Kennedy's occipital, Kennedy's throat, Kennedy's temple, Connally's back, Connally's wrist.The audible shots are part of the story; the suppressed shots are part.Vince Palamara assembled 59 witness statements indicating a stop not shown in the extant film.Groden's The Killing of a President is a national treasure. His appearance with Dick Gregory on Geraldo Rivera's program in 1975 mobilized the nation to demand the HSCA.It's an obscenity that Blakey lied that the Bethesda witnesses didn't note a rear head wound, then tried to bury the record for 75 years.Gaeton Fonzi's The Last Investigation is a fascinating look inside that “closing of doors.”A shout-out to George DeMohrenschildt and Charles “Chuckie” Nicoletti who left the building March 29, 1977 and are now playing cards in a casino in another state.And Sibert has nothing but scorn for Ford and Specter—and adds that “somebody leaned on” Dr. Malcolm Perry (to make him back off his triple identification of the throat wound as “one of entry”).That “someone” was Secret Service Agent Elmer Moore who was the Commission's babysitter and later called Kennedy “a traitor”--accused him of “giving things away to the Russians.”Elmer, who's the traitor?
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Re: Fundamental Flaws of the Warren Commission

Post by kenmurray »

Unredacted: Gerald McKnight: