Paul May

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Hey, Hey, Paula

Post by Phil Dragoo »

On jfklancer 2006 as Paul L. May Atlanta Georgia.On alt allegedly as Jason Bourke.Another nothingburger in the mold of Posner (whom Weisberg destroyed with Case Open, 1994), and Bugliosi (whom DiEugenio deconstructs with the multi-part ).A caricature of a nelly queen.Or perhaps, a nelly queen.We report; you decide.
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Re: Paul May

Post by Bob »

dankbaar wrote:Piece of shit, maybe. Are Vincent Bugliosi and Gerald Posner pieces of shit? I am interested in their motivation. What drives them to publish the garbage they publish?Paul May is like David Von Pein. Just a bought off low-level hack. Bought off by whom you say? The CIA. The same goes for people like John McAdams, Gerald Posner, Vince Bugliosi and Gary Mack, although those four have more noteriety. The CIA uses all avenues for their disinformation. They use hacks like May and Von Pein in forums. They use McAdams and people of his ilk to misinform young people in college (Marquette University) via his classes. They use people like Mack, Posner and Bugliosi to voice the CIA's disinformation in the media via television and books. McAdams also has a book of lies due out in August. Never forget Operation Mockingbird where the CIA placed hundreds of operatives in the MSM. The CIA still uses that same modus operandi. FOX News is a perfect example. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of that "news" organization.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Paul May

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:Piece of shit, maybe. Are Vincent Bugliosi and Gerald Posner pieces of shit? I am interested in their motivation. What drives them to publish the garbage they publish?I suspect that they are being compensated in some way to promote their lies. I would almost believe that they are genuinely convinced that the Warren Commission was reality, except for the fact that the way people like Paul May and others like him argue kind of gives them away. It reveals their hand.So, to recap, I believe they are being compensated in some way, probably just money, to promote their lies. People like Paul May, it seems, are there to muddy the waters with whatever it takes, lies or name calling. It turns people away from the real discussion. Actually, name calling throws the point of the discussion off target, and as a secondary result, people reading it kind of get discouraged by the negativity. I think May's an ass. LOL
Dealey Joe
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Re: Paul May

Post by Dealey Joe »

Look at all this guy MAY"S posts. Zero substance, all attack and slander.May says "You continue to show how ignorant you truly are. I'll let you know when I'm back in Conneticut, my home state by the way. You're in SERIOUS trouble. Guard your valuables.On 2/14/07, tomnln <> wrote: Just say where/when Faggot; You just hit my REAL Hot Button. You can even sell tickets to benefit the AIDS FUND to leave something for your family"This gut is what I call a keyboard bully. The way to stop him is just to completely ignore him, when you respond it gives him a ego boost to continue. Most people will respond to personal threats and he gets up every morning at hurries to check out all the responses he has generated, may even make copies and past them on his wall.Reminds me back in the 70's when we were all into CB Radio. There was a guy in our area that had overpowered Illegal equipment who on week end spend the entire time Harassing anyone who would respond. He called himself "The Devil", his favorite remark was "Don't F**K with the Devil". I even became a little afraid of him because he sounded like a 10 ft tall 800 lb. Monster.After a while I told a friend if you will help me find him I will confront him and get it over with once and for all. So one Friday night we set out following his signal strength, wound up out in the county at a Mobile Home with a huge tower and an awesome antenna display. So I got up my courage and knocked on the door. after a few knocks the door opened to the security chain and an eyeball peered out at me. then the door open and there stood a 4 ft tall midget who knew me and I knew him.The reason I tell this is to say that Paul May is a midget and most likely has some sort of Physical impairment. and thrives on being something he is not because he can hide behind a keyboard.Just a trouble maker. Forums offer these types a place to operate.Differences of opinion are one thing but character assassination and slander is something else and should not be tolerated or responded to, just ignored. He is just dirt on the floor.Oh! notice he misspells his homestate, Connecticut?
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Re: Paul May

Post by kenmurray »

Like Pasquale said, May is an Ass.
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Re: Paul May

Post by Jsnow915 »

I've had major blow outs with May and Von Pein on another winning with those got into name calling....go
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Paul May

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:I've had major blow outs with May and Von Pein on another winning with those got into name calling....go figure...lolJsnow,Wasn't I with you on those other sites dishing out to them, or am I thinking about another time? LOL
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Re: Paul May

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:I've had major blow outs with May and Von Pein on another winning with those got into name calling....go figure...lolJsnow,Wasn't I with you on those other sites dishing out to them, or am I thinking about another time? LOLIs that other site the one that Gary Mack has several pen pals? Lol
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Re: Paul May

Post by Jsnow915 »

that may be where we bonded
Phil Dragoo
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Queen of the May

Post by Phil Dragoo »

From Wim's thread introduction above:Paul May "I have nothing to say and nothing to add so I criticize others" Purse dog for the Church Lady?